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Everything posted by Sailor

  1. They have quit selling the diesel smart car here because they can't get the refined diesel it takes in the U.S. so they are not importing it to North America. That leaves just the gas version which has lower mileage. I would rather have my old MGA or Triumph sports car, similar mileage and storage but way more fun. Come to think of it I just described my Venture.
  2. Great day today. A bunch of us went over to Victoria for the first " Do it for Dad" ride. They were expecting about 250 bikes and they got over 500. Police closed off the roads and gave us an escort through the town for the parade then we had a poker run over the hat to Duncan where lunch was served and then back to Victoria. I picked up two pair but that wasn't good enough to win any prizes. That's $ 12,500.00 raised plus the pledges. Saw my oncologist ( cancer doctor) there on his bike. Good weather all the way. All in all a very good day. Met a nice couple who just picked up a midnight venture second gen from Oregon. Told them about this site. Saw one first gen there.
  3. It's about $6.80/gal here and rising. We get most of our crappy fruit and vegetables from Mexico, we can't afford the good California stuff. Our wonderful politicians sold all our hydro power to the U.S. so now if we want any power we have to buy it back at 5 times the previous rate. Something is definitely wrong here. The big companies own the politicians so they set it up to sell stuff back and forth at inflated rates.
  4. Going on "Do it for Dad" ride for prostate cancer.
  5. Toss in a couple of politicians. That will poison the snakes and the politicians will feel right at home with their kin.
  6. I think it is for real. It is probably one shot out of several per sec shot by an electric or video camera. If you look you can see the scene is back lit and the shadow of the boat is directly under the bow. In the open boats the driver is not wearing a harness because you do not want to be trapped under it when it lands upside down. I have a tape showing a series of these accidents and you would not believe some of the things that happen. There are a few shots of the driver going through the side of the boat. The old jet drive boats used to make an abrupt 90 degree turn when the engine or pump blew. "I can't walk on water, I sink up to my ankles, but I am working on it."
  7. Sailor

    Gas Price

    One common practice of the oil merchants in every country is to send in a super tanker to be filled with oil then hold it at sea untill the price goes up or they get the highest bid for it. This helps drive up the price and it is the middle men doing it.
  8. Sailor

    Gas Price

    Check out the building going on in Kuwait. They are going to be switching from oil to tourism. Then they could cut off the oil production and not suffer at all. Diesel in England is more than gas but it is more refined and the engines more developed than in north america. If they had better diesel fuel here we could get the european engines and get great mileage and power.
  9. I take the key out of mine but put it in the trunk. I leave the keys in my hot rod and truck. I have never locked my house since moving here (unlike when I was in Vancouver). On the road I would use the fork lock and I have a cheap ($ 12.00 ) motion sensor I got from Canadian Tire. I think a lot depends on where you are.
  10. Last summer a woman watched me approach then turned left right into me. We both stopped with my front tire touching her front bumper. She had assumed I was going to turn right when I had no such intention. My turn signal was not on and I do not have a modulator on my bike. She was just too stupid to be driving.
  11. I already tried to get her into high heels, I should be able to see out of my left eye soon.
  12. I will be out on the "Do it for Dad" ride for prostate cancer on saturday,May 24. Parade through Victoria at 0900 then a poker run up to Duncan and back. Should be fun.
  13. My wife has a problem with the floor boards being too low for her short legs. Does anyone have a way to raise them?
  14. My heart goes out to you.
  15. Nice family! I think the wife should be charged too.
  16. Sorry to hear about the accident. Glad it wasn't worse. Hope to see you up this way again sometime.
  17. Here the assesed value goes up and down with the economy BUT when the assesment goes down they raise the rate so you wind up paying the same tax on property that is worth less.
  18. Here on Saltspring we have the highest prices in Canada. about $1.35/liter which makes it about $5.50/gallon
  19. Hey, if you go for that one I have a nice bridge I could let you have cheap. It's called "Golden Gate". Just imagine the tolls you could collect. P.S. cash only in used bills.
  20. Good on ya! I will be insuring mine later this month. If you stay far enough ahead of the first gens you don't hear any whine.
  21. Sailor

    Seat removal II

    I use an allen wrench but I also put my weight on the seat above the nut to ease the tension.
  22. Congrats, You will not regret it. Enjoy life while you can. A word of caution.....it did not take long for She Who Must be Obeyed to discover a lot of things for me to do. None of them had anything to do with riding.
  23. Anybody who deals with the public has stories which are next to unbelievable. After 11 years with the airlines and 25 with the ferrys I am ready to believe anything. Perhaps a good title for a new thread "Believe It Or Not".
  24. Full instrumentation, and I find the front of the seat a little wide when stopped at a light or trying to maneuver in a parking lot. A little less weight would be nice. Did I mention full instrumentation? Love the looks and performance ( a little more power wouldn't hurt) but mainly full instrumentation, did I mention that?
  25. Sailor

    Golf game

    I'm lucky, my wife won't let me play with her, she says I am not good enough. Golf!!! Play golf with her!
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