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Personal Information

  • Name
    Dr. Gregory Allen


  • Location
    Fort Myers, FL / Blo


  • City
    Fort Myers, FL / Blo


  • Bike Year and Model
    2009 Venture
  1. 2009 with 43,000. Rear brake pads at 26k, valve adjustment at 26k, oil change and rear end oil change every 3k miles. Use Delo 400 oil 99% of the changes, never used synthetic oil in the engine, but do use synthetic in the rear end. Oh, also air filter changed at 26k
  2. White tea of any brand. Has the most antioxidants of any of the teas. Really good for you!
  3. We use the HJC 3/4 and love them. Had all kinds, from 1/2 to full and these are to me the best. In fact, we hate to ride w/o one due to the noise and wind in our ears.
  4. In my last post "The future of the Venture" It appears the Venture is on the way out. Let's assume this is true. What bike or bikes would make your shortlist? I'm a little P/O at Yamaha right now so I'm sure it will not be another Yamaha for me...
  5. This I guess I'll never understand. The future of the Venture is in question. I went in to order some chrome for my 2009, and all but one part was discontinued. Now my first reaction was they were changing the Venture next year, and why make bling for a machine that is to be changed. OK, I guess I can live with that, but when I asked the sales staff, they knew of nothing. Same goes for the staff at the Star Tent at Sturgis this year. Now, don't ya think it would be to their advantage to get the word out to generate as much excitement as possible. Other auto manufacturers do. You can't really say it would kill the sales of the current 2011 Ventures, I've been in 8 stores over the last month here in Florida, and there are NO Ventures on the floor to sale. Harley has a big show of all their new an coming models at Sturgis, and you see in the news what is up and on the horizon for them. This is for a reason...it causes interest and excitement. Can Mother Star really be that stupid in the marketing field? It's not just them, it's all the metrics.. Wouldn't you love to know what's up? I sure would! I long for the day a non-Harley motorcycle company gets their sh*t together and starts to make the commitments necessary to become real competition for Harley, they already make a better bike, now act like it!
  6. I have a Fulmer 1/2 and a HJC 3/4. I like the Fulmer and I love the HJC. I like to have my ears covered as the wind was bugging them.
  7. I used a 3/4 inch dowel rod about 1 inch long. Works good.
  8. I have a 2009 with 39000 miles on her. I have a MILD whine but no chirp. The whine is no louder than the whine I had on my 2003 Goldwing or the 1996 and 1999 Voyagers. Appears to me that all multi cylinder Jap bikes have a whine to some degree.
  9. The Moto Lights do a great job at both.
  10. I have Moto Lights on my Venture. I also had the same lights on my previous bike a 2006 Nomad and on the bike before the Nomad a 2003 Roadstar. What I'm saying "the same lights" These lights are guaranteed for life... They are awesome lights. After trading bikes I take the lights I have taken off my old bike to Sturgis or Daytona Bike week and at the Moto Light tent they install them on my new ride. The original cost of the lights was $500. They charge me about $75 to reinstall. In the long run, not bad.
  11. I ride a lot in the mountains of CO. My Venture feels like it has about 1/2 the power it does in other areas of the country, like say; Illinois or Florida. I mentioned this to a friend who has a heavy equipment business here in CO and he said the general rule is that you will loose 3% HP for every 1000ft above sea level you are. So in Breckenridge CO where I spend most of the summer, I have about 30% less HP or raw power. My point is that with less HP to pull the same amount of weight and push the same amount of air, you're going to use more fuel. In Illinois and Florida I get between 41-44mpg. Out here, it's about 38-40mpg. I too have noticed that what gear you are in makes a big difference, so I use 4th in the mountains a lot and that's at 60-70mph. This is actual 60-70mph and true mpg figures as I always run a GPS. I should also mention that I use a lot of Sea Foam to keep things good and clean as I don't really trust the fuel all the time!
  12. I don't have a bike lift but I was wondering, is there a way to put the links on by using a bottle jack? I would strap the front of the bike so it didn't fall over. I think I would like to try the leveling links but have no room for a bike lift. What do ya think?
  13. I never play mine above 17 on the highway. How high will it go? I would think there is a lot of distortion at 22.
  14. I'm not sure how long it took you to put 17,000 on your bike, but if you're like most people, that could be about 3 years. If that's the case, lookout for weather cracks in the tread and the side walls! I have had new tires start weather cracking after a year, and when I looked at the build date on the side wall, the tires were 3 years old when I got them. Sometimes they sit in a warehouse for along time. Just food for thought!
  15. Posted on my rear E-3 tire it says the max pressure is 40psi. I know it's only 1psi, but I just don't feel comfortable running more pressure than it says to.
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