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Everything posted by Dav

  1. Dav

    repair work

    Well, certainly good to hear... what do you mean by "they have rubber wrapped tin or metal of some sort". Is this something you wrap around the "joint" (as i found out they are refered to in the manual). Carburetor joints that is . Or do you mean the cracks are just superficial and that part is already wrapped with that material? The joints are a hard plasitc/type material as you may know... Anyway...
  2. Dav

    repair work

    Good stuff...we will prob get a trailer some day...
  3. Dav

    repair work

    Hey guys, thanks a bunch... Freebird, i'll check those sites. Freebird, i checked out your pics, nice bike and trailer. Do you even know the trailer is there when you're pullin it, or is it definately something you feel?
  4. Dav

    repair work

    Well, i prob "mis-lead". it's not vacuum tubing, its part of the air intake to the carbs. I don't know the name of 'em. they are about 1-2inch in diameter. 4 of 'em. Anyways...
  5. Dav

    repair work

    New 2001 Venture owner here...wondering where the best place to purchase the 4 black plastic/rubber hoses that supply air mixture to engine/carbs,(directly above the jugs). as you can tell, don't know the tech name of 'em. Also, is it crazy hard/difficult to r/r them? or is it that anyone who can take off the seat, tank, and has a couple tools can do??
  6. Dav

    my new (to me) Venture

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