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Scooter Bob

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Everything posted by Scooter Bob

  1. I should have one Jeff, I'll take a look in a bit. Later, Scooter Bob
  2. Hey Jeff, My BAD, Now I remember, thanks to Freebird's comments. There is that module between the fairing braces that I used for mounting my XM radio antenna and headlight modulator. Now I remember. Karen and I are disappearing somewhere north for the weekend. We could stop by for a bit earlier in the day on Friday, or perhaps Sunday afternoon, if you want a fresh set of eyes on it before you throw out the big bucks. Give me a call if you like, nine two zero 210 four six five two. Later, Scooter Bob
  3. :scratchchin: Jeff, do you mean the one on the handlebars? :scratchchin: I'm not sure, but I think the only part of the system under the fairing is the cassette deck. The actual radio is under the trunk, and just a bunch of plug ins to it under the fairing. Good Luck, Scooter Bob
  4. Maybe there's a "road screen" in that cluster somewhere:confused24: Certainly shouldn't need handlebars end weights to dampen that steering.
  5. Two things I've noted about why the milage is better riding two up. One is the worry of getting slapped up side the head on take offs... The other I believe is less drag when the back seat is filled up. On my solo cross country trips, I make sure that back seat is full of my camping gear so the wind goes around the trunk. How many miles on your 06?? Mine didn't get into the 40's mpg much until after 40.000 miles (american). Since then, closin' in on 88k now, I can still get 45 mpg riding two up on the two lanes. Seems to take a while to break them in good. Sounds like you need to grease that third wheel Bob.
  6. Ya just couldn't wait for them to finish building the rest of the bridge, could ya?
  7. Glad you had a good trip Rick.
  8. Bummer, eh? Glad yer enjoying the trip Rick!
  9. Sounds like fun Rick, enjoy the trip! Later, Scooter Bob
  10. Could somebody please hide $100 in my garage for me to find.
  11. Go Bears, I never though I'd say that, but that would put the Pack on top of the NFL! GO PACK GO
  12. I'm gonna be bummin' around western WI this afternoon, I'll keep an eye out for one.
  13. Last time I saw their bike was about 30 miles east of LaPorte, MN at the hardees Sunday morning of Labor Day Weekend. By the way Bryan, Karen is working all weekend, but I plan to sneak over thataway Saturday and catch up with you guys somewhere. And help with the beer drinkin' and story tellin' afterwards.
  14. Ya mean something like this I found last spring? http://tapatalk.com/mu/a6b50227-6f4a-c3f9.jpg Later, Scooter Bob
  15. They always told me ICE, not heat. But then again, I ended up having the protruding part of the disc cut off, so I guess the ice didn't work either. But, I felt better 4 hours after surgery than I had for 2-3 months before it. Best of luck, Scooter Bob
  16. Dang the luck. Work is gonna pay me to ride 1-1/2 hours each way to attend a trade show in Milwaukee tomorrow. There happens to be a huge one near Johnson Creek that just might be right on my way home.
  17. The rear is a solid mounted caliper, so I wouldn't expect any change there. :scratchchin:Wow, do I go for an old school look on my RSV and put allen bolts in the front caliper mounts, or put in a CD changer and loose half the room in my left saddlebag???
  18. Here's our 24' x 26' garage. We just insulated and drywalled it last fall, and built the bar this last spring. http://tapatalk.com/mu/a6b5022a-6bfb-9e4b.jpg http://tapatalk.com/mu/a6b50236-6c0b-958a.jpg Later, Scooter Bob
  19. Wow, this internet, wireless, bluetooth, whatchamacallit stuff is crazy neat sometimes... I took that pic with my phone and wrote that quick post and hit send. By the time I hit send and walked ten feet and plugged the phone back in and hit refresh on the puter, it was here!!! Point being, either we've all found something that changed on the venture besides the color in the last 13 years, or someone has put something in there that doesn't belong, possibly something "close enough" to get by. Anybody else on here have Socket Head Cap Screws for the caliper guide pins???
  20. Here's a pic of my 05, I got it new, so these are original. http://tapatalk.com/mu/a6b5023b-674c-3392.jpg Later, Scooter Bob
  21. Ya, but we just did that one a few months ago...see post #1415 and beyond... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=20503&page=95 But I'll keep lookin' for other options. Later, Scooter Bob
  22. :rotfl:
  23. SOOooo, it's not even the original bolt, if I followed your thread correctly, which is possible. Unless YamaMama changed bolts fromm 99 till 05, these should all be external hex heads. FYI when you but new ones, Scooter Bob
  24. Last spring I rode to TX at the end of March from here, and ran into 90 degree US temps on Sunday afternoon the last week of March in West TX and Southern NM. And I was in the DC area a year ago minus a week from Rolliing Thunder. Hot then too, but as you well know, that can change in a heartbeat when you get up nort. Take all the different riding gear you got, and enjoy, Scooter Bob
  25. Sounds great! I would suggest you start a new thread called "Wisconsin MD 2012", and see where that goes. Karen and I hosted "Wisconsin MD 2011", and I think everyone had a great time. I know we did. Best of luck, Scooter Bob http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=55588&highlight=Wisconsin+Maintenance+2011
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