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Everything posted by KDFranzen

  1. Never wore one till the choice was taken from me by a minivan. Now we wear full face HJC modulars.
  2. Deb and I are going for a weekend ride next week. Where you ask? Where ever the front wheel takes us. Looking for anyone that would like to join us. We live near Joliet, Ill. As of now, we have no plans other than to leave about 9 or 10 am on Sat and be back home sometime Sunday afternoon/evening. Basically, we will ride till we are tired and then try to find a room, then get up and do it again till we get home. Looking for something scenic and slow. No bar hopping or spending hours in a parking lot shooting the breeze. Don't get me wrong, we enjoy jaw jacking from time to time but this ride will be about the ride.
  3. Mine came with the 404's. The bike already had 2500 miles on it when i boought it. I ended up changing both the front and rear with another set of 404s. The mileage was 14255 when I changed them. I too was worried about a change in compound. I guess we'll see.
  4. Thanks guys. I bought it used, so I don't know the in-service date. I'll see if I can get it from the dealer tomorrow.
  5. Is there a way for me to find out when my warranty ends? Is there a website I can go to? Or do I need to contact a dealer?
  6. That's what my local dealer told me today.
  7. Thanks guys for the input. I too have heard about mixing tires. I'm not wanting to do that. The Venoms have been discontinued according to my local shop. Think I'll probably stick with what has worked so far. Thanks again for your help.
  8. I also do a fair share of two up
  9. Here we go....... Looking at tires for my 07 Venture. Currently have the original tires with 14,255 miles on them. Rear is ready to be replaced. Going to replace the front only because it's 5 years old. Here's my questions..... I have read about someone with a Michelin Commander || on the rear. What would be suggestions for the front? Michelin does not make a front tire for the Venture. I haven't had any problems with the Dunlop 404's which are what's on the bike now. Also, the member that has the Michelin Commander ||, has it on a first gen. As far as the riding I do? Mostly highway and around town. Don't have many twisties around Joliet but would like a set of tires that would be good for that when I get the opportunity. The Venoms were discontinued and I know I have read a lot about people using those. Just not sure if I should stick with what I have, or go to something different. I'm kind of one of those that figures if it's not broke, don't fix it. Anybody's thought or suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Thanks for putting up with me babbling. Kevin
  10. I don't know if this has been posted on here yet or not but a new law in Illinois now allows a motorcycle to LEGALLY run a red light if it hasn't changed after waiting for 2 minutes. The law went into effect Jan. 1st 2012. Just a little FYI for people that don't know.
  11. Thanks everyone for your help. I did get a call last Friday afternoon that the bike was FINALLY done. Having never trailered it, I was a little nervous but got it home without any issues. Again I thank you all for the advice and pics of how you haul yours. And the offer to ride it home for me.
  12. I thought about that. Problem is, I live near Joliet and the bike is in Woodstock, about 1-1/2 to 2 hours away.
  13. I know I saw something somewhere on here about trailering a RSV. Damned if I can find it though. After 3-1/2 months, my bike may finally be fixed after I got hit. Still can't ride due to my injuries, so she needs to be trailerd home. I haven't done this before, so I'm not quite sure if I need to do anything special to the bike. Any advice would be helpful. I am planning on using a U-HAUL motorcycle trailer if that helps with the comments. Thanks. Kevin
  14. After I was hit this year, the first insurance adjuster said $5407 for repairs for my 07 RSV. The second adjuster said $8595.88. I asked the dealer what the total number was. He told me it was in the mid 9's. I was a bit surprised to say the least since KBB has it retail for 10,375 in excellent condition. Could this be because I only have 13,000 mikes on it? I figure repairs will be even more due to neither the dealer or adjuster noticed the bent handle bar. They won't know about any frame damage till they get all the fairing and boxes off.
  15. Talked to the shop where the bike was towed. Estimate before tearing it down is $8595.88. I can't believe they are going to fix it. I can only guess it's because the bike only has 13,000 miles. Thank you all for the well wishes. I do appreciate them. Ride safe everyone and hopefully we will be back out on her nxt year. Kevin
  16. My riding season was cut short last Saturday in Woodstock, Illinois by a 71 yr old cager that didnt see me. The accident happened on Illinois 176 in Woodstock. How he didnt see me is a mystery even to the police. I was heading east and he was heading west. He went to turn left and caught the back end of my Venture which apparently caused me to wabble before launching me into the air and onto the pavement. I do not remember a thing from the night before through the following afternoon. Injuries to me were a broken collar bone, broken rib, bruised lung,7 staples to the right side of my head, severe concussion, bruised hip and a whole lotta road rash. Lucky to be alive as I was not wearing a helmet. Damage to bike is unknown right now. It was towed to a shop today for an estimate. I can only be thankful that I was alone on that ride. Hope to be healed and riding again by the fall. Stay safe and enjoy the summer everyone. I'll catch up with y'all down the road. Kevin
  17. Thanks to everyone. We ended up with the HJC IS MAX BT helmets and the J&M 279 headset. When we go out with a group, they tend to use the cb. Hope to have everything by the time I get home Friday nite.
  18. Looking for advice on helmets and headsets. We are looking at HJC BT modulars with the dual visors. Headsets are J&M BCD279-UN-HO sets for the HJC. I was able to find everything, including the lower cords for 615.00. is thiat a good deal?? Is there a better option for this price?? thanks to all that answer. This price is for 2 sets.
  19. I have an 07 RSV and couldn't be happier with it. I am 6'3" and about 245. I like to stretch out a bit, so I added highway pegs to do that. It does, however, get somewhat heavy sitting in traffic or very short around town rides. As far as longer rides go, I love it. We do a lot of two up and its no problem. Good luck on your search. Kevin
  20. Wife and I are up by Joliet, illinois. About 45 miles sw of Chicago.
  21. We call our 07 Venture "Happy Meal Toy". We got it after the wife had a fall at our local fast food rest. where you would get such a thing. We used the money from the insurance to buy it. Personlized plates to come next. HPYML2
  22. great job on getting this going Scott. Deb and i had a great time. This was our first M&E. Plan on attending Leadwolf's in the fall. Great to meet all of you and look forward to many more rides together. Kevin & Debbie:happy34: Deb's working on adding her pics to her facebook page. Take a look. www.facebook.com/debsagoof
  23. We are planning a four day ride around Lake Michigan. Looking for anyone else interested in going or people that can recommend some good routes. The plan is to leave on June 26 in the morning and get to Mackinaw sometime that evening. Stay there for Saturday and then head to the U.P. and over to Wisc.. Stay somewhere in Wisc. sunday nite and finish the trip on monday. We live near Joliet Illinois. Let me know if you would like to join us somewhere along the trip or if you have suggestions on routes. Thnx. Kevin and Deb
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