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Everything posted by Sylvester

  1. I guess that I am one of the fortunate ones, my location is spot on. Thanks Don.
  2. I hope you get your dream ride, Puc. I had a 67 roadster with 427 dual quad (435 HP). My body didn't coform to the seating but what a blast to drive. YES I should have kept it but back then "who da thunk". Your eternal brother, Sly
  3. I don't know nuttin bout computorz butt I no witdrawl. Tanks fer doin wat yo do.
  4. You are all talking about a moot subject. The earth will end in 2030 anyway.
  5. Maybe if one was shipped to China they could copy it. Send a Gen 3 and tell them it needs a V4 water cooled engine.
  6. I believe you may want to delete your attachment.
  7. Very impressive. Makes me wonder why only one? The casting molds were made so why not multiple machines or the builder was possibly an introvert and only wanted it for himself.
  8. I have said for sixty years that I would be blind if it wasn't for wearing glasses all those years. I get the safety lenses for my prescription and always get dark and clear sets of glasses. You will get used to wearing them if you always keep them on. So happy you are getting well.
  9. Used to be a Colt 1911 Officers .45 ACP, but now a S&W 629 3" .44 magnum.
  10. I would install air bags so you can set the highth where ever you want. Cutting coils is a dangerous situation unless they are removed from the truck. My worth.
  11. Try Auto Anything, CarID, or Google what you want.
  12. Won't come up on my computer.
  13. Like Puc, I use Gunbroker and am very pleased with them. Just got a S&W 629 .44mag for a lot less than the stores have them for and it is new not used. I have a Mossberg in .410 with long magazine and pistol grip and 16 inch barrel. Fill it with 000 buck and you will thin a crowd out in a hurry and that is not discharging the weapon. Easy to keep close buy for quick use.
  14. Sylvester


    What a wonderful achievement. Happy anniversary. Jana and I celebrate 49 years next week and we started out much like you two.
  15. My father was not the outdoors type so I never went fishing or hunting with him. But I was tossed out the back door at night and told to find another home a few times. Seems I could be obnoxious at times.
  16. Looks about right to me.
  17. That is what the president said and they are open here in NC. Magnaport Intl. is a custom shop doing machining and other types of enhancements. I don't know if they sell guns or ammunition.
  18. Finally checked the numbers and I have two Pittsbug model 69597 3T stands so I am good.
  19. I have been trying to contact a business in Harrison Twp with no success by phone or email. Are all businesses closed in the state for the pandemic. This business is involved in custom firearm work.
  20. My hair looked so bad that I took the clippers to it and I now have a very short buzz cut. Need to get a clipper with more attachments. All I have is a cordless Wahl that is a beard trimmer with two spacers both being for short cutting.
  21. Puc is not a stranger to going missing, so just wait and he will show up again. All those grand kids take front of the line over everything else.
  22. Saw that yesterday, and have a set of 3T from them. Will look at the numbers but I have had them for at least 6 years.
  23. It was so bad that I had to take matters into my own hand, literally. I CUT MY OWN HAIR. I didn't want to but it was a necessity. Oh and by the way it looks terrible.:doh:
  24. I would think that you will spend more time just emptying that thing than blowing the leaves. Just my thoughts and "yes" they sometimes wonder.
  25. Maybe Gunk engine cleaner and a garden hose would work fine?
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