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Everything posted by fixit3546

  1. And Prayers from Yazoo, Please keepus informed.
  2. Nope. Never been to Richmond..................Sorry.
  3. On Feb 29, i started to reset my pass-word but didnt complete the action for one reason or the other. but i did notice that when the e-mail was sent that two emails came. i didn't look at them. I went back and looked at them and they were the same as the two i got yesterday..................... Yesterdays e-mails were as follows. Dear fixit3546, You have requested to reset your password on VentureRider.Org because you have forgotten your password. If you did not request this, please ignore it. It will expire and become useless in 24 hours time. To reset your password, please visit the following page: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/login.php?a=pwd&u=38&i=45756139 When you visit that page, your password will be reset, and the new password will be emailed to you. Your username is: fixit3546 To edit your profile, go to this page: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/profile.php?do=editprofile All the best, VentureRider.Org Dear 83B&W, You have requested to reset your password on VentureRider.Org because you have forgotten your password. If you did not request this, please ignore it. It will expire and become useless in 24 hours time. To reset your password, please visit the following page: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/login.php?a=pwd&u=136&i=63696837 When you visit that page, your password will be reset, and the new password will be emailed to you. Your username is: 83B&W To edit your profile, go to this page: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/profile.php?do=editprofile All the best, VentureRider.Org As you can see, the second e-mail; which is the one that i opened. has the 83B&W username. I don't know where 83B&W came from unless i may have created an alternate user account in the Past, But i dont remember doing that........ the first e-mail had the correct info; but i didn't use that one. I'm lost on this............I do ride an 83 that's Black and White. It's fixed now, that's all that counts. Thanks again Don.
  4. Thanks Don, It is straight now. Any idea why it happened? Good one Brad..................
  5. now it want's me to "log in" to look at the members list just to see if i still exist...............
  6. Avitar, signature, everything is gone......................
  7. Don, Moderators...........................please help. I reset my password because it wouldnt work and this board reset my password and my username................Whats up? can it be fixed? Thanks: james (fixit3546)
  8. They were probably too busy scraping up grey matter to get more fotos.... I'm curious, where did this foto come from??? .
  9. Nice helment though.........it's gona save him a lot of pain in the long run.........NOT!!!
  10. Roadbike is what i get; but their new editor seems to be carying it more toward the rockets. Still, it has a lot of good info and articles in it. I think i'll resubscribe.
  11. Just wondering what sights can be trusted for oem parts purchases other than dealer sites. I have a KZ 550 i'm trying to bring back to life.
  12. Just got the notice before i logged in here. It's a sad thing. My heartfelt prayers for the family. Wish I could attend and stand the line for Him.
  13. Yep, 75 - 80 Mph. All day long............
  14. Maybe they don't want to flood the market with them, ya know, Keep them special stand-outish.............
  15. Me Too............on the '83
  16. Once again, unspoiled purity.
  17. Your a blessed man is all i can say, It may not look like it ;but, you did avoid a major obsticle in the road, and you missed all those folks milling around in the road and you didn't kill your self in the process........Thats all good news if you had to go through something like this. The bike will survive or be replaced. You will heal in time and if you are in great company here for friends and tech help. It does suck to have all that hard work go down the drain; but when you go back to it,.........you will know what your doing this time. It wont be as bad or as long.
  18. Unspoiled, Pure patriotism..........................Its like a breath of fresh air.
  19. The question came up today so i thought i'd add it to this thread for anyone reading it. There is not a gasket between the case halves. It is machine fit and only requires a sealant. Yamaha makes a product that i am told is called Yamabond. I assume it works well, never tried it. I used "Three Bond 1104 Liquid Gasket" It was recomended by y local parts dealer. it worked well.
  20. That's the one, I had to get homw to read the tube. Thanks Rocket....
  21. Yep, Wore it out. I need me some of that ride on as i tend to push the miles a little myself.
  22. Yamabond or equivelant. in a very light coat. I used one of those triangle shaped pencil erasers to apply it. it worked well.
  23. Awesome Acceleration.............Keeps an old guy's ticker in time. In other words... Cycle therapy, It's good for what ailes ya!
  24. kIT CARSON SAID "YUPPIES" i COULDN'T AGREE MORE, SEEMS THAT ALL THE OLD (CAPS again) guys, and some of them are pretty rough, are pretty well .................well, let me just say they don't seem to need to compensate for any "short comings":whistling: most of them are pretty cool. Eck, both of my ex wives and the one i have now, think i need to take that course, probably the degree version not just the vocational classes. :confused24:I don't get it..............:confused24:
  25. It's true.
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