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  • Location
    Kensal, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Fishing, Cycles,
  • Bike Year and Model
    08 Venture
  1. My 08 venture, when ever I ride in the rain or wash my bike the right rear cilinder stops firing. blow off the cap & around the plug & it starts fireing again. I have checked the drain hole it is open so that is not it.what else ? I am thinking that the rubber on the cap is not sealing. so I put some grease in the cap & put silacone around all the places where the wires and ruber boots splice. Havent tryed to wash it sence. the silacone isn't dry yet. so dont know if it helped yet. thank you for your input!!!
  2. Just send your seat to Rick & put in the barin risers. You won't know it is the same bike. All that for about $100. Then if you realy whant to get comfee ? put on a back rest & long horn pegs. then it is just like riding your lazyboy.
  3. Reed

    Clutch ????

    when i changed the fluid it was a light color not real durty. the hole was open. The steeler sead the fluid looked milkey? That would tell me there is water in it. I dont know? I did clean the reservoir when I change the fluid.
  4. Reed

    Clutch ????

    I have notsed that my clutch lever has been getting less free play "for say." So I was thinking it is time to change the fluid. Did that about 3000 miles ago. Now it started it again. Went to the steeler, thay changed it again. Sed it didn't look good. I told him I just changed it. He didn't know what the problum is. Sed try it and see what hapens. Is this why the the ventures are having clutch slip??? under power pull the clutch intill it starts to slip. Mine startes to do this with very little pull of the clutch lever. Now after new fluid I can squese the lever about 1.5 inches befour it starts to slip. Is this some thing we should be watching for???? Or do I still have some thing wrong????? Thanks For all the help!!!
  5. take it off the bike & go to a welding shop or frend that has a welder & weld the hole shut. grind it down. then drill the hole the size of the bushing. I didn't look if it comes off so it might need to be dun on the bike. Just disconect the battery!!!!!! do it your self = 1 hr. of your time shop will charge by the hr. = 60 to 120 good luck
  6. Hear is one more thing to think about! When you fill with gas does the pump have only 1 hose coming out of it for all 3 gas tipes??? If so what did the last guy there get? Gas with eth.. OK so the pump, hose, & filter will hold about 1 gal. of gas. You fill up. 2 gal. of gas your getting 1 gal of each type so that will = 2 gal. of S%&t Gas. Am I correct on all this Exept the spelling? LoL. P.S. Fill up after a HD. Rider. Thay always buy the top shelf stuff! So you will get 1 gal of premo & the rest reg.
  7. Reed

    anit-freeze ?

    I did look at the threads that came up about anti-freeze!!! The thread above "DID NOT" come up! If it would have I would not have asked again!!!
  8. Reed

    anit-freeze ?

    Got it thank you!
  9. Is there a different anti-freeze for motorcycles? The steeler told me there is reg. anti-freeze for cars won't work. The water pump on a Venture don't like it! If i remeber right some thing about Silicone? I think he is blowing smoke up my tail pipe!!!!! trying to sell Yamaha brand. THANK'S for your reply!
  10. When all the adds started it was all with Freebird's name. I thought He was just cleaning out his Garage!
  11. Sounds like a bad ground to me.
  12. now I didn't say foul out the plugs. What I was trying to find out is if it would make a plug not work the way it should? Menanin a weak spark or somthing abnormal? Now take a plug out of a moter that has been fluded. you can clean ues a tourch to dry them out. It will run but not right. Fluded plugs throw them away & put in New will save a lot of time. Would seafome do the same????????????????????
  13. I had a mac. tell me if you use a large amount of Sea fome in some thing you should change plugs after words because it damages the plugs. Has any one notesed this??? I would think it would help clean up the plugs! Don't Know
  14. there is one called Mini trailer USA. many sizes to look at. I ordered the nomad 1450.00 shiped to my door. lookes like a aluma. Nice people to work with.
  15. Yep I did Freebird after i ansered the one above that. Better late then never!
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