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Everything posted by Sylvester

  1. After more than 17 years of owning my 02 RSMV I did the most rookie mistake. Last time I ran the bike for a few miles and brought it back to the stable, I shut it down and shut the gas off and walked away. Two days ago I went to fire it up and DEAD grave yard DEAD. I shut it off and left it in acc. Totally killed the battery without need for CPR. Stupid on me! New battery in and back running.
  2. If they don't warranty it, get up with difitzbiz. He can have a rebuilt to you quick and he does it for donations to a cause he supports. And tell him I am waiting for my new Tony Lama boots.
  3. I have been considering the Ford Ranger, to replace my 96 F150 with 259,000 miles. What model did you get? I consider the base model supercab with certain add ons and 4x4 to be acceptable.
  4. :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: Congratulations Venturesome!
  5. I have worked with local charities concerning homeless persons and every one says the same thing. "DO NOT GIVE THEM MONEY" since this only enables their addictions. I have tried to buy them food, offered shelter and fed their dogs but the bottom line is that they need proffessional help. Again I give you many thanks for this post. Can I use this with the local charities? Slyvester
  6. Scott, that is truly a message from a group of patriots. Thank you so much for this post. So much has changed since common sense leaders influenced the populus. Slyvester aka "your eternal brother".
  7. Puc, you overwhelm me when you travel. Such delicious videos from military weapons to Navajo code talkers, and not to neglect your many motorcycle trips across the US. You are the greatest. Love you, bro. Eternal brother, Slyvester
  8. I will take some pics and reply. I have wings attached to the engine side covers that can direct wind in or out (don't remember who made it), and I have a vent in my windscreen (Clearview) that really helps on those super hot days.
  9. I am forced to put my sack cloth on and go into seclusion and prayer for my Eternal Brother, Cowpuc. This may take some time, so if I don't post in the next year, you may assume the worst. PUC IS FULL OF COWPUC!
  10. I was afraid that cow was going to answer you.
  11. Yes I am still here and post often. Haven't ridden much this year or last due to arthritis. Will sell the 02 RSMV and 80 1100 XS Special next spring. May look at a Spyder touring model if it fits me.
  12. The Barons adapter replaces the front master cylinder top plate with a plate to attach a 3" tach to. Then wire into the coil.
  13. Awesome video and great naration, Puc. :usa:
  14. Happy to see you enjoying yourselves. Who's the cutie with the AK 47? She is my kind of girl. Keeping you two in my prayers. Your eternal brother, Slyvester.
  15. Now that is a deal Red Rider.
  16. There are accessories that will direct fresh air onto the rider and passenger. And in the cold you shut it down and the heat warms you.
  17. 94 today with much lower humidity and then 70 tomorrow (yeehaw).
  18. The rear gear ratio change would certainly solve the situation, but must be tempered with planning. You can get the ratio so deep that fuel economy would tank. I would think that if you only needed to shift to fourth (which is an OD on the 2nd gen) you would do great. On a two wheel Venture some have gone to the V-max rear when towing and two up riding. That change put 5th gear around the fourth gear. Freebird had this mod on his first 2nd gen. (I believe).
  19. Right now I would appreciate your snow making capabilities. I will try not to tease you this winter.
  20. And if that isn't bad enough 100 today.
  21. Just insane that it is so hot here. Very hard to do much outside since the humidity is also high. But if the weather channel isn't lieing like usual, come Saturday it should be in the mid seventies. I always loved Wyoming and Montana but what happened to them early this week, I may never go through there again.
  22. So is this supposed to work on the gen2? Claims it is for a FZ1.
  23. Very impressive. The thought that these iron guns could survive all the years and look so good is amazing.
  24. I have the Baron's front brake adapter that puts the Tach in very visible sight, and I have the Ponch cassette player adapter the gives oil, amp, temp readings.
  25. So happy to see returning members. Wish you all the best with that nasty desease. I am brain dead about this affliction, so I can't offer anything.
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