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Everything posted by RoyalRider05

  1. Ok...all back together. I have the air mixture screw out 5.5 !!! It runs better. What is causing this??? This is driving me insane. If you Crack the throttle it sputters a bit then takes off. I have rebuilt the carbs..new fuel pump and filter. Any idea????
  2. This is EXACTLY what my bike is doing.. (no this is not me)
  3. Yep! It sounds/feels like no fuel at all. Pulled the plugs(all 4 plugs)and they are ghost white. I can put on about 25% throttle and anymore it bogs and feels like its running on 1 cyclinder. Its like that all the way to WOT. I parked it late October and it was running just fine. It may very well be electrical... I will put the new parts together on the carbs this weekend. I got a new fuel pump and filter for the hell of it. Ill report back Also- Idle is completely fine. I can rev from idle in neutral as well til i hit the rev limiter at WOT. Its only under load it bogs.....maybe that makes more sense? My other theory is the bowl is not being filled enough. My fuel pump has 80,000 good miles on it. Last time i turned the key the points were very slow and it did not seem like it was pumping as fast as it normally does....So ill replace the pump since i have a new one and cross my fingers...
  4. Just tested the TPS as per the manual. All rages are fine..so its not that.....
  5. Update*** tore the carbs apart...CLEAN. all jets you can see through....i do have a kit and new diaphragms on the way....but now I'm leaning to spark. Do these bikes have anything up front inside the fairing I may have forgot to plug back in that would cause this?
  6. Got the carbs off. Seem very clean. Going to tear into them this week. I did notice the Diaphragms (when pushing in the slide) seemed to be leaking air? Only 1 seemed very smooth in and out. Could that be the issue? I revved the engine and they fluttered very bad and it almost died...
  7. Thank you for the all the responses..you guys ROCK. When i figure it all out i will post back up!
  8. Does anyone think it could be an ignition issue? TPS?
  9. No stabilizer. I did pull the spark plugs again...white as a ghost....its just not getting fuel....going to start with a fuel filter and take off the air boxes and see if the slides are moving
  10. Yep..low rpms taking off its fine..but the more throttle you give the more it bogs down. But when the RPMS pile on, it catches and goes
  11. I replaced that about 3 years back. Would it get so backed up that it would cause this? I guess the correct terminology would be its "bogging down" when throttle is applied...it sputters for a bit then at a certain RPM it takes off..... I have not done anything to the fuel system ...i replaced bearings in front and rear including steering stem...did some painting and some other odds and ends
  12. Yes i have had k&n on for a long time. I parked it in late October and it was fine. I just ran some seafoam and pulled the diaphragms out and sprayed in some carb cleaner...no luck. Anytime i crack the throttle at low RPM past id say about 30-40% it sputters BAD and acts like its not getting fuel. Fuel pump seems to be ok since i heard it clicking filling itself up.
  13. Sync no...but i did clean them recently last summer.
  14. Hey all. Finally got mine back together. Having an issue with power. If I'm low on RPM and give it 40/50% throttle it acts like it's being choked out. The only thing I have done different is throw on some harley stock pipes. Once the RPM gets to a certain point..bam..power is back. I just put new plugs in as well. I did not gap them. Could the plugs be the issue? Bad gas?
  15. Sounds pretty damn awesome!
  16. Bit more progress....The top of the tree...
  17. Tear the whole everything apart...check for wear.... JK Id check for the usual: -Motor- Runs/Idles smooth.....does it stall out at idle (carbs may need cleaned....pain to get out..but SUPER easy job once you do it once) -Tires (wobble? un-even wear) -Fluids (if you can get the owner to take the tank off check the coolant color) Oil -Clutch (does it slip) -Wheel bearings (ask when they have been changed...if never its an annoying job..id reduce price) -Head Steering Stem Bearings (changed?) -Rear Shock (tends to SUCK....if it has a leak its bad(look under bike at the rubber boot), those things are 400-600 brand new with very little aftermarket options) -Front Forks (if mushy....never changed the fluid) -Brakes/Rotors (check the wear on the discs, make sure no deep grooves etc) Other than that...id say your in good shape. I have 82K on mine and only had to really change some clutches (i ride pretty hard) bearings and a stator....enjoy! This is a GREAT forum with good people and great way to find answers to issues! Well worth the $12.00 a year. Goodluck!
  18. More progress..... ALL (including forks) chrome except for the motor will be MATTE Black...against the gloss midnight... Figured id keep posting up my progress
  19. Went with a slightly off base gloss for the grills. Coming together...SLOWLY..but nicely....Hell..its OHIO and have a TON of time! Damn winters
  20. Good call...did not see he got a new pump. For sure sounds like a hose vent issue! On a side note change yuor fuel filter too while your at it!
  21. Had the same issue happen. When you click on your kill switch (red) or turn the key on you should hear a small amount of "puttering" or sounds like a mini machine gun. If you dont hear that. You need to clean your points on your fuel pump. Left side of bike. Id still pull it and take off the black cap and look. Points are SUPER cheap so its a quick fix.
  22. They were seriously dirty. Probably need new seals. I ended getting a used set from pinwall for 60
  23. Hey Everyone! Thought id give you an update! I decided to get crafty with a marine radio that has some pretty awesome reviews! What do ya think?
  24. I just got super crafty with this thing. Once its all back together ill post up a picture. Found a mini head unit for marine with some great ratings. Ill let yall know how it turns out!
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