That may be the old saying costing $10,000 more. I think that Harley has come down some on prices a bit. I myself don't have anything against them as I have many friends who have them. I'm just not into non water cooled engines. I would be tempted to get one if they were to come out with a full water cooled one and not just the head.
The way I see it its not what brand you ride its just riding on 2 wheels that count let alone all the friends you can meet.
People tell me all the time you should buy a HD touring, the resale value is much better, well my is they should be better they cost $10,000 more then other full dress touring bikes.
Well did one of the suggestions and went got some ABS cement applied to tab and cowl last night and let it set over night. Good as new put it back on this morning and all is good. Great bunch of people on this board. Thanks all.
Well went and got some ABS cement and cemented together looks like a good hold. Will let it set over night and put back on tomorrow and see how it holds.
Thanks for all the suggestions and will see if one works.
Its the tab on the inside of the lower cowl of a RSTD no outside damage I just need to glue the tab back on don't need to paint or anything. Will super glue or something like JB weld work?
05 RSTD in Raspberry a set no broken tab's or left side cowl in Raven black no broken tab's must be in good condition. OR is there a way to fix and reattach the tab to the cowl the one by the crash bar.
Yeah its crazy tried star venture and brought more stuff up but not like it was last year for sure. Plus when things due come up they want and arm and 2 legs for it now :rotf:
Been on E-bay looking for accessories for RSTD or RSV and seems like nothing but junk anymore? What I mean by that is all you see is spark plug wire holders or colored tie straps just bunch garbage. Don't seem to see any more stuff like backrest, highway pegs, good stuff like that. What gives is there a new site I don't know about?
Heck you can buy 3 for the price of a new Venture now a days, but you wouldn't get a cassette player :rotf::rotf:but you would have A/C and can ride in all weather.