Beer30's truck is an 86... his would have a silver box about 6in square mounted on the fire wall or fender well.... YOURS is much newer... your Ign module is much smaller... about the size of a Cig lighter. . Not Sure how to post a pic... but here is a link..,2066864/vehicleId,2359504/initialAction,partProductDetail/store,3218/partType,00029/shopping/partProductDetail.htm
Its a very simple to replace... Simpley unplug it... then using either 5.5mm socket or a small torx bit to remove. once screws are removed.. then unplug the module. Coaut the sivler surface with the Dialectric grease that it comes with and reinstall. I am 95% sure it will cure your problem... Its very common for these to cause an intermit stall. BTW... I belive you will find this located on the driverside Fender well.