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Everything posted by Sailor

  1. I saw one at Daytona. Real interesting. Be more interesting with a turbo V Max engine!
  2. I have had no problems with the stock seat as far as riding goes but I find it a bit wide at stoplights. My inseam is 29 inches so it is not comfortable when I have to put both feet down. Otherwise the only thing I am going to do is get a sheepskin to cool my ass off. I live on Saltspring Island where men are men and sheep are nervous.
  3. I wish they would do something like that here in Canada. My responses would be... 1) force insurance companies to recognize that a teenager on a 600/1000 cc sports bike is not the same as a 60 yr old on a 1300/1800 cc cruiser. Quit insuring by engine size. It means nothing. 2) There are lots of programs educating drivers on safety and watching for kids, bicyclists, pedestrians etc but nothing about motorcyclists. The most common excuse for hitting a biker is " I didn't see him" That video from England with the basketballs and the dancing bear should be made manditory viewing in schools, driving schools and on TV.
  4. Two words....buy it. If you can do it yourself then clean it out or take it to an independant..not a dealer.
  5. Here in B.C. I pay $100/month for my 02 with 1 million 3rd party. The good part is you can insure it for as many months as you want. I usualy go for 7 or 8 months.
  6. Did you check out the Avon website? My dealer told me they did not make Avons for the Venture. I printed out the info from the site and slapped it on his desk. Had the Avons two days later.
  7. I sing the blues whenever I can't ride. Does that count? ( SWMBO calls it whining)
  8. How much does the average cop know about motorcycles? The exhaust noise is about the only thing that will draw attention.
  9. As president of our local Royal Canadian Legion here on Saltspring we had a good day . We do a midway for the kids and stuff inside for the adults. It is a lot of work but a lot of volunteers make it happen. We served 200 breakfasts and entertained about 300 kids. We have a good hot rod show and our pipe band puts on a good show. One thing that really struck me is when a couple Venture riders came up here from California I met them and the first thing they said was " Wow, You sure don't do ugly up here." They then said "we see why you don't ride far, you have everything right here." Sometimes it takes an outside perspective to make you realize that what you take for granted is special to someone else. I have been to Utah, Nevada, Arizona and California and I am sure I see things that the locals take for granted. Be happy with where you are because each place has it's own special beauty.
  10. I had a problem with a watch I bought. It was a Casio. It lasted 4 months then quit. It had a one year warranty I sent it back to the company but they refused to fix it unless I paid for the repairs. After about 6 months and several letters I finally told them to send it back unrepaired as I wanted to nail it up on my office wall and when people asked me why it was there I would tell them all about Casio quality and customer service. I got the watch back...repaired for free. Guess they did not know I did not have an office.
  11. I used to work with a guy who worked here for 6 months then took off to Mexico for 6 months. He was about 5'6" and all of 120 lbs soaking wet. Like me he had grey hair. He rode a gold wing. One day while returning home he was at a red light when a woman pulled up beside him in a station wagon. Being the polite sort he smiled at her and nodded. She picked up a revolver from the seat and aimed it at him. He took off through the red light and did not stop for rest until he got back to Canada. He still remembers the blue ford station wagon and the lady with pink curlers in her hair. He has never been back to the states since. Some of you people are awfuly nice but some of you are just plain scairy, and you are all armed.
  12. I like it but at my age I would settle for a turbocharged/supercharged V4.
  13. I like the sheepskin. Just go to a hobby shop and get some elastic strap and a tube of speed sew. You will have the sheepskin fitting in 5 min. and easily removable.
  14. Saw an interesting article in the paper the other day. The OPEC nations claim they have not raised their prices so there is no reason for the rise in the cost of oil. On the other hand China and India are now large users of oil which means the oil companies can increase the price and still sell it. Oil companies being greedy.
  15. I know you will find the homicide rate way way higher in the U.S than in Canada. Trouble with everyone carrying a gun is that too many people use them.
  16. My son used to live over there. Had his truck stolen twice in three years ( who steals a 12 year old toyota?) and his apartment broken into twice. He has moved. A friend picked up a brand new truck and drove it to the ferry for Saltspring. He parked at the pub down the road for a quick one. When he came back out some kids had broken into it and hot wired it. I have lived on Saltspring for 30 years and never locked my doors, the keys are in the truck and car. When I sold my austin healy several years ago the guy I sold it to lived in Victoria. The car had a broken axle so he towed it. When he was halfway to the ferry I got a call that someone had my car and they were going after him. I told them I had sold it. Then I got a call from the ferry parking lot. Same thing. Then I got a call from the captain of the ferry saying my car was on board and he was going to have the Mounties waiting for the guy at the terminal. Don't steal a car on Saltspring. I have had to deal with insurance companies:080402gudl_prv:
  17. Old? I have an 8 track player and it works!
  18. I want one. How fast does it go, how quick does it stop, how is it on corners? Love to find out.
  19. I recently got a machine which converts 33, 45, 78 rpm records to cd. It works great and even filters out most of the static and minor scratches. You can get about an album and a half on each cd. I am working on the 400+ records I have. What is realy great is I can introduce my kids to 50's, 60's and 70's music. They love the 50's and 60's.
  20. Don't know about down there but up here only military insignia, medals, ribbons etc go on the left, all other non military insignia go on the right. At least that is the rule in the Royal Canadian Legion where we have a lot of veterans and serving military personnel. The Legion has it's own medals and insignia which must be worn on the right as they are not military.
  21. You are on a Venture riders site, do you seriously expect anyone is going to tell you not to go for it? When I bought my 02 SWMBO hyperventilated for 3 or 4 months but she is OK with it now. When I bought my 51 Merc lead sled I hid it at a friends place for 5 months until someone spilled the beans. The hyperventilating only lasted a couple months that time. A little excitement in your life lets you know you are alive.
  22. They had the same problem here but they fixed it by changing the sensors. Bikes have no trouble tripping the sensor now.
  23. We have snakes up here too. They can be deadly. We call them "tar snakes". When the highway repair crews pour tar on cracks in the road. The tar melts in the heat and they are very slippery. Can be deadly on corners.
  24. I love the Avons but I did notice a bit of wobble in the corners but that was only after they had warmed up and since I had them at max pressure they were actually over inflated. I adjusted the pressure and last week burried the spedo at 180 kph in 4th with no wobble at any time. By the way does anyone know what these things (02 Venture) will actualy do as my spedo does not go high enough.
  25. Up here we have a lot of very tall trees and in the summer you are constantly going from light to dark and back again. The transition glasses do not work well as by the time they have changed the light has changed again. I found a light amber tint was best for day and even into dusk. Large enough lenses to protect the eyes. I am going in for cataract surgery soon so I am going to try to get the replacement lenses that will get rid of glasses entirely.
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