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Everything posted by Sailor

  1. I was wondering because a friend bought a brand new Harley and the belt broke at 500 kilometers. It cost him $300.00 to have it towed back to the dealer. The dealer would not pay for the tow but gave him a free belt then charged him for the labour to install it. He thought that was a great deal, but then he does ride a Harley. I have noticed buzzing in the handle bars at speed. Do the weights realy help?
  2. Don't know about the servicing but I will check out the belt. How long is a belt suposed to last, assuming no damage.
  3. Not as much power or torque but still pretty good. Lower center of gravity and less weight. Much more agile. Want to get a tach for it. Still getting used to the handling and shift points.
  4. Decided to downsize due to getting old and feeble. Got a 2017 Yamaha 1300 deluxe se (XVS13BGH) second hand with 3000K on it. It seems to have a lot of lash in the drive train. Is this normal? Still adjusting to it. Quite a change from the Venture. Got my 2002 Venture Midnight for sale now. Clive...are you still interested?
  5. It is pollen season here. Beautiful sunny warm weather, perfect for a ride. Take the cover off my shiny new black bike and find it is an ugly yellow. Spend a half hour cleaning it and go for a ride. Stop at the legion for a quick one and come out an hour later to find it is once again ugly yellow. Repeat again tomorrow. I suspect those darn Americans might be sending it up here as revenge for all the snow we give them.
  6. I am on the seafood diet. See food, eat food.
  7. Sailor

    Done deal

    I just compounded the crime. I just bought a Sig Sauer 22 semi auto. Got to wait for the right time to tell her. Oh! Right! There is no right time.
  8. Sailor

    Done deal

    That is what I am trying to tell the boss, it never happened, that bike out there is a figment of her imagination.
  9. Sailor

    Done deal

    Went and bought a new ( nearly) bike. At age 74 I found the Venture a bit heavy in the parking lot and at low speed. Bought a 2017 Yamaha 1300 Deluxe SE. It is second hand but only has 3000 kilometers on it which knocked $2000 off the price. Lighter and lower CG means I can keep riding. The yelling by She Who Must Be Obeyed only lasted a couple days. Now if only she would only let me back in the house, the dog is getting tired of me sharing his house. Better to beg forgiveness than permission.
  10. Bikes have an on/off switch.
  11. Sailor


    My son is getting my 02 Venture
  12. Sailor


    New ice age here. I went out and bought a Yamaha v star 1300 deluxe se. I pick it up tomorrow,if I am still alive. My son is buying the Venture.
  13. Sailor


    The guy I gave it to hardly ever rode it and decided to tear it down. I have no idea why. He has left the island and has given it back to me....in three boxes. It was actually 15 minutes Red Lion to Crofton and 5 minutes of sweating waiting for the cops to show up. Guess they missed the ferry. When I retire I decided I had made it this far so I should slow down and live a little longer.
  14. Sailor


    I don't have the mechanical skills, tools or place to work on it. I bought it brand new in Victoria. It had a sign on it "Out the door for four". I was so busy looking at it I walked right into their big main doors and shattered them. I just got a few small cuts but it scared the hell out of the staff, they thought a car had driven through the front of the store. I bought the bike for $ 4000.00 including tax and insurance. A few years later I came out of the Red Lion and had 20 minutes to make the ferry at Swartz bay. Instead in 20 minutes I made the ferry at Crofton with 5 minutes to spare. It was one of those extremely rare days when there was little traffic and I hit every light green. The light at Mill Bay was red and I thought I was going to have to stop so I slowed right down to what seemed to be a crawl. For the first time I looked at the speedo, I was still doing 220kph. The light turned green so I sped back up. I hit a radar trap going full bore at the top of the 'hat. I was long gone before he could even hit the ignition but that cop was after me for along time after. That kind of power and speed is addictive.
  15. Sailor


    For many years I had a Suzuki Madura 1200. In fact I just got it back but it is in pieces. It had a strong V4 with a 1/4 turn throttle. Top speed was limited to 150 MPH ( 250 Kph). I figured it was time to slow down so I got the Venture when I retired.
  16. Sailor


    I have to get a lighter bike and like the Yamaha 1300 but there is a Ducatti Diavel Dark for sale at the same price. 600 lbs and 165 HP are hard to resist but I wonder about reliability and expense. Has anyone here have experience with Ducatti and particularly with the Diavel?
  17. Blah's are about to be beat. We leave today for Sayulita Mexico for three weeks. It has been a mild but wet winter here. Lots of rain. Had about 2 inches of snow back before Christmas but it only lasted a day. Got an e-mail from a friend in Red Deer Alberta yesterday. -46 with the wind chill factor. -32 without. I'll take the rain.
  18. About 10 years ago I overheard two teenaged girls talking about this great new group they had just discovered. They were called the "Everly Brothers" I have Elvis, and others, on 78.
  19. Never give up. With my second bout of cancer the doctors gave me 18 months to live. Six years later I am still here driving Janet crazy. I got maximum treatments and it worked. Stay strong.
  20. Hey Flyin Fool, could you supercharge that machine enough to reach Australia? They could really use your help around Melbourne. 100+ temps, enough to melt the tar on the roads and raging fires.
  21. I am surprised that some PC moron hasn't decided that wishing for a white Christmas is racist.
  22. There is a lot of ethnic diversity here. With the exception of Islam no other religion has demanded we stop celebrating Christmas. It was the mindless minions of the politically correct that made that demand. I have noticed a lot more people are now saying Merry Christmas where they used to say Happy Holiday.
  23. You are not going to believe this one but it is true. Political correctness has gone over the top and Santa is under attack. There is a new children's book out which depicts Santa as a gay black man married to another guy. I have nothing against blacks or gays but leave Santa Clause alone!!!!! He is what he is.
  24. There is a good song out by Don Murdoch " It might be a holiday to you but it is Christmas to me".
  25. I have the Sons or Arthritis shirt. A girlfriend once had shirts made up. Mine said "Sailors enjoy a good blow" and hers said "Only Sailors get blown offshore". I had a shirt with two vultures on it. One saying to the other "patience be d***ed I am going to kill something". I have one which says "The liver is evil, it must be punished."
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