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Everything posted by WAC1972

  1. It runs really well through all rpms when it is warmed up. I'll count turns when I do another adjustment. It just seems strange because until the other day it ran okay but not great thru all rpms but started perfectly with choke. Now it runs great but that one cylinder won't fire with choke.
  2. I have been having issues with getting the settings right on the adjusting screws. I put in 4 new screws and I set them with the tach idle method and it ran so-so. I then reset them using my Carbtune doing each one separately and then the whole sync. Once again it ran okay but not great. I have been tweaking it here and there but just haven't found the sweet spots. Just two days ago I reset all the screws with the Carbtune and the bike ran great on my way to work. (bike was warm when setting screws) When I came out 10 hours later pulled the choke out the bike started poorly and wasn't firing on my back left cylinder. After letting it warm up I pushed the choke in and the back left cylinder started to fire and the bike smoothed out. I have a 20 mile ride home and the bike has never run better. Yesterday I re tweaked the back left and once again I had the exact same scenario when I left work. Any ideas why I would be having this issue of the cylinder not firing with choke out but running really well when warmed up? I pulled the plug and it looks good. Thanks
  3. Thanks that's where I'll start inside the housing. I'm thinking its wire because the headlamp works on hi and low and both passing lamps went out at the same time. Mine only come on if toggled when on hi beam. My 96 was similar. thanks again
  4. I drive a 1998 Royal Star Tour Deluxe. Yesterday I realized that my passing lamps are not working. The headlight works in both modes but when I turn on the brights my passing lamps should come on. There is a toggle switch that I can have on or off but they do not come on in either position. Both lamps have gone off so I am assuming it is electrical. Can anyone give me an idea as to where to start on my troubleshooting. Possibly in the wires coming out of the head light assembly since that is working or maybe at the toggle? Thanks
  5. Thanks I ordered 4 today from Boats.
  6. I got it out! Some penetrating oil and an easy out extractor and it came out easily. Now where do I get replacements. Not even sure what the carbs are. I am sure they are original. Where would I find markings on them? Would these adjusting screws come in a jet kit or can I purchase them separately? Thanks in advance for any info.
  7. Hello, I went to adjust my pilot jet screws and found that the previous owner has one of them stripped very badly. I can turn it in but not out. Can these screws be replaced and if so does anyone have a suggestion on how to get it out. It is a standard head screw and the head is in bad shape. Thanks 1998 Royal Star...
  8. I have an interest in them. Why don't you P.M. me.....Thanks
  9. Can anyone tell me if or what other year saddles will fit my 98 Royal Star. Will other models such as a VStar or Road Star saddle fit. I try and search part #'s but they all seem to be just a little different. Mine starts with 4NK. Thanks
  10. I ride a 96 RSTC and have an extra set of carbs that I have the urge to rebuild. It is a project that I am not sure that I can do but thought that I would try anyway. I have done quite of few jobs that I didn't know step one about but with the help of this forum I was able to accomplish. Are there any good tutorials out there and what if any type of kit would you recommend. Thanks Bob
  11. Thanks for the input. The 99 Road Star only has a little over 5,000 miles and that is what got me looking. Basically a new bike. It has even newer tires and has been checked out for some type of recall. I believe the guy said transmission. I am going to try and post a pic.
  12. I am thinking of selling my 1996 RSTC and buying a 1999 Road Star. I would be gaining 3 years. 300cc's and the Road Star has 15,000 less miles. Is there anything in particular I should be looking for when I check out this bike?
  13. I don't know if it will fit but I just saw one posted on Atlanta Craigslist. It was off a Roadstar with studded pad.
  14. Gas smell...I haven't had the gas smell since the first night but I have also shut off the petcock since then whenever I am not riding..The fuel pump on the RSTC is right behind the left side cove held on with 2 bolts.
  15. Thanks OB-1. I still am confused though. The fuel pump goes through the 10 seconds and the bike will start. Once started I have been able to ride. My commute is about 20 miles and I have had no issues once the bike has started. I have not bypassed the pump and the bike runs okay. It is when I am starting the bike that my fuel pump runs long.I can start the bike and turn it off and restart it and the pump goes through the 10 second thing again. It used to click once or twice and now it is continuous until it times out. This just became an issue the other day. Do you think it is the pump?
  16. Today I messed around a little on the bike today. I started with fuel flow out of the petcock. (Good) Then I moved to fuel flow to the input of the filter.(good) Fuel flow out of the filter.(Good) Fuel flow into the fuel pump. (Good). Fuel flow out of the pump.(Sporadic pulsing with fuel pump clicking with key on) Fuel hose at carb.(no fuel). Checked short hose from pump to carb and no blockage). This is all with the key on ,fuel pump clicking but not with the bike running. When I hook everything up the fuel pump does a continuous click for about 10 seconds and then stops. The bike will start and seems to be running alright. This is where I get confused. If it is the fuel pump that is bad (which is what I believe) why does the bike run with a bad fuel pump? Gravity? My next question if it is the fuel pump can I use a non OEM pump like I've seen on other posts on this site. I am going to put a different set of carbs on tomorrow just to continue my trouble shoot.. What do you guys think....Bob
  17. My bike is a 1996 RSTC with about 30,000 miles. I have had it about 4 years. I changed the fuel filter again today mostly to make sure I hadn't pinched any lines. I have been turning the fuel off when I am not riding ever since this occured two days ago. When I turn the fuel back on and do my initial start I get a normal fuel pump sound and bike fires right up. If I turn the bike off and restart, the fuel pump wants to run for about 10 seconds. The bike will restart. My initial problem occured when I had let the bike sit for about 10 hours between starts. I have not let the bike sit for any length of time without the fuel turned off since then. Could the fuel pump be getting weak?
  18. I got up this morning and pulled the fuel line off the petcock. Fuel runs well on both On and Resevre settings. I put key in and fuel pump worked normal and bike started right up. I let the bike run for awhile and all seems good. Hmmmm! Could it have been vapor lock? It was in the mid 90's yesterday but it's been that warm for a couple of weeks now. I put a little Seafoam in just in case I've got dirt somewhere.
  19. I pulled the oil filler and smelled. I don't smell gas but it does seem like the oil level is a bit higher than when I looked at it just a few days ago. What are you thinking?
  20. This is a long story: I want to start by saying that I have been getting worse and worse MPG's lately. I used to get about 42mpg and am now down to about 30. I have changed plugs,oil,filters and have done a carb sync at idle and at higher rpm's. I have also tried ethonal free gas and nothing seems to help. Okay, yesterday I changed the fuel filter although it probably didn't need it. Today I started my bike with no problem and rode it to work without any issues.(15 miles) I came out of work this evening and when I walked up to my bike I could smell gas. I pulled out the choke and turned the key. I could hear the fuel pump trying to get gas but it kept running and my yellow light that usually lights up during the fuel pump prime wouldn't come on. I pressed the starter and the bike wouldn't start and the bike acted like the battery was dead. I tried this 3 times and got the same thing each time. Just for the heck of it I turned the petcock to reserve and tried again. The fuel pump sucked up the gas and the bike started right up. My first reaction was that I was leaking gas and was almost out. I drove to the closest gas station and while doing so I slid the petcock to on while riding. Within a minute the bike was starving for fuel so back to reserve I went.The bike smoothed out. When I got to the gas station and filled up I was amazed when it only took a little less than 3 gallons which would mean that I wasn't any where near reserve. Once the bike was filled I put the petcock back to the on position and the bike started right up and ran fine all the way home.(15 miles). However my wife just told me that the garage smells like gas....Any ideas
  21. For any of you that have an Advance Auto Parts Store in your area they have Seafoam on sale this week. $6.99 which in my area is at least $3 off the regular price.
  22. I run 404's on my 96 RSTC and have had no problems with them. I just put a new set on about 200 mikes ago. I got real good wear on my last set. Check out DennisKirk.com for great pricing and cheap shipping.
  23. I have had 2 sets of Dunlop 404's on my 96 RSTC and they have been good to me. Lasted a good 10k. You can get a set delivered to your door from Dennis Kirk for about $210. As for keeping them clean I have found a cleaner in the dollar stores around town called "L.A. Totally Awesome" that I spray on and the dirt and grime just drips off. Even the rear tire where the exhaust dirties up the whitewall it just comes right off. I think the wide whitewall makes my bike look great.
  24. Thanks for all the info. I got it done....
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