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Scooter Bob

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Everything posted by Scooter Bob

  1. Price Reduced, $3,995, I would love to someone else get many more years of enjoyment out of this great bike.
  2. Couldn't resist playing one more time. This is a war memorial outside the American Legion. We used to love playing this game, but quit riding for a number of reasons a little over a decade ago. Bike is running good and is up for sale, but I thought I'd get one more target before it goes, and get the rest of you playing again.😄 Sorry about all the white stuff, there was no snow on the ground yesterday, but we got about 9 inches earlier today. For the next target, and in honor of the upcoming holiday, a pic of your bike and an Easter Decoration I know this has been done in the past, but anywhere in the country someone ought to be able to find an inflateable Easter Bunny or something else in someones yard, or perhaps a business window all decked out. Happy Hunting, Scooter Bob and Karen
  3. I discovered a process to measure the mass of a RAINBOW. Turns out it's pretty light.
  4. Full Dressed Touring Bike. 4 speaker stereo with helmet headset interconnect, 1300 cc's, V4, 5 speed, cruise control, air shocks, shaft drive, drivers backrest, trailer hitch, extra storage trunk to attach to trailer hitch. Good tires, new battery, fresh oil change. Runs as it should, very good condition, ready for another summer of riding. Must see to appreciate. Also includes owners manual, service manual, generic cover, and carb sync meters. 93,500 miles on it, as you all know, there's many miles left in her. $4500 or reasonable offer. Thanks for looking, Scooter Bob
  5. Here I am Bubber, and everyone else. As RedRider, IH truck Guy, Playboy, and others have mentioned, we've been spending a lot of time with our new antique engine hobby. We bought a used toy hauler trailer in early April and spent most of the next two months getting it set up to haul engines and stuff to shows, unload and quickly convert to a place to live for the weekends. As RedRider pointed out, the bike has only been out once this year, and it didn't get going fast enough to blow the dust off. I've spent pretty much all the last 25 years being a biker. I'm not sure all the reasons why, but I just haven't really felt like riding this spring. Others have a mid life crisis, and go buy a motorcycle. I can't do that, so I'm playing with engines twice my age instead. I don't see myself selling the bike any time soon. I've got the feeling that riding is deep enough in my blood that the itch to ride will return, just not sure when. Thanks for the concern everyone, it means a lot. Later, Scooter Bob
  6. Best of luck on the surgery Bryan. Hope all goes well, and yer back in the saddle soon.
  7. All is well everyone, thanks for asking. Karen's daughter and boyfriend and the two grandkids moved out (got booted out) early in September, so we have just been enjoying a fairly quiet household and trying to make a new life on our own. Karen started a new job at the end of September that she really enjoys. We've been fixing things up around the house, and went to plenty of antique engines show late summer and fall. We can't do overnight trips on the bike since the dog sitters moved out, but we can take the dogs with and camp at the engine shows. My folks blessed us with a kitten for Christmas, so we had to head straight home with him, and didn't get a chance to stop by Dan and Sherri's this year on the way home. Sorry guys, I'm not planning any trip south on the bike this spring. I am thinking about loading up a couple of our old engines in the back of the truck and going to an engine show at a guys house near Longview, TX in the middle of April. Did you hear that Vince? Be sure to wish Karen a Happy Birthday today. Thanks for the thoughts everyone, it's really appreciated. We hope everyone else is doing fine. Later, Scooter Bob PS, It's nuttin you said, Mike, just too much going on tonight.
  8. Jeff stopped by our little town about 4 this afternoon, had about 850 on it at the time, but didn't want to give it back with less than 1000 miles on it. I'm sure he'll fill everyone in on the trip when he gets home and get's a chance (like at work tomorrow:stickpoke:). Later, Scooter Bob
  9. Come on Dan, where's that pic Shari took of Mike with the big bundle of wires?
  10. We had a great time. We really enjoyed the private campground by the river. Dan and Shari have solved the problem of falling out of bed after a night of rumballs and beer at the campfire.
  11. WOW, WOW... What was in the water this weekend??? We had a close call in Mauston as everyone coming off the I-94 ramp was doing a rolling stop. Watched two cars and then a pickup with horse trailer do it, still we had room and time. But when that next car slowed to about 5mph and then stepped on the gas, we were on the brakes HARD. They stopped with the nose out into the intersection, and I don't think she has a clue why we slowed like we did. And then there was the pickup we met 10 miles from home on the way there that unloaded a 3 foot square fuzzy dice onto the road, and the pickup behind him takes our lane instead of hitting it. Glad everyone made it home safe, the bikes can be fixed. Thanks again Orlin and Sharon for a great time while we were there. It was still worth the trip. Later, Scooter Bob
  12. MIKE
  13. I'll be bringing mine.
  14. Thanks for the pics Bryan. Ken should be home pretty quick. He left here an hour and a half ago or so. But he mentioned a four letter word about tonight before he left. WORK. Later, Scooter Bob
  15. Hurry back Dan, I'm getting tennis elbow.
  16. No, I'm wondering about the screws you turn to sync the 4 throttles when doing a carb sync. The procedure is to insure all throttle plates are openining "in sync". The 3 to 4 sync screw is at a 45 degree up angle between the 3 and 4 carbs.
  17. Since you messed with jets, could you have possibly turned the 3 to 4 sync screw in such a way that that throttle is not opening near as much as the others. Might explain not firing, and may result in lower compression due to less air entering to compress. Reading is within 10%, so I think it should be ok.
  18. I would think 130 psi should fire. Is that plug wet with fuel??:confused: It should be, if it's getting fuel but not firing.
  19. I'm no 1'st gen expert, but among other things, the MK1's have the diamondy looking saddlebags, where the MK2's are more rectangular and top loading.
  20. This wreck happened about 40 miles NE of here 8 days ago. A kid crossed the centerline and took out 10 of 12 motorcyclist on a trip from MI. Two are still in critical condition. http://www.fdlreporter.com/article/20120608/FON0101/306080033/Second-Michigan-motorcyclist-dies-injuries-from-Fond-du-Lac-County-crash?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|FON-News An earlier story I read said the kid has had four driving after suspension tickets, and two drug related charges previous to this sensless tragedy he caused. We're riding carefully into Milwaukee tomorrow to see a really close friend that hit a deer on the way to work a few days ago and got leg and hip and ribs and elbow busted up really bad. Be careful out there everyone, Scooter Bob and Karen
  21. TAPATALK not working on my phone for this site... Is it a problem with my phone, or are others having trouble too? It hasn't worked for about a week now.
  22. Just have to drink 'em faster I guess. No big deal.
  23. Be sure to swing by Luckenbach while you're over that way.:thumbsup2:
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