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Scooter Bob

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Everything posted by Scooter Bob

  1. Ii guess my thought was, yes you're tapping on the pump, but all those other connectors are just behind it. Could be that hitting the rubber mounted pump and associated lines could be wiggling something behind it. I've also somehow gotten water in the fuel a couple times somehow when washing. I don't wash much now. Later, Scooter Bob
  2. I would think it a little odd that that pump could pump fuel to two carbs, but not the other two. I have had plenty of trouble with water killing the engine in the past, both after washing, and during heavy rain. After the third time dead on the side of the road, waiting for 20 minutes or so for it to work again, I finally went in and fixed it. There are a lot of engine related connections under the battery area. This is where I could cause the bike to die when drowning it with a garden hose. I took the battery and ignition module out for access, and cleaned and greased and then silicone ignition sealer sprayed them all down. I haven't had any trouble with them since. Best of luck, whatever it turns out to be, Scooter Bob
  3. Enjoy the trip guys. Scooter Bob
  4. How do we know that's YOUR shoulder in the mirror???? Just kidding, what's next? Later, Scooter Bob
  5. Southwest Wisconsin:D http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=276&day=2011-10-8&c=1
  6. 200 miles back from Dan and Sheri's today, and didn't see any parades. Anybody else have any better luck?
  7. Got home about 3:30 today. Spent last night at Dan (IH Truck Guy) and Sheri's. I talked to Eagle Eye when we got to Cadott last evening, and were on the back side of the big black cloud we were outrunning. He and Yooper caught up to it at Spooner and found a room for the night. Had a great time seeing everyone again. Thanks for hosting again Gary and crew. Wish we could have stayed longer, but there just isn't enough vacation days to do everything we like to do. Later, Scooter Bob and Karen
  8. What did I miss? Why you dumpin' the Avons?
  9. Yup. We've got a room booked about 20 miles South of Rollag. We'll be checking out the WMSTR steam and gas engine show all day Sat, and then heading to PIP by dark for sure. See you then, Scooter Bob
  10. Yer lucky you didn't go to the #115 exit to the "SPECIAL" campground there. Of course, maybe you two are into that sort of thing. I'll tell you later, and no, I'm not speaking from personal experience.
  11. Oh, you're in Black River Falls, exit #116 off I94. We'll be going by there around 10 or so. Eagle Eye will probably be by there a bit earlier than that, if he leaves the same time as last year. See ya'll Saturday Evening, if not along the route somewhere, Scooter Bob and Karen
  12. aaahhhggg, is it Friday morning yet????
  13. Ya, that. We'll be puttin' on about 500 miles tomorrow on our way towards Fargo and then PIP. Need something besides the traffic to watch for. Later, Scooter Bob
  14. I think I'm going to skip PIP this year. Instead, I can just go down the road five miles and hear all the bickerin' I want at my xwifey's. See ya'll Saturday evening, Scooter Bob and Karen
  15. Ya, I had no idea we had THAT MUCH of our refining capabilities on the east coast. Me thinks they will raise the price of fuel 10 cents just because one of Boomer's pygmies farts. Glad to see you back in the game Don. Later, Scooter Bob The current target is... you, and your bike (and in honor of Irene currently raking the East Coast), anything with a graphic representation of a tornado, cyclone, hurricane, or any of those words in the sign/name. by DynoDon
  16. OK, Kudos to DynoDon for saving a dinasour. Later, Scooter Bob The current target is... you, and your bike (and in honor of Irene currently raking the East Coast), anything with a graphic representation of a tornado, cyclone, hurricane, or any of those words in the sign/name. by DynoDon
  17. BOY, I'll say generous! I'll give it to ya that it's a school house Don, But on your own property? Seriously Don, welcome back to the game, hadn't heard from ya in a while. Later, Scooter Bob The current target is... you, and your bike (and in honor of Irene currently raking the East Coast), anything with a graphic representation of a tornado, cyclone, hurricane, or any of those words in the sign/name. by DynoDon
  18. Bill, aka A1bummer was talking about it, but I don't know if he actually signed up. Put Dan(ih truck guy) and Sheri on just to see if we can shame them into showing up! Later, Scooter Bob
  19. Wow, look at that Jay, he found a THING, and he's a new player. So, what's the next target RoyalG???
  20. Take a look in the member classifieds. Seems I heard of someone making thumb screw type replacements? Later, Scooter Bob
  21. New target... A picture of you and your bike and where you work. If you can't show where you work for security reasons, or are retired, then someplace like where you work(ed). Happy Hunting, Scooter Bob
  22. Ah, but I am in the picture! Check the clutch cover! Just got to a trade show for work, will try to get a new target up at lunch time. Later, Scooter Bob
  23. My X wife knocked it off twice with her boot while getting on the bike. Heard it the first time and put it back on, but not the second time. It's been gone about 6 years now. She's been gone for 4 years now. I figure when it's time to trade in the bike, I'll go to Texas or Loozeaner to another Maintenance Day and pick one up after dark. Later, Scooter Bob
  24. The squeal from the fronts can often be remedied by removing the caliper from the bracket and applying disc brake grease to the back of the pads where they contact the caliper components. The rears often seem to wear unevenly (more wear on the inside pad). If you've got a fair amount of pads left, some folks switch the pads around to even out the wear. Just my , Scooter Bob
  25. Orbie, I just checked out the ABATE of the Garden State website... http://www.gardenstateabate.org/html/about.htm#Ten On their legislative agenda top ten list is.. 7. Option to proceed at unresponsive red lights. So, I guess legally preceeding safely through a defective light is not an option in your state yet.
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