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Everything posted by pktexas

  1. Carl, great bit of history. Thanks for the links. Enjoyed reading them. Been to the museum several years ago, great place to visit.
  2. Do you remember this day? Feb 20th, 1962. I was 8yrs old. It sparked my interest in following the space program and working at NASA someday. I got to full fill that dream 18 yrs later, working at the Johnson Space Center in Houston at the beginning of the Space Shuttle Program.
  3. Keep looking Owen. I believe Yamaha installed a micro-cassette on the FJR
  4. Hard to believe this, but here it is. 52 - 07 yamaha 250. 2007 53 - 06 yamaha 1100. 2007 54 - 05 yamaha RSV 2008 Explains why I have been doing Iron Butt rides, trying to catch up.
  5. Happy 60th TOM. Hope you got to ride the GW for a ride today .:Happy Birthday:
  6. Received and installed the MP3 this week on the RSV. Love having my music control from the main radio control again. Didn't like trying to control the ipod with heavy groves during the winter. I have been transferring some of my old albums over to mp3, so I get one side of the album as one track which gives me more songs on the sd card. Since I ride everyday to work, leaving the MP3 on has not been a problem. Cost was very reasonable also. Paid $120 plus shipping.
  7. Congrats Owen, like the new ride. Looks like keeping with same paint scheme. Will we still see Vinnie around town
  8. :Happy Birthday: Have a good day. Looks like you are getting hammered at your house right now by the weather. Be safe out there.
  9. :Happy Birthday: Jim have a great one. Hope you got to ride.
  10. It was great meeting with everyone one last time for 2011. Good time together as always. For everyone that came from out of town, Art(Aharbi),Jim(Roadhand), Ray(Oldschool), Dana&Sara(Cmsbrak) thanks for making the trip into Houston. I know its hard to make time this time of year. It was a great day for riding, once the fog burned off in the morning. Hope everyone had a safe and fun ride home. Mollie and I enjoyed the after meet with Dave/Jamie, Hal/Val at the outdoor gun range. Fired off several boxes of shells. The place was packed, celebrating New Years with safe gun fire instead of the crazies at Midnight. Wishing everyone on the VR site a Happy New Year. Hoping for a great 2012. Friends on this site have made my life more fulfilled, an extended family. This week marks 3 yrs I have owned my Venture, its been life altering. See everyone down the road. Here are a few pics of everyone at the meet.
  11. Welcome to the group. Look forward to meeting you. Looks like its going to be a good day for riding. And the best thing to meet and eat with everyone. See everyone tomorrow at high noon.
  12. Iam interested, Mollie & I went out on Xmas eve for some target practice, so maybe New Years eve also. Will check and get back to you later today. About to get off in a few hours and go on a Patriot Guard mission on the north end. BTW, you don't have to hold the targets for Jamie do you. LOL.
  13. Art, I updated the post with links and location of the meet. Have a nice ride, see you Sat.
  14. Sending out invite to all who want to come this Sat at Noon for BBQ at Goode Company on 290NW just past 1960. Same place as previous meets. Come out and introduce yourself to DAVE77459 again. He was missed since being TDY to Joplin, Mo for the last 6 months. And it looks like a good day for riding, Dave is way behind. See ya there. Here is several links to Location of Goode Company BBQ. [ame=http://maps.google.com/maps?source=s_q&f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=goode+company&sll=29.9076,-95.608625&sspn=0.007886,0.011094&ie=UTF8&hq=goode+company&hnear=&cid=12352199228659952764&ll=29.921613,-95.608521&spn=0.190439,0.324097&z=11&iwloc=A&vpsrc=6&oi=map_misc&ct=api_logo]Google Maps[/ame] http://www.goodecompany.com/our-restaurants/goode-company-bar-b-q/locations/20102-northwest-frwy.html
  15. Hi Jeff, I went ahead and got the one yr Domestic for $175 when Owen posted this last summer. It made the wife feel better in taking on the RAT and some other Iron Butt rides away from home this year. And planning to do more out of state runs next year. Have fun on the Alaska run. PK
  16. Since the crossing will be unmanned, hard to verify the crossing into Mexico for the Iron Butt. I am going to attempt next year from Brownsville to Emerson, BC. Its longest route (over 1750mi) but do-able in 36hrs.
  17. Jim, hope all is going to be aok. How long you have to be off the GW? Take care old man.. Not.
  18. :clap2:Congratulations Jim & Belinda.
  19. :Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday: Have a Great Day
  20. Thanks Kreg. Prayers sent.
  21. Owen, the You tube on the bike configured for LD riding was interesting. Maybe need to test ride one someday.
  22. Stopped in to visit with Ponch and Kathy this evening at TIRR. They are doing well, David told me that he will be transferring to another facility probably this coming Monday. Its in Conroe, closer to their house. Kathy thinks 1-2 months maybe. He's still is having some vision problems, and experiences vertigo sometimes. Told me the doctor was moving his head around trying check his movement and he almost threw-up on the Dr. David said he wished he did. He still has that great sense of humor, cracked me up several times. Stayed while he ate his dinner, he's eating good bye himself. Walked Kathy to the bus stop, she is staying close to the rehab facility. Will be good for her to be back at home soon too. Still praying for continued recovery.
  23. Prayers sent Hal, she is in our thoughts. All the hope for the new treatment to work. Will keep prayers coming.
  24. :Happy Birthday:
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