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Everything posted by TEW47

  1. Two friends got hit from behind while stopped at traffic lights. One was hit at fifty mph, the girl was talking on the cell phone and did not brake before she hit him. The other was hit at slow speed but fled the seen. He was caught a mile away, no insurance and hit a run, maybe he might have learned a lesson about hit & run. Both friends are alright. tew47
  2. http://www.thepastwhispers.com/My_Friend.html Hope you enjoy this!!! tew47:173:
  3. I have the J & P and they work good in the N 102! tew47
  4. I got mine today from Motorcycle Acc. Warehouse, all three set delivered for $97. Thats EBC FA179HH and FA 123. tew
  5. Question, I have a Stebel horn attached to the right rear passenger floorboard bolt. Can I mount another Stebel on the left and use the same relay. Hookup both horns on one relay? tew47
  6. Found out from National Terror alert that it was a Muslim biker gang. tew47
  7. I installed mine on the right side, rear bolt of the passenger floorboards. tew47
  8. They are all made China, got a pair of hand made Vendramini waterproof touring boots from Donaldson cycles for $68. Can't beat that for a deal. tew47
  9. How do you run the computer in "safe mode"? tew47
  10. YES, and as soon as I could I would put a boot on the inside of the tire. Like other people here I have ridden thousands of miles with a plugged tire. Motorcycle shops will not fix a flat because of liability, law suits. One or two people had a tire go out that was plugged and sued cycle shop, therefore no shop will fix a flat. A local car tire shop will put a boot in M/C tires for $25. NEVER had a problem. Mostly a rip off for M/C shops to make more money by scaring M/C riders that have not been riding long. Been fixing them for 40 years. tew47
  11. I wear the brite yellow Bull Frogs, alot thicker material. Made in Alabama! tew47
  12. For the first time I saw a sign at a gas station saying Nitrogen enriched gas. Has anyone tried it yet and what did you think of it. tew47
  13. A few years ago I was riding home from:scared: work on HWY 163, which is a raised HWY, three lanes wide. I was in the left part of the center lane with a car in both the other lanes, when a car past me in my lane doing about 140mph. I was next to the car in the inside and the car on the outside lane when the car past me in the inside lane. It took a while to get my heart to slow down. I can't even tell what kind of car it was. tew47
  14. I coach the ERC course on my '07 RSV. tew47
  15. Got mine at Blair Powersports for $141.42 shipped to my house. blairps.com tew47
  16. TEW47

    Virus 360

    My wife got virus 360 on her laptop. Does anyone know how to get rid of it? tew47:95:
  17. Snow, what snow? I have not seen snow in 12 years. tew47:Venture:
  18. SaltyDawg , I just ordered a set also. My wife talked to the owner and she makes each one, so each set is coustom made. I also got the lined with the knee protectors. Hope they work good. I liked the idea of the knee protectors. Thanks for the info. tew47:225:
  19. I won't one of those too several months ago and everyone was out of them. I called all over the internet.Findlly called competition accessaries and they were out to. BUT I was told they had other jackets. He made me a deal on a Fieldsheer Quatro jacket that sold for $250 for the same price as the Tourmaster transition 2 jacket $152. I believe I got a good deal on that one. got the Lime Green, real bright. tew47
  20. Try using just the toes of your boot, not with the ball of your foot. Just keep your heel on the floorboards and pivot your foot around and use the toe of your boot to brake. If you use the ball of you foot you will be putting to much pressure on the brake. tew47
  21. TEW47


    SNOW????? I have not seen snow in 12 years or longer. tew47
  22. In the basic MSF course you are tought to down shift and how to do it. Keep throttle steady and ease out the clutch so as not to cause the rear wheel to lockup momentarily. With a little practice it can be done real smooth. tew47
  23. A friend of mine needs a windshield for his '05 RSTD. Does anyone have one for sale or know where he can get one? tew47
  24. TEW47

    Winter boots

    Well, because its supose to be in the 20's and 30's for the next 2 weeks. Ordered a pair of hunting boots,Gluide Gear 1,000 gram thinsulate ultra insulated waterproof. Got them from, The Sportman's Guide for $47.97,all leather. tew47:mo money:
  25. What do you guys wear for winter boots that keep your feet warm? I have a pair of SIDI on the road boots that do a fair job of keeping my feet warm but I want something better that is also waterproof. ttew47
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