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Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Detroit, MI, United States


  • City
    Detroit, MI


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Motor Cycles, Ham Radio(K8FG)
  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 RSTD S Model
  1. Here is my 2008 RSTD, not the best pic but all I have. The trunk is a ebay purchase and the rack is yamaha. (Click on image to supersize)
  2. Nice ride, I also have a 2008 RSTD S but the silver/gray paint. I'm not far from you (I96 & Teleagraph Rd.)
  3. I cut the windshield on my 08 RSTD myself, very easy with simple tools. I used a saber saw with a fine tooth metal cutting blade. Cover all surfaces of the windshield and bottom of the saw table with tape, I used 2 inch wide painters tape. Once the area to be cut is covered mark your cut line, I used the center windshield bolt with a string and pencil for the basic arc then blend the edges to your taste. After the cut is done I used a flat fine file to smooth and radius the edge. When done you would never tell it was cut:happy65: The rule here is don't let the saw table contact the bare plastic, only taped areas to avoid scraches:bawling:
  4. Hey Larry, I bought the same one you got in your trailer. Which hole did you use on the pivot, top middle or bottom? The venture & rstd's have a big front tire:think:
  5. Welcome Frank, Nice ride, I bought a new one in Dec. 2008 and am very happy with it:big-grin-emoticon:
  6. Thanks for the info:big-grin-emoticon:
  7. Hello to the Group, I'm looking at buying a couple of new tires off eBay. Is there a way of checking the age or Mfg. date of tires? I don't want new tires that have been in a stock pile for years:confused24:
  8. I'll take 2
  9. Glad this thread was started, I'm not one for additives but I'll give it a try if it will quite my 2008 RSTD down (3000miles) This transmission/clutch area sounds like a new teenage band in poor tune:whistling:
  10. I'm good for 4:happy65:
  11. Hi Walt, welcome to the site. I to just bought a new 2008 RSTD back in Dec. My first piece of info to pass on is the issue with the rear brake, it's very easy to lock up that rear tire. Use that front brake and ease on the rear. Also look at the post on tires, lots of good info. Your going to love this bike:happy65: Ron...
  12. Done deal on this end...
  13. I too rolled in from Freebirds, my first time there WOW, what a great time I had. My thanks to Don and family, what super people. And the carb tune crew going non stop all day, thanks guys. Ron...
  14. Looks like I'll be making this one, see-ya for breakfest:happy65:
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