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Everything posted by Moakster

  1. Hold tight Reshired, most here have not had any carb re-jetting done when they added K&N or aftermarket pipes and the bikes run fine. The twin air filters offer plenty of air for the carbs and cutting on the airbox could sure void your warranty if they want to push the issue since it is a "NEW" bike. Moakster
  2. Diamond R is an authorized Wagner Grill distributor and sells them from their web site. This may be the grill covers you are talking about. They come color matched to the RSV and are held on with plastic tye wraps to the bike frame points. Moakster
  3. If your going 2 up you will need to set the rear shock at about 45-50 lbs for both of y'all and your gear. The front shock can be left alone or a small amount up to 7lbs and no more for a firmer ride. Be sure and use a small hand pump and not a station or foot pedal pump as you can blow the seals out real quick. Have a good trip. Moakster
  4. Never mind, found another thread that answered my question.
  5. Question??? I have the chrome ignition cover instead of the black rubber factory cover on my bike. Others have said that the raised chrome cover will be in the way if you turn the bars to full lock out side to side. Is this possible and if so, what might the solution be? Moakster
  6. John, I will pray for your loved one and you. I believe that the most imporant thing is touch. Never miss a chance to lovingly touch her and show her your strength.. for her and yourself. The human touch is a powerful tool. May God decide that she has more work to do in this world and keep her with plenty of tasks to take care of... You could help by messing up, so she could assert her right to straighten you out. Prayer sent to you and your family. Moakster
  7. Stock sizes for the RSV.
  8. Thanks guys, new y'all would know which way to go. Ordering the 150/80HB-16 front and the 150/90HB-15 rear tomorrow. Moakster
  9. I am getting ready to purchase new Avons for my Midnight 05 RSV. I have the leveling links installed and have read a lot of the threads that say go to the smaller front Avon to improve the handling. My question is if I already have the links and the the bike handles great does buying the smaller front tire make a difference in the handling? Moakster
  10. Don, what ever we can do to help keep the site up is fine with me. With the number of members we have it should be no problem to go to a dedicated site if we have to. Moakster
  11. Thanks for the replies. We are staying at the Custer Gulch campground and are using it as our base. I looked up the roads listed and looked at the Google Earth satellite view and it looks awesome. Can't wait. Moakster:cool10::cool10:
  12. We are taking a trip to South Dakota at the end of June into July and was wondering what were some of the good roads to take for some scenic rides around Mount Rushmore? We are staying about 16 miles from Mount Rushmore and will probably be riding off and on for three days in that area. Moakster
  13. I don't know if they would fit on a RSV but my old Kawasaki Vulcan classic 98 had adjustable levers for both the clutch and the brake lever. Might want to check those out. They used a little roll disk (1-4)to set the depth that the clutch and brake extended from the grip. I had the clutch close and the brake far. it was a good set up. Hope this helps. Moakster:322:
  14. Prayers to you and your wife.
  15. Fifteen years to go and counting. Hours are terrible but the rewards are great. Weekends, holidays (special events) just part of the job, 24/7. It is a job that is worth doing if you crave something different everyday. Many a day you upset an individual by giving a traffic ticket and get complained on and the next you find a lost child or elderly person who wandered away and are the hero. Love it Moakster
  16. When you order for the Venture they come as a set.
  17. You have two air filters, one on each side of the bike. They sit behind the lower cowling.
  18. We have it here in Texas to some degree. The dealerships don't want to maintain parts and such that cover a wide range of years. Some like me had to find an independent to look our bikes over if not do it ourself. Moakster
  19. Thank you. The future of our country is in the hands of our children. She knows where it leads.
  20. Hey that works for me. I will use it and try to keep riding. I'll let you know what happens. Moakster
  21. I guess I'll try the warranty route first. If that doesn't work I'll go the ABS plastic repair route. Still can't figure out how come it broke?????
  22. Sorry, he didn't make it. 120 MPH, couldn't stop in time. Speed claims lives every single day. The thrill is not the problem, just the location that they choose to display their talent. Just keep it off our roads and on the track. If not, suffer the consequences of your actions.
  23. Some how the bracket that holds my lower left cowling on broke. It's the one that has the screw on the backside of the cowling toward the outer edge next to the crash bar. I tried JB Weld but it did not hold. Anyone have any suggestions. It was holding up OK but I guess the vibration broke it loose. I haven't laid the bike over or brushed up against anything to cause the JB Weld to break loose but it did. I guess the vibration caused it to come loose. Any body with any ideas???? :confused24: Moakster
  24. I agree, there are other sites from which you can debate your position on politics and opinion on canidates.
  25. I have seen two instances where the kill switch saved someone or their bike from damage. One was at a motorcycle rally where they were doing bike games. One of the bikes fell over on a slow ride contest and the throttle was stuck open on the handle bar from contact with the ground. Luckily someone got to the bike and hit the kill switch before the back wheel came down and made contact with the pavement. That would have been ugly. The second was during some motorcycle training. The person was attempting to navigate a course of traffic cones and lost control of his bike. It was getting away from him and he was heading for a high curb when he hit the kill switch and cut the motor. Saved him and the bike a whole lot of damage. As far as accidental hitting my kill switch..........never happens:whistling:
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