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Everything posted by WAC1972

  1. I am replacing the pads on my rear and was wondering if both pistons are supposed to be able to back off or is one side stationary?
  2. Hey folks I just thought that I would put this out there. I just purchased a set of the leather saddlebags that came standard on the 96 RSTC. They also fit other years and models. These bags usually run in the $500 range and this dealership in Ohio has a bunch of them and are selling them "Buy It Now" on Ebay for $184.99 plus $19.30 shipping. That's a total of $204.29 shipped to your door from an authorized dealer. I have never seen the price on these so low. Just put this in the Ebay search engine..."Yamaha Tour Classic Saddlebags Plain 96-01 Royal Star" and it should pull up.
  3. Is there anyone out there on the south side of Atlanta with a tire changer? I've got my rear wheel off my 96 RSTC and am looking to swap out the tires. I am thinking of buying a tire changer but would really like to get back on the road sooner. I can afford to pay a little bit but not what the shops around here want. If you can help me or if you know someone that can do it at a reasonable rate could you let me know. Thanks Bob
  4. Thanks I guess that I'll use it since I will be doing this whenever I do tire changes.
  5. Hey folks I am in the process of changing my rear tire. I got it off the bike and thought I would clean and grease the drive hub,splines and pins. I have a tube of Super Tech Moly grease from Walmart in the shop and was wondering if this will do the trick or should I go get something else. thanks
  6. I was coming home from work this evening and was making a slow left turn when my rear wheel slid out from under me and down I went. Luckily I was going real slow at the time and wasn't hurt. My bike a 96 Royal Star Tour Classic didn't get hurt to badly either. The crash bars did their job pretty well. My right saddle bag got a little road rash and I busted up my right front blinker and passing lamp. I have an extra blinker set and passing light bar but I do not have a passing lamp for the right side. I have one that works on the left side with the toggle switch but after a quick look they don't seem to be interchangeable. Would anyone out there possibly have a right side passing lamp that they would be willing to part with? Please P.M.me if you do. Thanks.. The only other thing I noticed while doing a quick check of the damage was that I have oil dripping from what looks like some type of overflow hose located near the front of the bike just back of the radiator. Any ideas on that? I have a 14 hour day at work tomorrow so I guess any work on the bike will have to wait for the weekend..Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
  7. Thanks for the info. I have emailed them.
  8. I just picked up an EZ-Tach made by Electronic Specialties to help me with my carb sync but I didn't get a manual with it. Does anyone have access to the manual or know where to get one online? I can't seem to find one. It is an Electronic Specialties 325 Cordless Inductive Tachometer Thanks
  9. Thanks Earl I will be looking for a clamp on tach and I think I'll be syncing quite often..Bob
  10. I purchase a Carbtune Plus and it arrived today. I decided to give it a whirl. I took the laptop with me to follow Freebirds directions and headed to the garage. First of all a ride a 96 Royal Star Tour Classic and it has no tach so I really don't know if the idle is correct. I followed the Carbtune directions for setup then went to Freebirds post. I hooked up the Carbtune and the readings were way off. All went well while doing step #1 and I got the first side to measure pretty closely.( How close do I need to be to be close?) It was when I went to step #2 that I ran into a problem. The adjustment screw was not where the directions said it would be. I happen to have a second set of carbs so I took them off the shelf for a look; It seemed to me that I would need to access the adjustment screw for side 2 from the left side of the bike, There were two adjustment screws side by side so I really wasn't sure which was which. I tried trial and error and was able to get side 2 pretty close( once again how close do I need to be?) I then tried the second adjustment screw and got all 4 to be pretty close.(????). I put the rubber plugs back on and took the bike for a ride. The" old boy" seemed to run a little better and I seemed to notice less back firing on deceleration. Now my questions....Can anyone tell me if I did the sync correctly? How close is close enough and is it necessary to have the idle RPM"s perfect before I started the procedure...Thanks
  11. I heard about the show here on VentureRider and decided to go. I got there around 4:30 and the ground was soggy but I had a GREAT time. I hope that they do this again next year.
  12. On wisconsin, on wisconsin, great big badger state!!!!
  13. I wanted to share with the members a product I purchased yesterday at a thrift store. While wandering around a thrift store yesterday I came across a table of cleaning products called "LA Totally Awesome". A bottle of the stuff was only a $1.25 so I thought what the heck and bought one. This morning I washed the shower doors with the stuff and it did an okay job so I thought I would try it on "Old Blue" my 96 RSTC. I started with the front tire whitewalls and I couldn't believe it. I sprayed the stuff on and the dirt and grime just ran off. I have found very few products that clean whitewalls to my satisfaction and with this stuff they came out perfect with no elbow grease. I then went to the back tires that were very dirty with grease, grime and exhaust carbon. I sprayed it on and used a toothbrush to lightly scrub. The tires looked like new in minutes. I then continued to wash the entire bike with the stuff and I have never seen it shine like it does now. I am talking showroom.. All for less then a $1.25. If you guys ever see this stuff give it a try. I am going back to the thrift store tomorrow and buying all they have left.
  14. I bought the carbs about a year ago off of Ebay when I was having some issues with the carbs that were on the bike. After a couple of Seafoam treatments the problems went away and the Ebay set just sat on my bench. A couple of weeks ago I did a swap of the carbs just for the heck of it and the bike seemed to run alright but I had some popping at idle. I decided to swap back. While doing that swap I noticed that I had never reconnected the lower vacuum hose to the air box. I continued to reinstall the original carbs and for the last couple of weeks I have been wondering if the air box hose was the culprit for the popping at idle. Yesterday I had a little of time so I decided to retry the 2nd set. The bike seems to run pretty good except at high RPM's in first gear I feel a miss. I am pretty sure that both sets need to be synced. I have been considering buying a carbtune but am pretty strapped for cash so it will have to wait.
  15. I swapped a set of carbs on my 96 RSTC today and the bike runs good but it seems to me that it sounds quite a bit different. Is this possible or am I imagining things? I believe that the carbs came off a 97.
  16. Hello folks. I saw this listed on Ebay today and thought maybe someone on our site may be interested. Its a 1983 Venture that looks like it could be new. Just look under Royal Star. It was listed on 6/28. I tried to put a link to the page but for some reason it didn't work. Sorry
  17. You could go with a CeeBaily's shield. I have one that I use at times and I like it. Check out their website. http://www.ceebaileys.com/yamaha/royalstarws.html
  18. I am also interested. What is your price. I am located in Fayetteville. Thanks
  19. I ordered a battery (Deka ETX20L) out of a shop in FL on Thursday morning and already received it this morning (Sat). I put it in the bike and she fired right up and runs great. I checked the voltage across the battery with bike running and to the frame and all checks out. I will check voltage to the regulator later. I plan on changing the oil and in order to get the filter off I have to get at the regulator anyway. I got the Deka ETX20L from this shop (Bohannon Battery) for $77 free shipping. I recommend them to anyone looking to purchase a battery. They had quick service and great communication. Thanks again to everyone
  20. WAC1972


    Now that's pretty!!!
  21. Thanks everyone for all the advice. I'll let you all know how it turns out when the battery arrives. A special " Thanks" to LilBeaver, your posts are helpful and educational. Next up after this will be an attempt at a carb sync.
  22. I had the battery tested today and it tested just like it did on the bike. It was 12+ volts and then dropped to 6 volts with a load on it. The battery is old and bad so I have ordered aDeka ETX 20L. It should be here in a day or so and I hope all will be well.
  23. Okay I put the battery back in this morning and bike doesn't start. I jumped with 12v car battery and fires right up and runs great as long as jumper cables are still attached. I checked voltage with car battery still attached and is 12.8 across the battery and 12.8 with grounding to the frame. As soon as I remove the jumper battery the bike barely runs and it is hard to rev up for a higher rpm voltage check. At a very sporadic idle the volts across the battery drop to about 6 and stay there while grounded to frame. I can't really check it at higher rpm's because the bike won't go there. I am taking the battery to a Auto shop on my way to work today to have it tested. Tomorrow is another day and I'll continue.
  24. I got back from Disney tonight and started a quick check on my electrical problem. The bike started with a jump and ran pretty well with choke out until warm. When I brought the idle down the lights started fading, tail light flickered. Any accelerating brought lights back up to steady but the bike popped,stuttered and backfired. I took the battery out of bike and volt tested it. It rated 13.25 on my multimeter. I will put it back in the bike in the morning and test it with the bike running and revved. Update tomorrow.
  25. Thanks folks I will have to wait until Wed. to look at it. It's time to take the kids to Disney for the weekend. I appreciate all the help/ideas. I'll report back later next week. Thanks again
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