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Everything posted by TEW47

  1. Had Dish for several years and evertime a cloud came by I lost signal. Now I have Direct and it has to be really bad to lose signal. tew47
  2. If I remember right there is a wrightup on this issue. Seems you need a 42thousandth spacer on the rear bolt, between the caliper and the arm that holds it. I did it and the pads wear even on both sides. tew47
  3. Once you have seen someone you know end up like that it will make you stop and think," Do I want to be Mahco or do I care about my family and myself. Broken bones and roadrash takes a while to get over. I don't care how many pain shots they give you it still hurts when they dig out the sand and gravel. What she described happen to a friend of mine and I will never forget the site of it. When it is your time to go you willo go, but don't try to rush to the finish to quick. tew47
  4. Had a bike show for boy scouts with special needs. It sure was great!! the boys had a ball. We were introduced and we each told about our bikes and talked with the boys. One is a picture of a hand made Moto by Mike Porter. I'm the one with the Santa beard, yes its that time of the year again for Santa. http://s219.photobucket.com/albums/cc231/TEW47/ tew47:thumbsup2:
  5. If you are right handed usually you can turn left easer and if you are left handed you usually can turn right easer. Found this out at MFS school. tew47
  6. My wife and I live in Semmes,Al., Just outside of Mobile. tew47
  7. Try some dry ice. Have been told that it will work. tew47
  8. Years ago a friend of mine rode for six months with his tag in a saddle bag. We rode in front of the police alot and he findly got stopped and was told to put it on the bike. He wanted to see how long he could ride before someone stopped him. tew47
  9. On my old'97 RSTD all four caps went out over a period of time. Payed for one because it was backfireing real bad and it looked like fire comming out of the right exhaust. The others I replaced myself. Worked fine after that. tew47
  10. We will be praying for you. tew47
  11. I just ordered a Gribling battery powered vest that is 7v. and it comes with a charger that looks like a cig. liter plug. There is a plugin in the fairing, does it have ennouth juice to charge the battery for the vest? If not will a bigger fuse work or will I have to rewire it? tew47
  12. I read that they are going to open a factory in INDIA, building one in China. tew47
  13. I think the ID of the exhaust pipes are to small. I had a '97 RSTD and put Bubs full exhaust system on it and the mileage went from 35 mpg to 47 -50 mpg every tank after that. The Bubs had alot larger ID on their pipes. tew47
  14. Jakewilson.com. Sent to my house for $111.99. tew47
  15. Just got the Milestone in but I am waiting for the Avon to wear out before I put the Milestone on. Have used Conti for years with good milage and stick to the road and in the rain. tew47
  16. I instruct the ERC on my '07 Venture. tew47
  17. I got a set of Bull Froggs, they are alot thicker and come in different colors. I got solid yellow. Had them three years and still do not leak, we average 60 in of raid a year. Go to Frog Toggs web site to get them. Made in USA, Alabama. tew47
  18. Got both horns to work. I found the diagram for the stebel horns and rewired them to it, anddddd they work!!!!!! My wife was praying for me the whole time, thank you Jesus. tew47
  19. Each air horn has its own relay and fuse. Does the stock horn have a fuse and if so where is it? tew47
  20. Two years ago I put a set of stebal air horns on. I just got it back from the shop to replace the shock and the horn on the right I did not like the way they had it mounted, they had to remove it to get to the shock. So I was going to move it to where I wanted it and the bolt holding the horn came loose. So I had to unplug the wires to remount it and one of the wires drooped on the exhaust pipe and sparked and now neither air horn works. I replaced the relay nothing, the stock front horn works but not the rear horn. I did run separate fuses for each air horn, both look good. what do I need to check to get them to work? Have the horns attached to passenger floorboards. tew47
  21. Took the bike in today and got the new shock put on. I sure can tell the difference, a lot better ride. By the way, why do most mech. disconnect the battery every time they do any work on a bike like changing brake and clutch fluid or changing the shock? tew47
  22. Called the dealer today and they are going to put the new shock on Thursday. About time its onlly been a month. tew47
  23. Mine went out at 17,000 and have been waiting for news from Yamaha HQ for three weeks with no answer so far. tew47
  24. If you don't want to buy BP, then you dah better check who is the bulk supplier for your area. Here in Mobile BP is the only supplier for gas for at least 60 miles, so thats the only brand of gas you can buy no matter what brand station you buy it from. All I know is there are plenty of ways to get ridd of the oil in the Gulf, BUT the Goverment is saying no to them all, its BPs problem. They have some ships to suckup the oil, and a few people picking up tar balls and that IT. If they won't help,GET OUT OF THE WAY,and let us fix the problems. tew47
  25. My rear shock started leaking, waiting for Yamaha to aprove replacement. Oh well its under warrenty. tew47
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