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Everything posted by pktexas

  1. Dave, James, one more to ride down from Hooters. Just got into work, boss changed my schedule, so I am off on saturday. See ya.
  2. Here are some Pics of the wind deflectors I purchased from BuddyRich on my 05RSV. They really make a difference, made a couple of rides this last weekend early in the morning (51). Like the look, they look stock. Might be hard to see with the Black on Black. Great Job Buddy. Also one of the pics shows the Venture decal I got from Freebird on my tank bib. Fits right in. Thanks again Don. Perry
  3. Went last weekend, stayed at the D'Rose Inn for motorcycles. Sorry no pets there. Found this link that takes pets, its just outside of Leakey. Not sure how good it is, didn't go by there. Enjoy the area, its beautiful. Have a great time. http://www.riverbluffcabins.com/index.html Perry
  4. Come on down, pretty much all outcasts here. I have been here for over 30 years. So many places to ride to, and get to ride year round depending what part of the state you are in. Gotta love the heat....
  5. The wife and I took the Venture and her 1100 Vstar over to Leakey to do the 3 Sisters ride. Left Houston on Thursday, the weather just turned great with the temps. Spent Friday & Saturday riding around the area. First time there, will be going back for sure. Wife did some riding on her bike, but mainly we rode 2up. Stayed at the D'Rose cabins in Leakey for motorcycles only. No TV and no cell service, it was great. Lot of bikes out riding, but only seen one other Venture, it was at the Lost Maples State Park, a Texas Park Ranger (Richard) had a 05 Silver. He seen us drive thru and tracked us down. Spent about a hour chatting with him, pointed him to the VR site to check it out. Spending today cleaning the bikes, must have collected thousands of butterflies on the ride. We are now waiting for November ride to Big Bend, can't wait.
  6. Buddy, sent you money by paypal. (Black) Thanks
  7. Great job Owen. Nice look.
  8. My local dealer changing out my leaking rear shock this week with only 19 days left under the warranty. Thanks again to this site for sharing valuable info.
  9. SOLD.... SOLD Posting this for my boss for a friend in his HD club who is selling his Goldwing. You can contact the seller direct. See # below. I am putting my 2003 GL1800 goldwing up for sale. We are asking 8500.00 firm. I own the bike and have a clear title. We are letting all the gear we have go with the bike. New helmets with internal electronics, electric clothing, GPS, Radar detector, Satellite radio, CB radio Bike cover……the works. The bike has been serviced, has new brakes and tires. All the stock grey pieces have been custom painted to match the bike. Our price is firm. If you are interested please contact me at the number below. We are giving up riding. Thanks.
  10. Goose, what would be some signs of a RSV needing a valve adjustment on a routine maintenance schedule. The reason I ask is that my 05 RSV has over 27500, took it to the dealer last week to get a new Avon rear tire after over 13k on it. So I asked them about the 27k valve check. The service guy at the dealer gave me the price of 450, but he said they would see if it needed it. He later called and told me not to spend the money on it. The bike runs great, sounds fine and I still get around 38-43 mpg depending on riding. Great write up on the procedure, I do my own valve adjustments on my 1100, but the RSV looks a little more involved. But hope to learn it someday. Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
  11. I did on my Venture, my wife on her 1100, but we ride to work everyday anyway. And our son rode to work on his R6 in this houston heat. Hot Hot Hot...
  12. Agree with Eck, heard the same click, click when rolling in the driveway this last week. Spent about 3 hrs Saturday raising the bike and removing the rear tire and greasing the rear hub drive pins and spines. They were real dry. My 05 just went over 24500, Hard to believe this problem continues on a new RSV with so little miles. Read all about this problem on this site and make sure the dealer understands what they need to do. Good Luck.
  13. Dave, looks like a great trip. Very good pics. Will have to plan to do this one in the future. Just got back from my trip to the Indy 500, 2577 mi round trip. Went solo, was ok, but riding with another looks better. See you at the M&E on the 27th in Lockhart.
  14. Just got back on Wednesday from a 2577 mi ride to Indianapolis to see the Indy 500 last Sunday and visit relatives back home in Indiana. The Venture was a blast to ride, got on average 40 mpg on the trip. Got real luckly and didn't hit any real rain to speak of. Met some fellow bikers at stops, first day was 797 mi. Stop for gas and eats where there were several goldwing trikes stopped so I figured the food was good. Had some good conversations with them about the venture. Also met some guys on their way to DC from Calif., one was riding a spyder(see pic) he was 79 (still going). Trip home stopped at a Tennessee rest stop to visit with a 04 Venture on his way home from a rained out camping weekend. Was surprised that this was the only Venture I had seen on the trip. It was great to get back home, wife happy to have me back home safe. She even washed my bike for me. Next time she will ride 2up. She would rather ride her 1100. Bike did great, the only problem I noticed was backing the bike out of garage the day after getting back is that I have some clicking noise from the rear wheel. Pretty sure it is the Hub pins needing grease, Thanks to this site with info on this very problem. Bike has over 24000, so I will busy this weekend.
  15. Leaving Houston tomorrow morning and riding to Indianapolis for the Indy 500 this sunday. Then ride and visit with relatives thru the week all over Indiana.
  16. Count me in for 4. thanks
  17. Like Dave, the class was well worth the time and money. Since I have been only riding my Venture since xmas, I am the first to admit that my skills are still improving. Thats why I took to class. As Dave mentioned about the bars hitting, I knew since I got the bike that the bars hitting the cover when trying to go full lock didn't seem right. Removing the fuel tank chrome cover did seem to help me. But it could have been in my head also at that point. The instructor was able to make all the moves on my bike, but that shows the skills needed. I am going to remove the riser and try riding to see if improves my sitting position also. I believe more practice on tight manuevers using the skills we practiced in the class will definitly help me. I was able to complete the real tight u-turns and tight circles, just need more practice on the turning of the my head and eyes. As a tell my son on anything in life and riding; practice, practice, practice.... Now my turn... Again, the coarse was fun, well worth. Will take it again down the road.
  18. Was wondering how many venture riders will be going to the race this year. I am leaving Friday May 22nd from the Houston area. I have season tickets and go almost every year, this year will be the first for riding the 05 RSV. If anyone is riding to the track, would like to join up for the ride. Will be staying with my sister in Indy on the northeast side.
  19. If anyone has Dish Network out there. Tune into channel 212 EARTH. Dish has a camera view of the earth 24/7. Its pretty awesome. I watched the sunrise this morning. They update the still evering 15 sec.
  20. Thanks for the link. I have watched it from day one. Even brought the model and added pieces as it was being installed. Watch it go over whenever I can.
  21. Dave, I would like to sign-up also. But that date is hard for me. It's my weekend to work. Depends on how late the class goes in the day. My shift starts at 2p. Hope it can workout. Great Idea for spring.
  22. This weekend was two years since my son, wife and I took the motorcycle safety coarse and getting hooked on riding. We all started right away after buying a virago 250 to gain practice. Then I moved up to a vstar 1100 custom and my son an R6. The wife stayed with the 250 till this last xmas when I found a good deal on my 05 RSV. She now rides the 1100 or rides two up. I met up with her today at her job and we rode home, beautiful day here in Texas. I have enjoyed joining this group after I got the Venture and have learned a great deal from everyone. Looking forward to many more years of VENTURERIDERS events. Just wanted to say that learning to ride and buying my Venture and has been the best. See you down the rode. THANKS
  23. Dave, glad you put one on. They do come in handy in sounding off at idots out there. Had to do it today coming in to work today.
  24. Eddie, Put me down for (1) one. Thanks
  25. These were on my venture when I brought it in Dec. The previous owner said he had no problems with them. I put them on my wifes 1100 and my sons R6. So far no problems, my son & I ride every day to work, so its nice for a real quick check. But I have checked atleast once a week to monitor the pressure. Hoping they hold up.
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