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Everything posted by star4772

  1. Well it was a great game but the other team from district 4 beat us out 4-2 The teams were a good match being undefeated in both divisions. They all played fantastic and I cant be any prouder of my grandson and the team they all ended up with silver medals. It was well deserved maybe gold next year. Joe
  2. Thanks Larry for all your great comments like always. Yes indeed you know what its like with grandkids and there sports. Its going to be tough the 2 divisions that are playing for the gold are both undefeated so will see what happens. If they end up with silver will be just as rewarding because they made it that far. Joe
  3. Thanks Squid.
  4. :no-no-no: Smart a**
  5. So sorry to hear the passing of Don (Gunboat) he will be missed for sure. Prayers for his family.
  6. Well its been a long tough road for my grandson and his team from district 6 they are still undefeated in the Michigan Meijer state games 4-0 tomorrow they will play for the gold medal. He has become one heck of a hockey player and he has been looked at by the big leagues all ready. So proud to be his grandpa: Go get the gold boy's. :080402gudl_prv: Joe
  7. Update on the Meijer State Game. My grandson and niece in the opening ceremony she will sing and my grandson will be # 15 blue jersey in District 6 Teams will be announced in the opening ceremony as they come out onto the field. A proud grandpa here for sure. Who ever watches hope you enjoy. Joe
  8. Glad to hear you got a job and best of luck to you. I was laid off in Nov 2011 and still out of work, but I decided to retire and move to AZ and look for some part time to go with my SS. In the mean time I'll just collect my unemployment and SS till I find something. Funny thing is company tried to tell unemployment after 20 weeks of collecting that I quit. Well guess what my doc's proved them wrong and unemployment found in my favor. Goes to show keeping records is worthy. Joe
  9. Ok letting everyone know you can watch live the opening ceremony of the Meijer State Game and see my niece who won the computation sing live. You may also watch the first game of hockey which my grandson was picked to play in the state games. I don't know the number as of yet but last name is Brandon which should be on his jersey. Once again thanks again for all the votes. Now here is the link for the web site: http://stategamesofmichigan.com/ Will be shown 7PM Eastern just look for the live feed. Joe
  10. Hope everything works out for you Scott. Will send prayers your way to help. Joe
  11. Get in touch with Freebird send PM Joe
  12. I ran to Chicago all last year every day and the best way since the construction is pretty much done on 80/94 I would just run 80/94 294 80 to 57 and go south. There is really no easy way to get around that city. You should be ok depending on time of day you pass through. Joe
  13. Thanks
  14. Yes, Yes, Yes
  15. Not only did my niece make the Meijer State Michigan Game to sing the National Anthem my Grandson made the cut to play Hockey at the Meijer State Michigan Game. If anyone is up on that or will be going or watching he is Brandon Ledyard number 15 on the roster on the web site. He will be playing forward as far as I know. This all just made my day.
  16. Dry weight between the 2 bikes is only about 30 lbs. With my 08 RSTD I got betwen 42-46 depending how I drove it. Joe
  17. Here is a link for those who want to check out the web site for the information on my niece winning the contest. http://www.stategamesofmichigan.com/index.php?module=cms&page=133 Friday June 21, 2013 Fifth Third Ballpark 4500 West River Drive Northeast Plainfield Township, MI 49321 Thanks everyone for your support. Joe
  18. This should help. http://www.stategamesofmichigan.com/index.php?module=cms&page=133
  19. I want to thank you all who voted for my niece, she came away a winner. She will sing the National Anthem at the Meijer Michigan State Game and hopefully at others also. She also wanted me to thank all of you as well. This will help her singing resume. Joe
  20. Yes she did. Thanks
  21. Congrats now lets see the pictures!
  22. Thats ok thanks for trying, yup must have FB account to vote.
  23. Here is the link The other competitor is posting and sticking his tongue out at us all. Lets make him eat his tongue :rotf::rotf:She will be proud of all of us if she can win. VOTE FOR LAUREN ST ANDRE MY NIECE IT WILL HELP HER SINGING RESUME. She will be singing the National Anthem at the Michiga State Meijer Game and maybe others to. Lets do it :)
  24. Alright Thanks we need all we can get.
  25. Yup and thanks
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