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Everything posted by RoyalRider05

  1. Hey All! I have removed my tape player quite a long time ago and have a different set up. I did have some gauges in there but they are not working any longer and I am looking to fill the space with just a basic Coin Cubby or some sort of dash storage tray. The dimensions are 5 1/2 by 1 3/4. Does anyone have some ideas where i might be able to get something custom to fit? I have looked around the net but have not come up with anything that remotely fits. Any help is greatly appreciated.... Side Note: My dash is off due to Steering Bearings and a Fork rebuild/powder coat!:cool10:
  2. I will take a look at that too! But i can tell ya, the pistons on the set on my bench right now are COVERED in black grime.....they were def sticking bad
  3. Stator....i just did mine last summer with around 60,000 miles. Bought one from Ricks Motorsport! Has worked fine every since
  4. I ended up ordering some used 2009 calipers for 60 bucks from Pinwall! So ill have another set to sell when i clean em up!
  5. Thats extacly what happened!
  6. Just cleaned out master and clucth this summer. I just pulled apart one side of the caliper. WOW its nasty dirty. Found a set of used calipers im going to try! The hole in the master seems to be working. When i pull the lever it squirts! LOL Thanks for the responses. I think i have some rotted seals (just happen to not leak). It took me forever to pull out a piston.......my guess is if its hard to get out, its not going to go retract either!
  7. My brakes are rock hard and engaged up front (dragging). Time to replace master? Any help is appreciated!!
  8. I had the same issue....i ended up doing this.....doesnt smell anymore and tons of power..... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?501-The-Jason-Mod
  9. Id say its a bit Cripsy...and yes i stripped the damn phillips bolt! No more of those LOL
  10. Just replaced the RR and nothing...same thing. My headlamp even went out and came back on. So Stator it is!
  11. 99% sure its the stator. Its alarming when i set it for continuity to ground.....
  12. i went ahead and ordered a new RR. everything else is checking out ok. The only part that is a little skewed is the diode test. Its reading 4.6-4.7 and not .5 or above like it should. I dont know what else to even check. 100V at 4000pm is coming out of the stator. So it looks as though the stator is OK. We shall see
  13. OK. I will give it a try tomorrow. Its such a bummer right before a big trip!
  14. Hey All, SO...i am having a voltage issue and need some help. At the battery posts its reading 12.2-12.3 while the bike is idling. When i rev it, it will goto 12.5-12.6. Below i have followed ALL steps of the testing at the RR and the connections are clean and solid. I just bought a new battery. I am baffled and cant think of anything else to check. I believe the system should be putting out 14V at the battery correct? Thank you! http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/?action=article&cat_id=002007&id=400
  15. Thanks for the responses! Been busy at work and have not had a chance to mess with it yet. When i do i will report back the results!
  16. After messing with it some more. It sure feels like its coming from the top of the steering head. Did i not tighten the bearings enough? Any help is greatly appreciated!
  17. Hey all, Reaching out to see who has experienced this... I just tightened the bearings and after about 1000 miles when i go over big bumps or hit the brake and the forks travel a good distance i feel a click in the handle bar. No wobble or anything...feels solid. Any ideas?
  18. Yep...had a hell of a time getting it in and out but it worked out.
  19. Got 2 used coil thank goodness. Installed the first bad one....worked....the other rear coil failed!!!!!!!!!!!! So i swapped it and up and running...what a nightmare!! Thanks for the feedback
  20. Just checked the cap..its cleans as a whistle....I ordered a used set of coil off ebay. Ill try swapping the wires and check for spark tomorrow. Thanks for the input!
  21. Hello all, I have no spark (or very little if anything) coming from i believe cyl number #1 (right rear of motor) I took out the spark plug and put it to the frame...nada. I took out the other rear cyl spark plug and BAM...tons of spark. Can anyone confirm this is a coil? I cleaned the connectors at the bottom with some steel wool....still nothing. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks R
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