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Reaney in NH

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Everything posted by Reaney in NH

  1. Areosal can of Trim adhesive works AWESOME to hold a gasket in place for assemble. Spray on both surfaces.. let set for a cpl minutes and stick together. Dries in a few minutes. Install the part... The most amazing thing is the glue disappears after the engine gets hot a few times and the gaskets is easy to remove when you take apart next time. Best thing I've found in 25 years of turning wrenches. Try it... you'll like it.
  2. My Wife loves her 750 Shadow... But still rides with me on long trips.
  3. If you get up to New Hampshire Look us up... We would be happy to show you around... and even save you a night in a hotel. Have a great trip. Reaney in NH
  4. I would be very intersted in buying your cleaview if you sell it. Please let me know when its available. Thank you Reaney in NH
  5. Yes... Coat the shiny metal surface where it meets the heat sink( the finned part) then Plug in and then install the screws. Then plug the wires in... Do all that and you are done. IF this does not take care of it... then take it to a good Tech... its more then something easy. Let us know how it comes out. Reaney in NH
  6. Thank you IVAN.... You are SO right. Its one of the reasons I got out of the business. The general lack of respect and the general ignorance of the driving public just got OLD. I still enjoy helping others tho... and like to pass along the knowledge I have gained over the years. Its how most of us learn new things.
  7. Beer30's truck is an 86... his would have a silver box about 6in square mounted on the fire wall or fender well.... YOURS is much newer... your Ign module is much smaller... about the size of a Cig lighter. . Not Sure how to post a pic... but here is a link.. http://www.autozone.com/R,2066864/vehicleId,2359504/initialAction,partProductDetail/store,3218/partType,00029/shopping/partProductDetail.htm Its a very simple to replace... Simpley unplug it... then using either 5.5mm socket or a small torx bit to remove. once screws are removed.. then unplug the module. Coaut the sivler surface with the Dialectric grease that it comes with and reinstall. I am 95% sure it will cure your problem... Its very common for these to cause an intermit stall. BTW... I belive you will find this located on the driverside Fender well.
  8. I worked on Fords for YEARS... Intermit stall is almost always either an IGN Module ( IF it has a dist) If its DIS ign... then its usually a crank sensor. If Memory serves me correctly... your truck is Has a Dist and has an Ign Moudule either mounted directly to the side of the Dist or one the firewall or fender well. Its the FIRST item I would replace after confirming a NO SPARK condition. After 15 Years of Servicing Fords in a dealership... 9 out of 10 was ign module. On the New Style trucks with out a dist... (DIS) ign... then the uaual cuplrit is the crank sensor... sometimes located in the Timing cover... or near the frony pully on the engine. Hope this helps Reaney in NH
  9. I think its intersting that the study was sponsered and paid for by AMSOIL... Hard to say it couldn't be bias.
  10. Hmmm... I think this is my first post. LOL I am new to the Venture... But Have ridden a Kawasaki 1500 Vulcun Classic for years. I installed a home built external high flow filter... its exposed to the elements... mounted on the side like they do on Harleys... And I have ridden in pouring rain and never had an issue at all. You will find the same thing with this mod... it will work great. I would however check your plugs. Best to check them right away after an extended high speed run. I had to Rejet my carb on my Vulcan after adding pipes and doing the intake mod. Not sure how tolerant the Venture is in comparison.
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