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Everything posted by star4772

  1. You would only need 10 hours of duty if you were going to drive with Company A again. Company B does not require a log book if within a 100 mile radius unless you cross a state line with in that 100 mile radius. Then you would need 10 hour break to be able to drive for Company B. Because you then would have to run a log book for Company B. This my understanding, hope this helps.
  2. Yup you sure would enjoy the weather that's for sure. Will be around 85 and sunny today. :cool10:
  3. Not that I have herd of.
  4. Oh yeah, whats that swift kick in the A** :rotf: be back for a visit looks like April 15th
  5. This is for you and big Mike since your doing all the work on them Harley's. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=609424679071579&set=a.537474779599903.136812.301573086523408&type=1&ref=nf Joe :rotf:
  6. Eddie this is for you and big Mike. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=609424679071579&set=a.537474779599903.136812.301573086523408&type=1&ref=nf Joe
  7. Heck yeah I'll be able to go places you can't :stickinouttounge:
  8. The only reason you and big Mike are doing this to your jug's is so you can try and keep up with the first and second gen yammy's. OOPS did I say that Dang. :rotf:Must of been that little devil on my shoulder Dam him anyway.
  9. It wont be long and my face will be in the wind.
  10. :rotf::rotf:you got me on that one Larry.
  11. Riding weather for sure 92 today12% humidity.
  12. Sure is sounding funny! Oh hell that's the riding lawn mower behind me running, forgot to shut it off before I got on.
  13. I thought I herd a putty cat?
  14. We might never know Eddie we never hear from him anymore. :ICsad:
  15. Its what ever feels good to your hand and how you can handle it. These are mine. C I A 38+P 5 shot Taurus and AEE Sars B6P 17+1 Magazine.
  16. Well my RSTD is gone and my RSV is gone waiting for the new reveal and if Yamaha does not come out with something new I am switching to ?????????? Joe
  17. A lot of ammo for sale on armslist. Trouble is trying to get it shipped to you. Bought 200 rounds of 9mm buy they cant get ups to ship unless its a business they deal with. Joe
  18. Lol so much for our winter storm watch. This morning sun shining and 43 and rising I must be in a good spot in Benson AZ. :rotf::sun1:
  19. Yes it is and it sounds like from what everyone says I made a good choice for my money.
  20. Through away window's and go Mac and never go back. Windows 8 on my phone works great so far though.
  21. Yup I know just have not got around to it yet.
  22. Yeah that.
  23. Nope gun was brand new not used came with only one clip tho. I will pick up another to have on hand.
  24. The gun shop said ammo is here and available later it might be hard to get since U.S. government ordered billions of ammo. Joe
  25. I am so it does matter.
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