Well been her at my daughters since Thursday and it is now winding down where I will have to leave again and head to Benson AZ. It has been a great visit since I have not seen them in almost 3 years. How grand kids grow so fast I'll never know. Good thing is next visit wont be so far away for my first grandson will be graduating this year and then off to college.
I think the best part of the visit was Babe's chicken. If anyone has been here and been to babe's chicken you know. (well not really) Grandkids and daughter first.
You can get fried chicken,chicken fingers,pot roast,fish and other goodies PLUS you get unlimited salad,corn,mashed potato's,green beans and biscuits yum yum.
Well one day left and I leave out on Monday for Benson AZ. Be back on line once I get settled everyone take care and hope to see everyone at the international.