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Everything posted by TEW47

  1. Has anyone tried AFX helmets ? I am looking at model 140, a new flip-up helmet. They are all on back order. Can get one for $116. On SS, so don't have the money for a new Nolan 104. tew47
  2. Has anyone tried the AFX 140 flip-up? I have been thinking about it, but they are all on back order. tew47
  3. I guess I missed the linkage. tew47
  4. What is the beat way to lower the pedal? By looking at it I would have to remove the floor board, loosen the bolt on the brake shaft, rotate it forward and re-tighten the bolt. Then adjust brake light switch. Is there anything else I should do or have over looked? tew47
  5. Located both of mine on the rear bolt of the passenger floor boards. Made a little bracket and there they are. tew47
  6. The Last Ride of the Year http://us.mg204.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f39502%5fAG8Pw0MAAMsmTrx5qQv9aj64bWQ&pid=2.8&fid=Inbox&inline=1 http://us.mg204.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f39502%5fAG8Pw0MAAMsmTrx5qQv9aj64bWQ&pid=2.9&fid=Inbox&inline=1 Stagecoach XV Friday, December 30, 2011 http://us.mg204.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f39502%5fAG8Pw0MAAMsmTrx5qQv9aj64bWQ&pid=2.10&fid=Inbox&inline=1 http://us.mg204.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f39502%5fAG8Pw0MAAMsmTrx5qQv9aj64bWQ&pid=2.11&fid=Inbox&inline=1 Stagecoach Cafe 52860 Hwy 59 Stockton, AL 36579 http://us.mg204.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f39502%5fAG8Pw0MAAMsmTrx5qQv9aj64bWQ&pid=2.12&fid=Inbox&inline=1 http://us.mg204.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f39502%5fAG8Pw0MAAMsmTrx5qQv9aj64bWQ&pid=2.13&fid=Inbox&inline=1 Click here for a brief history of “The Annual Last Ride of the Year” at the Stagecoach Café in Stockton, Alabama
  7. A friend of mine wants a fairly new Venture. If you know anyone in the Mobile area please let me know. Thanks tew47
  8. I noticed when I replaced the links that the bottom one was not tight, you could move it by hand. Also had a grove in the bolt witch I guess was caused by the bolt being loose. It now feels real solid. tew47
  9. They go on the linkage on the rear shock. If you lay down on the right and look just in front of the rear tire you will seem the shock and the linkage is attached to it. tew47
  10. Installed the leveling links today and could not believe the difference. The bike should have handled like this from the factory. In the cruves it felt like it was on rails and doing figure eights a dream. also replaced the battery from O"Rillys for $89. better than the stock one. ETX20L Happy Camper !!!! tew47:cool10:
  11. Just ordered the leveling links from diamond r, she said they would be on friday. Can't wait to try them. Only thing is I have the 130 tyre on the front, hope its not to quick till I can get a 150.For a month now when I press the starter button, the lights dim and I can here the starter relay click. After I press it several times it starts right like nothing is wrong. RSV is an 07. Do you think it is the battery, starter button, or starter switch ? tew47
  12. Been there and done that !!!! tew47:big-grin-emoticon:
  13. Had one, it is a 1972 XS650. Mine was red and white with the finger pull starter. tew47
  14. Call the traffic department a complain every day and they will adjust the setting for that light. tew47
  15. The last time I had the tire off the bike I stuck the axle in, the center of the axle was at the rear edge of the hole in the rear hub. At least 1/4" off. tew47
  16. I don't know if my axle is bent or not, but I have to use a 1/2" extension with a big hammer to drive the axle out, and a big leather mallet to drive it in. tew47
  17. Just on the rear bolt, between the caliper and the mounting bracket, the bolt goes through monting bracket, then the washer then into the rear caliper bolt hole. tew47
  18. Sorry, the post is on another forum, Royal Star Venture and Tour Deluxe, on Delphi forum, they also have alot of good info. They also like our forum too. You put the 42thousandth washer in between the rear caliper and the frame. The rear bolt goes through the washer. tew47
  19. I'm like Boomer, I have the chirp and whine, two different sounds. Of course dealer can only hear one noise. tew47
  20. Do what Taz suggested and put a 42thousandth thick washer between the caliper and the frame. This will straighten out the caliper and the pads will wear the same on both sides. I did this last year and just checked and they are both pads are wearing the same. tew47
  21. Just saw one in Brewton,Al. last Sat. Had a sign on it for $2600. Looked brand new. tew47
  22. On June 18th I am riding to Brewton,Al., for their Blueberry Festival. I will leaving Exit 19, Satsuma exit on I 65, truck stop, at 8:15am all are welcome to ride with me. We are going to ride back roads on HWY 31. If you want to meet us along the way just email me or call me at 251-649-0180. If you like blueberries and ice cream this is the ride for you. Gene Weir Gulf Coast Motorcycle Safety
  23. One of the cycle magazine guys did ride from San Diego to Jacksonville on a modified 175 Yamaha. They put a different slide in carb and different sprockets. Had a top speed of about 45 MPH. They had about six or eight gallon tank made.Seems like they got over 300MPG. I think it was done in the '80. Rider said he would never do it again. tew47
  24. Trottle cables that are broken can be replaced at most any bicycle shop. Most shops even have the barrel ends and they can make them longer. tew47
  25. All the time, never leave home without it!!
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