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Yeah, Just Dale

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Everything posted by Yeah, Just Dale

  1. Mention oil, filters or tires.....
  2. Roses are red Violets are blue I'm schizophrenic And so am I
  3. I'm not sure I agree that a group makes it more difficult. I did the Lake Superior Iron Butt ride with 2 friends and having them along was good. We could talk (on the CB) when we needed to and didn't when we didn't. We were also able to gauge each other's state of mind. Wholeheartedly agree that everyone needs to be on the same page in terms of dropping out, continuing, etc. And your last few sentences are absolutely critical "If you are tired, STOP. Take a rest. Call it off if you need to. There are many more opportunities if you come back safely". Have fun and enjoy the ride.
  4. Why complicate things?
  5. 1070 miles in 22.5 hours, on the Venture. With two friends (both on Valkyrie Interstates). See link for tips from Iron Butt Association: http://www.ironbutt.com/tech/aowprintout.cfm
  6. Thanks to all. Will start out with the PDF, will forward the site and send them here.
  7. Sister and her husband just picked up a used 2005 650 Silverado Classic. Bike didn't have an owners manual. I'm looking for an on-line source (cheap to free, LOL) of a manual or service guide. Or better yet, a forum/website similar to this that I can steer them too for advice and assistance as they may require it. Thanks.
  8. So sorry for your loss. Thoughts are with you and your family.
  9. In summary: 1. Yes, it's taller and riders like that, as well as the "wings" for armrests. 2. Even I should be able to swap it out without major cussing (well, swap it out anyway). 3. Design will not match current pillowtop OEM seat motif. 4. Motif is a real word and not an acronym for Make Own Then It Fits. Ha! Thanks
  10. Tried on a Gold Wing the other day and my rider noticed that the backrest is significantly taller than the one on our 2009 Venture. Found a "custom" seat on the Star accessories site that says it's 3 inches taller than stock (link below). Does anyone have one of these? Does the rider notice a significant difference in the height? And finally, is swapping out the OEM backrest beyond the abilities of a mere mortal (i.e. not a wrench)? Thanks http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/accessories/acscitemdetail/5/4/83/405/all/1/3297/0/detail.aspx
  11. I belong to American Motorcycle Association. They have a towing option included with membership. Plus a few perks - a monthly magazine, discount on AMA museum and some rallies and events, stuff like that.
  12. Let's talk, oil or tires........ LOL
  13. Commute to work on the bike most days in the summer, plus weekend joy riding. Recently completed an "Iron Butt" ride around Lake Superior - 1080 miles in 20 hr and 38 minutes. That would up my average a bit, but of course that's not gonna happen often. LOL
  14. Great ride up (can stop at Taq-however-it's-spelled falls on the way up). Great little museum up there about the Great Lakes.
  15. I understand what you're saying. And I wasn't trying to endorse anything. Just throwing some information out there about options.
  16. IMC Motocom makes a mic mute cable that just plugs into your helmet connections. A little pricey but with two both you and your passenger can cut the mic with the click of a button. No need to go into the fairing or mess with the wiring. Anyway, here's a link: http://imcmoto.com/honda-goldwing-passenger-mic-mute-and-volume-control.html
  17. Try bleeding the brakes. Seriously. Had same situation, about 13K miles on original pads (09 RSV). Went to replace pads and saw that they were hardly worn. Left them on and they were still squeeking. Then decided to bleed lines. Got a bubble of air out. Front brakes feel better, firmer, and noise completely gone. Anyway, won't hurt.
  18. I wear full face flip up (modular) all the time. Hot or cold, state law required or not.
  19. Just want to say thanks to all those who have served or are serving this country. Thank you. We're here because you were/are there. Thanks again
  20. I said "It's already got everything I need on it" ....which was about 15 additonal purchases ago.
  21. ......have you checked the kill switch? Been burned more than once on that getting bumped or switched (or "funny" friends) and not noticing it. Can crank yer brains out and it ain't gonna fire up. And if things were all taken apart not a stretch to think it got bumped.
  22. I replaced my turn front signal bulbs with an LED replacement (from Custom Dynamic) and they flash fast. That was no surprise and I've just left it rather than mess with a resistor - you can tell what my intentions are. But onething I didn't expect is the bulbs are "on" and bright, and they flash by cutting off completely, rather than being "on" and flashing brighter. They still blink, and get the point across that I'm turning and at first you can't quite put your finger on what's different. Anyway, maybe what you're thinking is "dim" flashing is the LEDs going dark to flash. Just a thought.
  23. Had if for a year. It just expired. Never really found much of a reason to stay a member. Far better info, advice, help on this board. Got a snazzy patch though.
  24. Check other threads about LED or driving light options. I think there was some talk about the marine/boating spotlight/driving light LED replacements interferring with CB and/or FM radio reception.
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