Yea pilot mixture is what i adjusted, sorry for the confusion. I agree it does seem like a lot but the bike was extremely rich before this going by the plugs (wet with gas not oil and black). They are now a brown color.
What has made this a pain is the bike was somewhat apart and im just putting the peices together as i go. The charcoal canister "to carb" hose was disconnected and plugged. I left it plugged and went to my 83 for a baseline adjustment on the pilot mixture screws and went with that. I know that 83 seems a bit much at 4 1/2 turns out but it's been that way for 40,000 miles and the plugs are a nice light brown.
Now, what i was confused with was i thought the pilot air screws where the air screws to change the mixture at idle but changing the adjustments has made a huge difference all the way through the revs not just at idle. Calling it a pilot air tells me it should just change the mixture at idle. Correct me if im wrong on that.
As far as the canister hose being disconnected, there is no nipple for the hose to connect to anywhere on the carbs.
Again thanks for all the help you guys have passed on to me for this.