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Everything posted by star4772

  1. Well did some looking,feeling and testing and made a purchase. What did I purchase well I pick up on a EAA witness 9MM. For the price and the feel in my hand and the accuracy I thought I made a decent buy. Its made in Italy and it has a lifetime warranty by replacement. If something goes wrong and they don't make that model anymore they give what you paid toward another purchase. I thought that's a sweet deal. Total cost was $328.00 OTD I have read some really good reviews on this gun and its got really good design reviews. Recoil was real light and the balance was incredible. I'm happy. So what you all think of this gun?
  2. Thanks Jay will be doing that as soon as I find a range around here. Nice day today 70 and sunny tomorrow 75 yahoooooooooooooooo.
  3. Lets hope not. :rotf:no oil here.
  4. FUNNY YOU MENTION GUNBROKER THE SHOP I STOPED AT TODAY told me to check the same site he sells a lot on guns on that site himself. I visited it today. Joe
  5. That is very true as I have been looking around to see what is out here to do just that. Thanks
  6. Thanks for the link those look pretty cool. I will look into them.
  7. I use to a taurus 9mm which I really liked but that was years ago. You make a lot of sence of what you are telling me so I will look into a good quality used name brand and see what is out there. Thanks
  8. Looking to buy a decent hand gun. Something easy to carry with a good punch. Not looking to spend 500 dollars something maybe 2-300 or so. I'm in AZ and want to pick up something. I got my AZ ID so buying is no problem 5 min in and out with back round check and all. I don't need a permit to carry unless I go into a place that sells boozes. But might as well get one cuz its good in 37 states. So any idea's on which to look at? Joe
  9. Yahoooooooooooo great ride Larry you look great on the new Trike. You can really tell by the smile on your face,it matches the brightness of the trike. Cant wait to get back for a visit and put an eyeball on it in person. (and of course take er for a spin) LOL. How did the ride turn out for handeling? Joe
  10. Larry your drooling so much on that new trike you better not use a rag,you might wipe off some of that fresh paint. Get the hose out and rince it off :rotf:Can't wait to see the pic's and I know you know the rules!!
  11. Come on Larry we are all waiting to see. Whats taking so long???
  12. Thanks for all the information. I will take it all in,I do know tires are original and so is the miliage.
  13. No didn't ride it yet but he has never said anything about it. So hope its not bad.
  14. LOL been riding weather since I got here. People around here say you ride 10 months out of the year and sometimes even all year. :thumbsup2:
  15. At the top of the venture page you will see Venture History look there and you will see the spec's for all bikes you will scroll down to see each year range. Carbs are smaller not as much power but just as good. Hope this helps. Joe
  16. I bet anyone would for $3000 but talking to him more I think he is going to hit me at about 5K so deduct for new tires and a good detail clean up I'm thinking maybe about $4500 would be a steal. Will see what happens,he is not wanting to part with it just yet even though he cant ride it. His wife wants him to sell and be done with it. Will see what happens in the next couple weeks. Joe
  17. Seats and all other stuff looks good. Like I said started up first crank and no sound of any runny problems. The bike has been covered most of the time and under an awning,the paint's not fade at all but the clear coat is peeling. He thinks its from the cover and the high winds flapping the cover around on it. Joe
  18. So maybe $3000 would be a good deal??
  19. Sold before I left Mi.
  20. Well as you all know I finally made it to Benson AZ and now really retired. I went and looked at my uncles 2004 midnight venture it has 2600 miles yes thats right 2600 miles. However it is a little weather beaten but not to the point that a day's work of cleaning and polishing wont take care of. It fired right up on first push of the start button. I think a paint job would be in order cuz the clear coat is peeling from the AZ heat and sun. I would most likely paint it and would like to do it in a pearl white always loved that color. The question is how much should I be paying for this bike and also considering a good deal from uncle. What you all think?? Joe
  21. Well been her at my daughters since Thursday and it is now winding down where I will have to leave again and head to Benson AZ. It has been a great visit since I have not seen them in almost 3 years. How grand kids grow so fast I'll never know. Good thing is next visit wont be so far away for my first grandson will be graduating this year and then off to college. I think the best part of the visit was Babe's chicken. If anyone has been here and been to babe's chicken you know. (well not really) Grandkids and daughter first. You can get fried chicken,chicken fingers,pot roast,fish and other goodies PLUS you get unlimited salad,corn,mashed potato's,green beans and biscuits yum yum. Well one day left and I leave out on Monday for Benson AZ. Be back on line once I get settled everyone take care and hope to see everyone at the international. Joe
  22. :rotf:sure thing will do my friend.
  23. Man he was lucky. Must been someone looking out for him. He's going to one rich kid when the attorney gets done. He could of been easily killed.
  24. Truck all packed up and ready to roll out at 7:00 AM AZ bound. Only 2100 miles to go. First stop will be in McKinney TX Thursday to visit my daughter and grand kids. Then leave out on Monday from there to finish the trip to Benson AZ and arrive Tuesday the 30th. Looking forward to warmer weather.
  25. Window's 8 nokia 822 from Verizon through the Walmart web site,got it free plus 100 gift card and love the heck out of this phone. It's quick and fast and has not skiped a beat yet. Has anyone else have one and how do you like it,not as many app's but they are growing.
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