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Everything posted by star4772

  1. Hello all I am in need of a backrest for the RSTD 05 if anyone has one for sale or know where I can get one on a retirement budget :rotf:let me know. Thanks.
  2. Well haven't been on bike for 2 weeks, been busy around here and with the vending going on it took up last Sat. So today about 6 bikes will be riding the mountains and the back roads. It is going to be near 80 all week so it makes it for good riding. Will try and get some pic's up later tonight. Hope everyone who can get some riding in enjoy it.
  3. It all looks great and I would like to make a suggestion and do the saddle bag rail modification it will look more in line with the striping. Joe
  4. I'm still riding every day come on down and enjoy. Whoop, whoop
  5. Yeah but where is the bike there suppose to be on?????????????????????????????????????? :rotf:Nice picture and bike though.
  6. We just shoot them here or call animal control. I got to say that's a first for me in my life.
  8. Well had a close call today man upstairs must of been watching. Almost got nailed today walking Oreo by a rattle snake, I believe it touched my pant leg as I jumped about 3 feet. Neighbor come running out and thought I had tripped until she seen what was happening. Called 911 they sent animal control to pick up if they didn't show up I was going to shoot it. It was about 3 1/2 feet. Never been so scared.
  9. Luggage rack $122 here http://www.ysppart.com/pages/Catalog/Product/20544?categoryID=203&subCategoryID=403&catalogFilter1ID=1&catalogFilter2ID=4&catalogFilter3ID=90&catalogFilter4ID=68&catalogFilter5ID=329 Joe
  10. I have bought after market stuff and its just as good or even sometimes better. If your looking for other then chrome there is a lot of members on this board that have extra's the we sometimes always need like hitches, wire harness, cooler carrier, loud horns, brackets and many more stuff. Just ask what your looking for and you will be surprised. Joe
  11. If that is the leak at the top hole and not the hole at bottom where the rubber plug is then you have a different problem. I just did the shim fix and it stop all leaks on my RSTD yesterday. How ever I do have 4 new ones on order should be here today - Sat. Joe
  12. It looks to be fresh antifreeze I just did the shim thing till I get new ones that I ordered. Thanks for input.
  13. You know we are all getting older as the years pass, so we need something that we can use when we get to that age when, WE FORGET TO PUT OUR FEET DOWN WHEN WE STOP TO KEEP FROM FALLING OVER. SO I VOTE FOR A GIFT CERTIFACATE FOR A HANAGAN TRIKE KIT. Dixie :rotf:
  14. They just won't leave you alone now will they? :rotf:
  15. drain the antifreeze to replace the freeze plugs or just do a quick out and in with the new then refill?? What's the best way to do it?? Joe
  16. :rotf: Will have to ask the better half about that. I bet she has a different answer. :rotf:
  17. Thanks' Don that sure brought back memories and tears for sure.
  18. Left side crash bar in front of saddle bag, got one from a member but it was the right side I need the left side. Anyone have from a trike conversion or something else?? Joe
  19. There would be no need for directional arrows if it didn't matter which way they went. Take back to the dealer and have them mount it the proper way. Arrows are there for a reason weather it makes a difference in your problem or not. Have this done before you put any miles on the tire. Joe
  20. I think just a heel rest for the passenger maybe??
  21. Look where these gauges are located. http://img.autorevo.com/2003-yamaha-royal-star-cartersville-ga-4710463/458002-13-medium.jpg
  22. No PM?
  23. No I didn't lie I told the truth after I fibbed a little first just to tease all you guy's. :rotf:
  24. Who me nah its scraped up from last guy just want to replace, :whistling: I can not tell a lie but I did at a stand still foot slipped on gravel trying to back it up. Left foot went out and side ways I went. Dang nab bit. No Damage just scrapped guard and tweaked it a little. You got one?
  25. OK thanks will be waiting. Joe
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