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Yeah, Just Dale

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Everything posted by Yeah, Just Dale

  1. Has anyone installed a set of hand shields on an RSV? How do they look, how do you like them? I have a set on my Valkyrie and especially like the way they keep the rain off my hands. My concern with the RSV is that the windshield and fairing are so much larger that the hand shields would cut almost all the air flow off, could get real hot in the summer. Anyway, here's the kind of thing I'm talking about.. http://shop.nationalcycle.com/perl/cycle/N5503? Thanks
  2. Way to go Navy Seals.
  3. ..... of heated vest or jacket liner. Not completely but getting close.
  4. Have you calculated the total wattage that you saved by going with LEDs/HID?
  5. Been looking at these lights as well. How easy/difficult were these to install? From CD website can't tell if lights are plug n play or if they are have wires to splice. I have yamaha driving lights and it looks like the bulbs can be removed but not sure what I would find once I "open" them. Thanks
  6. I wear dress shirt, tie, and slacks every day at work. But I ride to work in whatever riding gear I want/is appropriate. Fold slacks and shirt (perm press) neatly and put in a backpack, gym bag, etc. Put in trunk. When I get to work I can change in a rest room, locker room, or heck, close the door and change in my office. Takes 30 seconds. I keep a pair of dress shoes at work in a desk drawer. End of day, change back to riding clothes and I'm good to go. Permanent press slacks and shirts keep their appearance pretty well.
  7. Been watching the news. You guys are really taking a beating down there.
  8. ....snorkles.
  9. Just saw the neighbor gathering animals two by two.
  10. The first mod is to replace the carbs with "Guppy 471's". No, they're not fuel injectors, they're gills. Also plan on taking off the Avons and putting on "Evenrudes". Will get me through the water better. Replace the stock handlebars with a new chrome "Rud-R", gotta steer this beast somehow. The hard bags will go, pontoons in their place. Finally, all my road gear, jacket with CE armor, riding pants that are padded and armored, full face flip up helmet, gloves- chuck it all for a good wet suit and scuba gear. At least I'd get the bike out.....
  11. Doesn't seem to be any melting. Put on by PO and I've had it a year and half.
  12. Just bought some brake pads and he's been great. Even offered to have me call him if I run into trouble changing out the pads.
  13. Can look him up on vendor page. I've been in touch with him and he recommends/provides EBC HH sintered (I think) pads.
  14. Got it, thanks.
  15. Don't agree that there are no Honda sites like this. The VRCC is a Honda site, it's also very good, lots of help, friendly people.
  16. Haven't installed it yet. They recommend drilling a hole in the fairing and running the wire through it to a keyed power source. Been trying to decide if I want to do that. Not keen on splitting the fairing though I've done it before. Was hoping to see where people have installed them to get an idea what I want to do.
  17. Could you wire in a second battery (in parallel), even if you mount it on the trailer or in a saddle bag? Shouldn't that give extra "capacity" so that even if the bike isn't generating enough to power everything it would take much longer to drain two batteries than one. Eventually you'll be riding without all the electrical turned on and then the charging should take care of both battieries. Or am I way off on this?
  18. Have a Rivco center stand on 2009 RSV. Also have one on a Valkyrie. On the RSV was surprised to find that on hard leaning turns may scrap the legs a bit. But not enough of an issue to worry about. Maintenance issues are addressed by others so won't comment. I LIKE being able to have the bike sit upright when I park it, anywhere. I can set my helmet on the seat, cell phone or glasses while taking off jacket or whatever and not worry about anything sliding off.
  19. Same place socks go in the dryer....... another dimension
  20. Think of a bell shaped curve of "wind preference". On one end is "naked skydiving" (ultimate wind exposure and a really bad visual). On the other end is "encased in a casket" (no wind exposure and not really desirable). Everyone's preference for wind exposure will fall somewhere between those two extremes on the bell shaped curve. One may want a little more, another a little less. It's all a matter of degrees. We can ride without a windshield, with one, with or without a helmet (not starting a helmet discussion), half helmet, full, open face, closed, etc. Temperature is a factor - below freezing I want to be a bit more covered, in the heat of summer less covered. So I think people are expressing personal preferences and opinions. And that's great. And oh yeah - one other reason not to sky dive naked, once your chute opens, you're just dangling. Happy Friday
  21. Steve - which LEDs did you install? Thanks
  22. PO of my bike had dealer install driving lights and bar. On and off with headlight/ignition. They put a switch next to the power outlet but I've never turned them off. I don't think the extra light is the only thing to consider. With only a headlight on cagers have a harder time judging how far away you are from them. They aren't very accurate determining our distance based on the "size" of our image. It's why after accidents you frequently hear that "the bike came out of nowhere" or "must have been speeding cause he was there in an instant" (and yeah, bikes speed - but not all the time). A single point of light doesn't trigger depth perception and ability to judge distance the way three points of light do. So to me the driving lights should stay on all the time. But definitely should be connected via a relay.
  23. Attended a lot, this year will be first in 15 or so years that I'm not going (long story). I usually paid for a full registration. That includes a dinner, event like a rodeo, or a boat ride. Did the dinner once. Definitely do a boat ride. These are steam ships or boats on Lake George, usually around dinner time. They've also added a breakfast cruise and later evening one. You get fed on all of them. Its food for the masses, don't expect gormet. But the lake is incredible, the boat trip well worth it. As for the rides, these are large groups of bikes. Well organized with Americade lead riders, a middle of the pack person and a chase bike. Rides leave early in the morning from a parking lot by the beach. Destinations are scenic or notable places, distances from 70 to 180-200 miles depending on the ride. Also includes a meal stop - these tend to be good food (better than on the boats but don't want to make it sound like the boat food is bad). My typical week was to ride up on Monday (from Ohio) and get to my hotel. Get up early and check in at registration to get all my Americade stuff on Tuesday morning. Go to the expo, do a poker run cause they can start almost any time up to about 11:00 AM or so. Depending on the time may go back and wander through expo (especially if in the mood for carnival type food), go and get a nice inner someplace. Wednesday is variable. If I want to get on demo rides I get up early, get to Roaring Brook Ranch or wherever the demo rides are going to be (some vendors at Roaring Brook, some in Lake George Village). Sign up for as many rides on as many different bikes as I can manage in a day. Usually can't schedule more than 5. Hang around Roaring Brook or whatever. I reserve Thursday for a "shorter" ride to make sure I can be back in time for a dinner boat ride (or can do on Wed). Friday I ALWAYS schedule a long ride (usually the longest they offer). Idea is to get outta town early (all rides leave early) as people really flood in for the weekend. A long ride will take all day and usually tired by end of day. Sometimes will go into the village (Lake George) in the evening. Place is packed with bikes and bikers and is quite a site to see. Oh, and usually buy a "preferred parking" sticker so can park in the village and not use meters. In all honesty there are so many bikes that it's not enforced but it's not expensive (10 bucks? 5 bucks? can't remember), goes to charity or the local civic group and feels like a nice thing since they put up with some degree of inconvenience. Friday night they do a fireworks and dessert at a local amumsement park (desserts included with full registratio). I only go if weather is decent. Saturday I head back to Ohio - but during the day they have a parade and a few other events. Whether it's worth it or not depends on what you want to spend, how planned or unplanned you want your time to be, whether you go up with a group or alone (I'm usually by myself but you meet people on the rides and everyone is pretty friendly), etc. Plan on heading up to Warrensburg at some point too if you have time. A lot on vendors set up shop there. Bolton Landing is where I stay and the last couple of years have been getting breakfast there early. Also a pretty good Italian place for dinner. Lots of parks in the area and you can wander around on your own, grab sandwiches or subs and picnic. Americade provides maps for "unguided" mini-tours that you can follow. I think they include lunch along the way. Whew - didn't mean for this to be so long. Hope it helps.
  24. I've been on a bit longer than that but wholeheartedly agree. Gotten good advice, good discussions, and information. People have been very helpful. I've thrown in my two cents at times on topics that I felt I something to contribute to, and I hope that it never came across wrong. Thanks Freebird for reminder/comments. Winter has GOT to be over sooner or later (just had a few inches of snow again last night - arrgggghhh) and as you say, nothing like a few rides to clear the cobwebs and refresh the soul.
  25. Thanks for this info. I assumed the resistor would be, well, resisting whenever the bulb was on, not just when blinking. You're right, spend way more time a running light than as a turn signal.
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