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About Ole

  • Birthday 07/31/1961

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    San Antonio, United States


  • City
    San Antonio


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 RSV S
  1. Congrats on your new ride!!!
  2. Here is my .02 on price comparisons between the UC and the RSV. I live in San Antonio and was looking for a new bike last winter. We were convinced that the UC was the bike to buy. We talked to the Harley dealer down the street from us. The best price we could get with the UC was 24K. This included a new seat because the stock seat was no match for the RSV and my wife said she would not be able to ride for long without a more comfortable seat. The dealer was quoting us MSRP and would not come off his price. He bragged that they "only" sell their bikes at MSRP where other Harley dealers sell above MSRP. We bought a new '08 RSV for 15K even though MSRP was obviously higher. So our purchase was not half price of the UC, but a lot less nonetheless. This post is not meant to dis the UC or owners, I like their bikes a lot. Just wanted to share my experience with pricing of the UC and RSV. We are happy with our purchase. My wife, and I, absolutely love the ride of the RSV. Ken
  3. I agree, Happy Mothers Day all.
  4. Excellent post, Sue. Ironically my wife and I had a discussion last night about putting together a bucket list. Your post reinforces the idea that a bucket list is a good idea. Good luck to you and your husband. Ken
  5. My antenna's were installed incorrectly from the dealer also.
  6. Ole

    New Ride

    Congrats on the new scoot!!!
  7. Awesome!! Looks very nice.
  8. I have used Scottrade for the last few years and have been very happy with them. I trade options and stocks. They have very low commisions with quick transactions. I used to use ETrade and am happy that I made the switch. Ken
  9. Awesome pictures guys. Glad you all had a good time. Hope to make a ride out to Big Bend sometime. Ken
  10. Hey Gary, Glad to hear you are doing well. Looking forward to my summer vacation in your neck of the woods this summer. Lets get together for a cup of coffee if possible. Ken
  11. Ole

    My Wife

    Cheesecake is a food group of its own. Therefore a balanced diet is the best approach to being healthy. Make sure to have a slice or two daily!!!
  12. Best of luck tomorrow. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Ken
  13. Ole

    My Wife

    I will share with you my favorite cheesecake recipe. It is not very difficult but it is very delicious. Like Big Tom I have a sweet tooth and love to feed it once and awhile. :hurts:The cheesecake is a White Choccolate Raspberry Cheescake. 2 cups Oreo crumbs 1 tblspn white sugar 1/4 cup butter,melted 6 tblspn raspberry jam 2 cups white Chocolate chips 1/2 cup half and half 3 (8) ounce packages cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup sugar 3 eggs 1 tsp vanilla extract 1. In a medium bowl, mix together cookie crumbs, 1 tblspn sugar and melted butter. Press mixture into the bottom of a 9 inch springform pan. 2. Warm rapsberry jam in microwave to liquify the jam. If the jam is not seedless the jam will need to be strained to remove the seeds. 3. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 C). In a metal bowl over a pan of simmering water, melt the white chocolate chips with half and half. Stir occasionally until smooth. 4. In a large bowl, mix together cream cheese and 1/2 cup of sugar until smooth. Beat in one egg at a time. Blend in vanilla and melted white chocolate. Pour half of batter over the oreo crust. Spoon 3 tblspns of raspberry jam over batter. Make a swirling pattern. Pour remaining batter over the top. Pour remaining raspberry jam over the top of batter. Swirl batter with a knife to create a marble effect. Bake for 55 to 60 minutes, or until filling is set. Turn off oven and let the cake remain in the oven until the temp has cooled. The cake needs to come down in temp very slowly. Cover with plastic wrap and refigerate for 8 hours before removing from pan. Use a knife to cut along the edge of cake and pan prior to removing the pan. You can add more raspberry jam on the top when serving if desired. Can also be topped with whipped cream. Tip: Be sure to bake the cake in a bath. I use a deep cookie sheet and put water in it. Then line the outside of the springform pan with foil. This way there is a barrier between the pan and the water. The bath prevents the cake from making large cracks in it.
  14. Sweet looking bike. Congrats!!!
  15. Ole

    It's here!!!

    My wife asked "what does he mean Chromey Clause?" I think she is about to find out what you mean. Oh yea, Chromey Clause is on his way. Ken
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