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Reaney in NH

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Everything posted by Reaney in NH

  1. I have the same Fuse block mounted in the same location. Works AWESOME... Its CHEAP... and very easy to get at.
  2. Ok... I responded to you PM.. let me know what you decide.
  3. I would swap.... But its to far to meet. Would need to be done in the mail. Mine is also a Pillow top in perfect shape. Did Rick do anything but his standard mod? Narrow it or lower it?
  4. Great idea.... anybody have thoughts on this?
  5. Hello everybody, I know this has been covered... but I can't find it. I recently ran accross a how too or a thread on converting the RSV to a combined braking system. So the front and rear work together... Like they do on a Goldwing. Could someone send me info on this or post some links? Thank you Reaney in NH
  6. I don't know if its possible... BUt I thought I would throw this out and see if anybody has tried it. Back when I rode a Goldwing GL1500... they have the same limits on the cruise. What someone figured out is if you clip the wires going into the cruise brain that tell it when the bike is in 4th or 5th gear and switch them... Then the cruise would allow a higher rpm in high gear. Effectivly fooling the cruise control. I'm sure someone has thought if this... but its an idea. Has anybody looked into this type of thing?
  7. I have never used them in my bike... but I plan to on the next tire change. But, I would like to add this. I have a Suzuki Samurai with 35" Tires. Tires that large are hard to balance correctly and my constant use off road would knock off the wheel wieghts. I added Dyna beads 2 years ago and never looked back. They work AWESOME. I still don't understand the physics of it... but I can't argue with success.. they work.
  8. Bought my 2001 w/24K in Early March for $6,000 cash. Mint cond, Bubs pipes, Bag rails with lights, extra chrome. I belive they book for around $8,000... so $9500 is high.
  9. I don't know what condition the GL 1000 you are looking at is, but if it is fixable and you don't put more than $1000 into it, you would have a nice ride. The 1000cc had a lot less power than the 1100cc, and no I don't know why. The Reason was the Final gears. The GL1000 was designed as a naked bike and had tall road gears in them... The GL1100 was designed to be dressed and was geared lower. The 1100 also had a slightly larger carb and accel pumps in the carb. I rode a GL1000 for 120,000 miles after I bought it as a wreck for $700. It was a 77... purchased in 83. Had 177K when sold. Next bike was a 81 GL1100.... Put 130K on that one. I would say they have to be the most dependable and maintence free bikes I've ever seen. Reaney in NH... adding my 2 cents worth.
  10. Will the front half of the seat listed fit on a 2001 RSV? Could it be modified to fit?
  11. The Stebel will fit where the Stock horn is on the lower right side. I juswt installed one yesterday. Its AWESOME!!!
  12. Mind Boggling isn't it? Our Government throws thos numbers around like its pocket change.
  13. Bike he is on is a 1991.... He is averaging over 56,000 miles a year to hit 1 million. Thats an amazing feat... On ANY bike. I 'm not a harley fan at all... and it sounds like he has had his share of trouble with it... as expected with those kind of miles.
  14. AWESOME!!! Thats just the info I was looking for. I will check them out. Thank you
  15. Anybody in New England know of a store that carries a good line of Helmets? I 'm a tough fit and really hate trying to buy a helmet thru the mail. The Dealers in this area don't carry much selection. I would be willing to drive a distance for a good selection. Prefferred area... Anywhere in Southern NH, Western Ma, Northern CT. Next... Any opinions on a nice comfortable helmet? Something that has room for the Headsets? Like to keep costs under $200.00 if I can. Thank you
  16. Now thats COOL!!!!
  17. I installed one on my Kawasaki 1500 Vulcan and it worked awesome. I drilled and tapped my Crash gaurd and used as a Vac tank. I could find a link with full install instructions for the Kawasaki... if it would help you. Well worth the effort for sure. Reaney:thumbsup:
  18. How true it is. Its amazing how far we have come... Isn't it?
  19. Rule of thumb on a automotive rear end is to put in what you took out when installing new gears.. 90% of the time its correct... it will at least give you a good baseline. I'm hoping the Bike gears will be about the same. Time will tell.
  20. Yes, I did. Got the stuff cheap enough.. I gotta try.
  21. Thanks for the info... I will certainly keep you all up to date and see how it goes. Should know more in a week or 2.
  22. Sportmax sells Our RSV gears to the Vmax guys with exchange... and then they sell the Vmax gears to us, also with exchange. The Vmax housing looks different.. it does not have the Speedo hole. So I belive they are swaping the gears from one housing to another. This is why I bought an extra housing. I bought the RSV Final drive for $58.00 delivered... and a set of Vmax gears for even less. YOu are right about cretical measurement... I've set up alot of car and truck diffs. I'm thinking the bike can't be much harder... Just different. I will let you guys know how it works out. Could be I'm WAY off base... but then again... Maybe not.
  23. Hello everybody, I really want to put the Vmax gearing in my RSV... We do alot of 2up riding and tow a trailer... I feel the deeper gears will help alot. I just purchased a RSV Final drive on Ebay and last night I found some Vmax gears. Has anybody here actually installed Vmax gears in a RSV housing? I know there is a site that will do it... But I'm a do it yourself kind of guy. Any tips or info would be great. Service manual has also been ordered. all my parts should be here in a few days. I was thinking of doing a write up on the install. Thank you Reaney in NH
  24. I've had my 2 bikes insured with Progresive for 3 years... and every year the costs have increased to my current bill of $306.00.... Then I bought my Venture to replace a bike... Did a Policy change and the new rate went to $497.00... Coverages are the same... except the Venture is newer.. worth more etc. So just for kicks... I went to the Progresive site and acted like a new custermor and entered all my info for a NEW quote... Same coverages as before and even got towing added,.,, the NEW rate is $293.00. I'm guessing that this grate rate will go up again next year and that its low to get me in... Nice reward for staying with a company for years with no claims... you get to PAY MORE then a new custermor with no history. Anybody else run into this? Anybody know WHY?
  25. Hang in there... its well worth the effort. I quit almost 10 years ago... had a 3 pack a day addiction. Heres a tip on something that worked for me... It sounds crazy... but it worked. When I got an urge for a cig... We try to ignore it... and for me.. it made it worse. So.. What I did was acknowleg the urge... and make the choice not to smoke. I even said it out loud sometimes. " I COULD have a cig... but I'm going to CHOOSE not too" Then it was a choice.. I was in control... not the Cigs. You did the same thing when you had the unlit cig in your mouth... you CHOSE not to lite it. YOU had the control of the addiction... the addiction doesn't control you. Good luck and stick it out. Hope this helps Reaney in NH:thumbsup:
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