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Everything posted by WAC1972

  1. The bike starts with a jump but still has all the electrical problems while running. Thanks
  2. Hello, I was wondering if anyone could give me some ideas as to where to start looking for my problem. I started my bike ( 96 Royal Star) yesterday with no problems and ran to the store. When I came out the bike would not start. It seemed like a low battery with just a few clicks being heard. I was near a hill so I rolled on down ,popped the clutch and the bike fired up. I got about a mile down the rode when I got a loud backfire and when I looked down all my gauges where going crazy. Speedo was bouncing and the other lights were blinking madly. I was able to get the bike home as long as I did not accelerate. The bike did hold an idle. After I got home I turned the bike off and tried to restart it but there was nothing but some faint clicking that sounded like the fuel pump trying to work.I charged the battery overnight although it really didn't need it and tried starting the bike this morning. I just get the fuel pump clicking. The headlights and neutral light are very dim but do come on. Any ideas? Thanks
  3. I/ll take a look at Ebay for the brake handle. My light bar isn't real bad so I'll try to bend it back into shape. I was a little leery of trying because it is still usable now, and I didn't want to break it into 2 pieces.
  4. I am not sure. Where do I check the pressure and how would I change/add pressure? Thanks
  5. Hello, I have a 1996 RSTC and I was wondering if there is any adjusting that I can do on the suspension. I have always felt that the front of my bike bounces too much going over bumps even at low speeds and today after the bike fell I took it for a test ride and it seemed to me that it was bouncing an awful lot in the rear also. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Bob
  6. I had my 1996 RSTC up on a stand today while doing a brake job. I turned my back and heard a crash. There was my bike lying on the ground. I was very lucky that the bike has crash bars so there was very little damage. I did damage my brake lever and also bent the bar that the front blinkers mount on. Does anyone have either of these parts lying around that they would be willing to part with? Thanks Bob
  7. I had the exact same problem with my 96 RSTC. I tried numerous suggestions but the one that really worked was the Seafoam enema. I do it now anytime my bike starts to run rough. Works like a charm.
  8. I usually run high 93 octane in my 96 RSTC and it runs well and gets around 40 to 41 MPG. I will on occasion run regular 87 octane and my bike get about 35 MPG and seems sluggish. I like the higher octane but I do get some popping on deceleration and my pipes do show signs of carbon deposits while using the higher octane. I am interested in others opinions on which to stay with.
  9. Hello, Does anyone have a turn signal that will fit a 96 RSTC? I need one for the front but I think that front and rear are interchangeable. Thanks
  10. I believe it is the air vent hose. It is a larger hose (1 on each side of the bike) and it clips to a holder below the carbs right above the coolant breather. I was just running the bike and it leaked pretty fast when leaning on its stand. When I propped the bike up so it was upright it leaked much slower and once again seemed to be near the drain screws. The bike was idling when the coolant fan came on. When the fan engaged the RPM's increased and the leak intensified to where it seemed to be coming from the vent hose again. I am getting to the point of giving up. I guess I'll have to take it to the Yamaha shop. Something I cannot afford to do now so the bike may have may have to sit. Drats!!
  11. The more i mess with this leak the more i am seeing. I was able to get a screw driver on the drain screws and let the carbs drain. I restarted the bike and watched. It seems to me that the fuel is now leaking from the air vent hose on the drivers side left. It is coming out at quite a clip.
  12. It looks as if the fuel is leaking from the screws but it is really hard to see. The bike doesn't have any rubber tubes on the drain ports.
  13. Hello, I have a 1996 Royal Star tour Classic and I am having a problem with leaky carbs. I did a Seafoam enema and I would like to try and drain the carbs and see if maybe whatever is causing the problem might drain out. I have a fuel drip coming from the drain screws but I am having a hard time reaching the drain screws and I am also unsure of the screw head type. I don't want to mess up the screw heads. Does anyone know what type of screw heads they are and any ideas of an easy way to access them. Thanks
  14. I took off the radiator and removed the thermostat to check it today. The thermostat opened as it should so I put everything back together and started up the bike. I let it run for about 20 minutes and no leaks. I don't know why it leaked to begin with and I don't know why it isn't leaking anymore but I am very relieved. Now I can go back to trying to cure my carburetor leaks. Carburetors are leaking out of the drain screws but I am having trouble trying to figure out what type of screw heads they are. Can't seem to find the proper screw driver to reach in there and I am afraid I might strip the heads. Any ideas? Thanks
  15. I wrote down the wrong # on my post. I saw NAPA THM156 for the # on the other post. I guess when I get the old one out I'll take it over to NAPA and compare.
  16. Hello, Does anyone know the part # or a replacement for the thermostat on a 1996 Royal Star Tour Classic 1300XVZATHC? I have noticed that some are using a NAPA 56 or 56T on some of their bikes but I am not sure if it would fit mine. Thanks
  17. Thanks again. I just wanted to add that I rode the bike yesterday for about 20 miles and had no problems related to the coolant. I stopped riding when I noticed a gas leak coming from what I believe are the screws that open and close the carb drains.
  18. Thanks for the reply"s. The bike is a 1996 Royal Star Tour Classic.The weather is about 65 degrees F so it isn't the cold temps. It could be the thermostat. Would a bad thermostat cause such a boil over that it would come out of all those places. How about a bad radiator cap? Would that cause these symptoms? The bike starts right up cold and runs for a few minutes before the leaking begins. I am thinking that this is right about the time the thermostat should be opening.
  19. I posted yesterday about a fuel drip from my carbs. Today I went out to run the bike and possibly check out the fuel leak. The bike was running for a couple of minutes when all of a sudden I am getting antifreeze coming from everywhere. It is dripping from the upper and lower hoses as well as the petcock and from behind some of the covers as well as the breather assembly under the carbs. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.
  20. Hello all, I am fairly new to the forum and this is my first post. I have a 1996 Royal Star Tour Classic and I am having carburetor problems. I have gas leaking out of 2 of the carbs. They are leaking from a screw near the bottom of each of the carbs. I was having problems with my idle lately so I tried the Seafoam enema and let the bike sit a day and then started it up. I was hoping that this would cure the idle problem and stop the gas leak but it did not cure the leaking. I am not sure what the purpose of the screws are so I am reluctant to try and give them a turn or two to see if the leakng will stop. Can anyone clue me in on the purpose of these screws and I would appreciate any input of ideas as to what my carb problem may be. Thanks Bob
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