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Everything posted by star4772

  1. Biggest thing is your ok and here to tell the story. We are all sad for your lose. Take your tine and look for low mileage 2nd gen there out there.
  2. Been trying to change my signature picture and cant, how do you change it?
  3. Put coolant in reservoir then put bike up right to check and little over the full mark should this be ok? On side stand shows just below full mark and level shows little over full. Also replaced battery because one terminal on + side was cracked because someone put to long of screw in it so to be safe I replaced the battery.
  4. That's funny Eddie I was looking at them today. There pretty sweet alternative to a trike.
  5. Dang that HD is already got him confused.
  6. OK here is the deal went through the member list and we have a lot of Tucson AZ members and a few scattered up near and around the Phoenix area and 1 in Benson AZ. How may would like to get together for a meet and greet some where in between Benson AZ and Phoenix AZ? I am not real familiar with the area but will look for some where to have one or will be up to any suggestions as to where. Lets give it some time and shoot for the month of October on a Saturday. How about it? Joe star4772
  7. He's been there done that :rotf:
  8. Good luck:080402gudl_prv: Larry ride safe and be careful wouldn't want to miss getting my parts. :rotf:Later my friend.
  9. Thanks squid got it Yahooooooo fabulous site I swear. I'm lovin it :rotf:
  10. Need part number for the little round rubber freeze plug held in by the fin on side of engine for RSTD 1300 I got number from dealer but don't look like the plug I need. Its located just below the bottom of the lower bolt that holds the fin on left rear cylinder. Anyone? Joe
  11. That was dealer price wanted 22.70 where did you get yours?
  12. $22.70 for a little rubber damper freeze plug under the fin for a RSTD 1300. Does anyone know how many there are? Is there one under each fin. Joe
  13. Yeah we did FFL to FFL played it safe don't need to see the inside of a jail cell anyway. :rotf:
  14. Where did you get the stripper from?
  15. (05)
  16. Ok will think about that one and see if any more suggestions. Thanks, Joe
  17. Man you would have to strip the forks and tape everything off so as not to get it on everything. Need a body shop for that yes?
  18. What's the best way to clean the forks on RSTD looks like when the clear starts to yellow or come off what is a good product to bring back to life? Should I just get aluminum polish and white knuckle it LOL. Joe
  19. LOL yes
  20. Does anyone have a passenger sissy bar pad for a RSTD 05n up need one not striped or torn. Joe
  21. Clear title no lien on it. All good.
  22. Thanks checks out not stolen anyway.
  23. Post office said you can ship the gun just take apart and send in 2 separate boxes as parts. That makes it non functional. Joe
  24. Anyone know where I can check vin number report for free. Want to check bike before I trade. Joe
  25. Thanks for info, yeah I decided to do the easy way so there would be no conflict. $50 wasn't going to break me but if I had to got to court for some stupid reason that would most likely do me in at my age .
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