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Everything posted by Sylvester

  1. After looking at their pricing, I would have nearly $8000 for the basic plus fenders. For that kind of money the Tri-Wing and Hannigan look pretty good. For some reason I prefer independent rear suspension so Hannigan is the answer if I ever give up two wheel cycling. But I do like the Hannigan hacks too.
  2. Mine is black and never get very hot even in the sun in the summer. I would take it to the dealer and make them warm it up to the hot temp, and not do it myself.
  3. I actually got over 50 mpg while riding the Blue Ridge Parkway in winter two years ago. I left it in 4th, set the cruise at 45 mph and road from Ashville, NC up into VA. Usually under 70 mph I get 40-42 on regular gas.
  4. I feel for you guys, I live near Shelby, NC and we are wet but not getting anything like you. I even got three acres mowed yesterday and saw the sun for a brief while. Rain through Sunday here but chances are lower.
  5. As a cancer survivor, I can tell you that the greatest thing that comes with treatment is the time spent with your loved ones...all else is second. I will keep you in my thoughts. Jim and the herd of canines
  6. After having heart catheterization on Thursday, I won't be able to ride until... TODAY!!! They found very clean arteries but a weakened heart due to an past infection (maybe pnuemonia in 2005), so I will be on meds the rest of my life. I will get out today and ride for sure.
  7. I just learned how to turn this computer on so I can't post pictures, but if you go to my albums (2002 RSMV Sylvester) you will see what it looks like. I took them off in 2002.
  8. Me thinks you need to park that machine. I have ridden for forty nine years and have only been hit twice...once by a small bird and once by a duck and yes I ducked.
  9. Why don't you turn it off? I only turn mine on for group rides and then it is off the rest of the time. I would not torture myself with the squaking.
  10. I don't believe that HD, Honda, Victory and Kawasaki have all either released new touring bikes or are going to release new tourers, and Yamaha has decided it is not worth their resources. Motorcycles are all about bragging rights to manufacturers, ie. V-max, Goldwing, Hayabusa and others. I feel a new Venture with V-4 power is iminent.
  11. I got the new bolts yesterday and had time today to complete the install. MAN, what a difference. I felt like if I had the cajones, I could have put it on the rear wheel. This is what it should have been like from the beginning.
  12. Thanks, Skid, but I need to change the password for logging onto the site.
  13. I have the Freebird supplied password on my start up, how do I change it to something I can remember to use on remote computers?
  14. This is a true story. I have no problem buying a set of gauges and no severe financial problems. I am however retired living in the country. Due to the financial problems and economic situation, many humans (loosely used) find dumping their pets in the country a quick way to solve some of their problems. As of now, I am caring for six dogs and feeding two more who are so abused they won't come close to me. I have neigbors who are doing the same. Taking these animals to the county shelter mean certain death for them since the shelter is full. If I were to get these gauges, it would mean more food for some of God's unfortunate creatures. PS: LittleBit, Jake, Sadie, Ewyn, Buck, Molly and Who and I Don't Know thank you.
  15. Don't make plans just yet. Yamaha has a tendency to take their time doing anything, no matter what the masses say. You may not see a Venture in 2011, either. Whenever the produce the next model, you will love it.
  16. Before moving to Charlotte, NC area, I lived in Wilmington, NC and would ride to Dallas, TX on my Ultra Classic to see my mother at a nursing home. According to Mapquest it is 1200 miles +/-. I would leave Wilmington on Thursday evening and ride straight thru stopping only for gas. I would arrive on friday evening but I never kept time. After moving to the Charlotte area I have made the ride six or seven more times, again I did not keep time, but it is around 1000 miles. Mother has passed now and I won't be making these trips anymore, since I am retired and take my time now.
  17. You may want to try a sheep skin, works great for me-cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Just google sheep skin and you'll find dealers.
  18. DITTO! You are not looking at the trike running boards, are you?
  19. Rick can take care of your situation. I have not used him but he is highly rated on these posts. I have a similar product from a competitor and it works great.
  20. You bet I do, and I have a water pump cover with the logo of Star Touring and Riding Association. They are not for sale, but I have been offered money many times for them. I also have a hand microphone for the CB and that is not for sale either. All these things make my 02 unique.
  21. Finally got around to doing the replacement today. Everything went great, easy instructions, simple to follow, removed all plates and reinstalled everything according to plan. Checked the new spring plate against the older, at least 1/32 thicker, and got ready to put the bolts back in. Oh hell , the existing bolts upon inspection were visably stretched. The clutch was replaced over eighty thousand miles ago! All I could do was call my local dealer and order new bolts which may arrive next Tuesday. So much for my easy clutch re-install. I must admit that PCW has their act together. Everything was spot on!
  22. I felt so in the future eight years ago. My 02, when assembled by the dealer, had the antennas reversed and within two weeks of ownership I removed the chrome spears (eyebrows) from my bike. Does that make mine worth $19,690?
  23. I have had Gerbing for decades without problems. My jacket liner failed after many years and I did not expect Gerbing to replace/repair it. I bought a Tour Master at a bike show and am pleased with the results. I still use Gerbing gloves.
  24. Yep, they are getting ready for the 2011. Now the price is up to $19,690, so it won't take much to put a new model at...$22,000 or more. But Yamaha has one more year to get rid of all those CD changers at an inflated price. I bet you'll never get much for them on e-bay. Everyone I know with the changer have taken them out. I see there is no Royal Star Tour Deluxe anymore either.
  25. :clap2: I thought Yamaha had a brilliant idea...getting rid of all those obsolete CD changers by making them standard equipment and charging more for the bike. There are many of them for sale on e-bay now. Thanks Mad Max or EUSA1, for a moment of truth.
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