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About midnightsunrider

  • Birthday 06/11/1969

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Bonney Lake, United States


  • City
    Bonney Lake


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    '99 Yamaha Royal Star Venture
  1. Are there really RSV riders in the PNW??? We moved down from AK a few years ago and I was begining to think I was the only one this side of the Mississippi and soouth of the 48. What's the date??
  2. Geez, I should just buy a Hardly and save 20 bucks.
  3. That may be the more logical way to go. Certainly the cost of an engine swap would be as much and possibly more than the cost of at V-twin for around town. Just one thing left to do. Convince the wife that we need a third bike in the garage, between her 650 V-star and my RSV. If i can figure that out, I can buy the bike with proceeds from my new book "How to influence and win her opinion". :rotf:
  4. Now that's thinking outside the box. Maybe I could go one step further and hook up a PA system. NOW WE'RE BRAINSTORMING!!!
  5. I could buy a Hardley. The good thing about them is there's a shop on every corner. Necessity or convenience? You be the judge, I have my oppinion. But aside from that, I can't stomach the blatantly inflated price tag for a brand name. I'm good with my Yamaha, a good quality bike for a reasonable price.
  6. Good advice, It's not just about speed. Although the speed would be good, the low end torque and the classic sound of the V-twin is really what I was thinking of. I had the 1100 V-star brand new off the show room floor before got my RSV. I loved that bike and it sounded great. But after a couple of years of commuting 80 miles a day, I made the switch to the RSV and after the switch, I knew there was no turning back. It's just every now and then I yearn for that V-twin sound, without giving up the comfort of the RSV.
  7. Thanks Freebird, You understood the question exactly.
  8. Have any Venture Riders ever thought or heard of swapping the 1300cc out with the thumping 1854cc of the Stratoliner? Would it bolt to the transmition of the Venture since they're both 5 speeds? Don't get me wrong, I love my ride, and I understand it's a bike in it's own class built for the long cruise. But what if...What if it could be more? What if I could have the luxurious comfort of Yamaha's #1 tour bike, powered by the loping thump of Yamaha's biggest V-Twin? So...what do you all think? Has it been done, or can it be done?
  9. Interested! What do you have in mind? Where & When?
  10. Found it. Thanks. I GOT THE POWER!
  11. I haven't used Nuts or anything else on my '99 for a few years. And at just north of 275 I haven't felt the seat move a bit.
  12. When you do find the power plug and find that it doesn't work... Where do you find the fuse?
  13. Wow...This is still fresh in my mind, as I just finished doing mine. I did have problems with the throttle cables, and rerouted them a couple of different ways. The only way I found that kept them moving freely (without any binding at all) was to go between the steer head and the ignition. Just enough room. I can turn either way with out any drag on the cables. Then I took a strap and strapped them to the right fork just under the upper tripple tree. I strapped it loose enough that when I turn the bars the cables slide in the strap so they don't bind. We took it for a 250 mile ride on Saturday and NO PROBLEMS. Worked like a charm. Good luck. After installing the extensions on mine, they will never be coming off. Ride Safe.
  14. WOW ! ! ! That's not a mess...It's a gold mine! With enough pictures you could publish the next "I Spy Book" the garage addition.
  15. Hi Guys and Gals. I've read through a few threads about risers and cable lengths. Some say the stock cables will work, others say get longer cables and one said they rerouted the cables. Well I took a chance and purchased some risers and planned to use the stock cables but they bind way too much for me. I rerouted them behind the forks, but I think the radius is too short and the cables are binding in the sheath. I think I'm really gonna like the risers so they stay. My question...How long are the stock cables and are there over length cables in the black plastic sheath? All I can find are the steel braided and I'm trying to keep the cost down. (I like sleeping in my own bed):buttkick:Thanks in advance for any help or advise.
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