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Everything posted by TEW47

  1. I have done that and it is still black, even running interstate at hwy speeds for hours they are still black. Carbs are in sync. They have been that way since I bought it new. I get about 45mpg on interstate. tew47
  2. Both my pipes have black carbon on the exhaust. Dealer told me it was because it was running to lean? Seems to me it is running to rich. How to solve the problem? tew47
  3. I agree with Wander, you have to get at least a 45 degree angle going on and off the raised section.It is realy dangerous to try to ride parallel with the raise or lower section and try to go up or down. I know someone that was really messedup doing that and another was killed do the same thing. So go at an angle, please. tew47
  4. I had a '80 850G, had alot of lowend torque. It would idle in 5th on level ground. Out ran alot aof bigger bikes by taking your hand of the throttle,let it drop to idle rpms then give it full throttle, I could out run them to about 70. Most had to try several times to believe a 850 out ran them. Went under a overpass going to work one day and it sure was raining,saw a truck going through and the water was only up to its fenders, so I went. Got almost to the bottom and the water level came up to my waist, motorcycle was completely under water. Pushed the bike up the hill,punched the starter and nothing happened. Pushed it to the parking lot removed the plugs and air filter.sprayed quick start in air filter box and it crancked. rode it for annother three years. Well got home and changed the oil. Oh yea , the truck was jacked up about four feet, that why the water was onlly to the fenders. tew47
  5. I'm retired so I am here most anytime, be glad to help you. 251-649-0180. tew47
  6. I live just outside Mobile. If you want to ride over hered I will show to sync your carbs. I have the Morgan carb tune. Phone number is in profile. tew47
  7. A friend of mine has a '05 RSTD. When you turn the handlebars all the way left or right there is a popping noise from the stearing head. Could it be lack of greese or just wornout bearings. He says the bike handles fine. tew47
  8. Back in '83 I did 1000 miles in 16 hours on a '71 R60/5 BMW. tew47
  9. Both my'97 RSTD and my '07 RSV whine and I had the "I" basket put in the RSV. I wounder what Yamaha would have to say if someone could prove hearing loss in a lawsuit. When the "I" basket was put in there was no noise whatso ever for the first ten miles then it started to whine again. tew47
  10. USCGR 1965 to 1971, USAR 1978 To 1992. Personnel Management Spc., 482nd Replacement Detchment Foley,AL. tew47
  11. In todays paper, I don't know know anything about it. 2008 RSV,2700 miles,lots of extras,still in warranty, $13,500. 251-675-8913, 251-455-3079. tew47
  12. I live just outside Mobile, give me a call and I will meet you for coffee somewhere. Phone number is in profile. tew47
  13. I got back yesterday afternoon. Had a great time and rode all over Talladega National Forest. From I-20 East go south on hwy 21 turn east on 398 turn left on 281, 199 curves in 14 miles. Went to Grits mill and covered bridge. Traveled 652.7 miles and averaged 45 mpg, driving the speed limit (indicated 75, which is 70 mph) and posted limits elsewhere. It was also nice and cool. The directions I gave was to Mt. Cheaha, be sure to go to Ball Rock outlook. Will try to post pictures in photobucket. http://s219.photobucket.com/albums/cc231/TEW47/ tew47
  14. How about that! Margie and I were married 22 years ago today!!! Congrat to you for 25 years. Hope you have been as happy as I have. tew47:banana:
  15. I got back yesterday afternoon. Had a great time and rode all over Talladega National Forest. From I-20 East go south on hwy 21 turn east on 398 turn left on 281, 199 curves in 14 miles. Went to Grits mill and covered bridge. Traveled 652.7 miles and averaged 45 mpg, driving the speed limit (indicated 75, which is 70 mph) and posted limits elsewhere. It was also nice and cool. The directions I gave was to Mt. Cheaha, be sure to go to Ball Rock outlook. Will try to post pictures in photobucket. http://s219.photobucket.com/albums/cc231/TEW47/ tew47
  16. Will be leaving out for the State CMA ralley this morning about 11am. My foot is still swollen and my boot is tight on my right foot.70% rain today, but that is what rain suites are for. Let you know when I get baack. tew47
  17. I read about it several weeks ago on different HD webb sites and Goldwing sites. They have stopped making the 409 tire, The front tread design was also going the wrong direction. tew47
  18. My '07 RSV must be different. When I change the oil and filter I can put in 3 qt. and it is in the center of the site glass. My '97 took 3 1/2 qt to center line of site glass. When I drive it and then check the oil level it is still in the center of site glass. tew47
  19. TEW47

    Foot sugery

    Got the cast off today and everything seems OK. Last week the DR. removed the wire from my toe, it was about five inches long. He said it wouldn't hurt and it didn't. He said I could ride so Sat. I will do a ride for Wings Of Life. On the 21st I am going to the state CMA ralley in Schoco Springs,AL. Toes are a little sore. But it is over and I can wear a shoe. tew47:dancefool:
  20. I didn't receive a stimulus package last time so I don't want one now. My wife still works and I would have to pay it all back in taxes anyway. tew47
  21. How is the wind deflector mounted by the gas tank? tew47
  22. If it broke at where the barrel fits on, just take it to a bicycle shop and have them to fix the cable. I have done this several times in the last 40 years. tew47
  23. I have black sut at the end of each exhaust pipe. The dealer says it is because it is running to lean, what do you think? It hardly ever pops and I am getting about 44 mpg. tew47
  24. You might want to try just using your toes on the brake pedal. If you use the ball of your foot you are putting to much pressure on the rear brake causing rear wheel lockup. Just practice using your toes. tew47
  25. Had mine done and it lasted for about ten miles and then started to whine again. tew47
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