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Everything posted by RonL

  1. Here is my 2008 RSTD, not the best pic but all I have. The trunk is a ebay purchase and the rack is yamaha. (Click on image to supersize)
  2. Nice ride, I also have a 2008 RSTD S but the silver/gray paint. I'm not far from you (I96 & Teleagraph Rd.)
  3. I cut the windshield on my 08 RSTD myself, very easy with simple tools. I used a saber saw with a fine tooth metal cutting blade. Cover all surfaces of the windshield and bottom of the saw table with tape, I used 2 inch wide painters tape. Once the area to be cut is covered mark your cut line, I used the center windshield bolt with a string and pencil for the basic arc then blend the edges to your taste. After the cut is done I used a flat fine file to smooth and radius the edge. When done you would never tell it was cut:happy65: The rule here is don't let the saw table contact the bare plastic, only taped areas to avoid scraches:bawling:
  4. Hey Larry, I bought the same one you got in your trailer. Which hole did you use on the pivot, top middle or bottom? The venture & rstd's have a big front tire:think:
  5. Welcome Frank, Nice ride, I bought a new one in Dec. 2008 and am very happy with it:big-grin-emoticon:
  6. Thanks for the info:big-grin-emoticon:
  7. Hello to the Group, I'm looking at buying a couple of new tires off eBay. Is there a way of checking the age or Mfg. date of tires? I don't want new tires that have been in a stock pile for years:confused24:
  8. I'll take 2
  9. Glad this thread was started, I'm not one for additives but I'll give it a try if it will quite my 2008 RSTD down (3000miles) This transmission/clutch area sounds like a new teenage band in poor tune:whistling:
  10. I'm good for 4:happy65:
  11. Hi Walt, welcome to the site. I to just bought a new 2008 RSTD back in Dec. My first piece of info to pass on is the issue with the rear brake, it's very easy to lock up that rear tire. Use that front brake and ease on the rear. Also look at the post on tires, lots of good info. Your going to love this bike:happy65: Ron...
  12. Done deal on this end...
  13. I too rolled in from Freebirds, my first time there WOW, what a great time I had. My thanks to Don and family, what super people. And the carb tune crew going non stop all day, thanks guys. Ron...
  14. Looks like I'll be making this one, see-ya for breakfest:happy65:
  15. Went back to the dealer today to get this oil filter issue handled:think: As it turns out they gave me the wrong filters:buttkick: The 5GH-13440-00 which is the long one is the right one for the 2008 RSTD. And here is the real kicker, they refunded me $5.00 for the 2 filters I exchanged. The long filter is cheaper than the short one:confused07:
  16. Ok whats up with all these 2nd gen. oil filter numbers? I picked up a couple oil filters at the dealer for my 2008 RSTD for stock, they gave me PN/ 5DM-13440-00. My orignal filter PN/ 5GH-13440-00 is almost twice as long. I did a search on oil filters and found a PN/ 3FV-13440-00:think: So I my question is will there be any oil flow/pressure problems?
  17. Thanks for the help, I printed some of the posting info from the FAQ's on the site. By the way!!! I received your bracket Mon. :D:happy65::happy65:
  18. Ok, I will give this pic stuff a try. The left side of the bike is the power socket and the right side is a switch I added to turn power to the front of the bike on & off. The silver backing is some chrome tape I tryed, will be buying the real thing shortley. Hope these post ok:bang head:
  19. I'll get some pics tomorrow
  20. I did a permanent install on my RSTD using the plugs & sockets from this company http://www.powerletproducts.com/. There the same type that BMW use on there bikes. I bought this product at the BMW dealer. I mounted the socket with the flip-up cover in the plastic cover behind the passenger floorboards. I never ride 2 up so I removed my floorboards. But you should be able to mount the socket with the floorboards on as the socket does not stick out very far. It is a very neat install. I opted to make a fused wiring harness with a layer of heat shrink tubing for extra insulation and go direct to the battery because the acc. plug is very low current and I use this socket for batt. charging and a 12v air pump. Never had any luck posting pic's here:bang head: but could email some if needed:325:
  21. Does the Quadzilla mount to the orignal windshield quick disconnect system on the RSTD? I have a 2008 RSTD S Model. Ron...
  22. Just got a new 2008 RSTD S Model in Dec. 400 miles on it now. Went for a 160 mile ride Sunday 40-55mph roads on the way out & 70-75mph xway on the way back. The only mods are a pair of HD Road King Exhaust with the stage 2 mod. Got 160 miles on the main tank with some to go. Filled her up to the same level as when I started, it took 3.842 gal. So looks like 41.64 mpg:big-grin-emoticon: Ron...
  23. Thanks for the help, got a set on the way:fingers crossed: Ron...
  24. Final Final on this Thread, It is the Yamaha accessorie I have been looking at. If Yamaha had a backside view of this deflector I would known right away:think: Thanks for all the input:happy65: Ron...
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