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Everything posted by Sylvester

  1. You are right..."you never think it will happen to me". I had it happen to me in 1983 with a ten year old son and six year old daughter. The best defense is "keep a positive attitude". I have been cancer free for twenty six years. God bless you and your family!
  2. Like ediddy, I never tie down the rear. It never moves on my trailer. BUT I have only trailered it twice. I use the "Wheel Dock" fron chock and only tie the front wheel and handlebars.
  3. This may be the case, but mine doesn't click when I try to start it with the emergency shut off kicked in.
  4. If the passing lights are wired with the head lamp this could be your problem. They need to be on a relay. Just more to think of.
  5. Contact Chuck Cometti, CWCNM, he is in Roswell and is the closest VR assistant to you. You obviously have computer access so check his profile. His VR assistance # is 505-624-1638
  6. Yes, you can jump start the bike with another 12 volt source. You may need to let it charge up some before trying to start it. It may be your alternator or just a bad battery. I am not knowledgeable about the 1st gen., but I know a lot about the 2nd gen. having had to install a new stator.
  7. Very nice, Annie. I am happy that you are back in the saddle again! I feel like a song coming on...
  8. You need to have the steering bearings checked and packed and then reset.
  9. Funny you should mention the wear in the middle. I was looking at my front tire with my mechanic and he noticed that it (Dunlop 404) was worn more on the sides than the middle. He knows the answer...North Carolina mountains.
  10. I have my 02 at the mechaninc's right now for the same thing. He is pulling the forks and dissasembling them to check for bushing wear, then repair/replace what needs being done. Also repack the steering head bearings and tighten. I had this done three and a half years ago at 58,000 miles and it cured it then, I now have 114,000 miles.
  11. Yea, I opened it, but it wasn't intentional. My fingers slipped on the keyboard. THAT IS MY STORY AND I AM STICKING TO IT!
  12. I am trying to figure out why you did all the work. You have a brand new machine with factory warranty in effect. My first thought would have been to take it to the dealer and make them fix it.
  13. I have already sent the money via PayPal and they are sold. Finally I read a good for sale post early enough.
  14. I live in North Carolina and all the dealers I have been to are open Monday thru Saturday. I do have to say that my barber is closed on Monday.
  15. That would be a over the road heavy hauler in a lot of third world nations. rrringgg, bbinggg, bbingg :rotfl: Never to busy on the farm to make funny!
  16. Ouch! That hurt.
  17. Is it the tip or the flaking chrome? If it is the flaking chrome, remove the muffler, sand it well, and paint it blsck. This looks great and is a cheap fix. I used fish oil based paint in a satin black finish. You will like the results.
  18. That is what you get for mixing HD parts with a fine metric machine!!! No one cares what kind of noise I make on the farm!
  19. Heck, I'll bring my five dogs, all of which weigh over sixty pounds including a St. Bernard. Got to love country life!
  20. I purchased my 02 RSMV in the fall of 01 and it was as up to date as the 2000 HD Ultra I sold. Sylvester and I have bonded and I can feel his heartbeat. I need no other bike in my future. I treat Sylvester like my five dogs...I talk to him. I will ride out my miles with Sylvester.
  21. I have left too many good riding friends behind. Sometimes I will be riding solo and in that peaceful state...then I will hear one of my departed friends give me encouragement or words of wisdom. It is then that I know I am one with the world. As close to nature as I can get! Life on the mini farm.
  22. There is tip over protection on the RSV also. It is called crash bars and they worrk. I have had mine over three different times.
  23. If I new how to post a picture, I would show a photo of me with a cotton mouth on the Red River of Arkansas. Over six feet long and the game warden's truck in the background to add authenticity. I have never feared snakes and appreciate their existence.
  24. I just completed wiring the tach and LED to a switched source. Everything appears OK except a minor amount of flicker from the LED back lighting. This deed is done on my part. Now on to rebuilding the forks.
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