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Everything posted by Sailor

  1. Good read but I dispute the title. I don't feel motorcycles are inherently dangerous. It is the car drivers who are dangerous. I was giving an interview on local radio when I was asked that very question. My reply was to ask why climb a mountain? Why go sky diving? Why have a sailboat? Why own a beautiful painting? why listen to music?
  2. I have an 02 Ram 1500 4X4. I get the tires changed out each year. Summer/Winter tread. last time the shop told me I needed new ball joints. The truck has about 190,000 miles on it but there are no issues with the steering or suspension. No looseness or vibration. Not sure if I should change the joints out. I am on a very tight budget right now.
  3. Was in Alaska a couple years ago and the gas was half what it is here. Just got back from Tahiti and it is 1/2 the price there as it is here. What got me is that in both places the gas had to be brought in by boat. Here in B.C. we pay a fortune in " SIN TAX" . Basically anything the church goers don't approve of gets heavily taxed. Booze and cigarettes are very expensive. The politicians figure if you have a car they can tax you to death.
  4. $ 1.20/liter here today. $ 1.20X4=$ 4.80 imperial ( Canadian) gallon. $ 1.20X3= $ 3.60 US gallon ( approximately)
  5. I guess this time of the year someone can tell you to get stuffed and you will be happy to.
  6. Michelins for the cars/trucks, Avons for the bike. Jamesons and Kilkenny for myself. I don't want to mention Rum Ribs or Prime Rib , prawns or lobster cuz I know you all is gonna go crazy over food.
  7. I was sitting in a coffee shop years ago and watched as a guy backed his Mercedes Benz into my Austin Healy 3000 Mk III. No problem, we knew each other. He said that at least it was the classiest accident the island had ever seen.
  8. What have you got against Santa? Do you know how much that thing weighs? Would it even fit into his bag? I will be seeing Santa at the toy run this August and will ask him about it but I don't think you have much chance.
  9. Sorry Goose68, no can do. I am still trying to explain the 4X4, motorcycle, rat rod, motor home, sailboat and canoe.
  10. E&J is my favorite brandy. Good choice.
  11. I figure everyone needs a stable of bikes. A big cruiser, a sports bike, a crotch rocket, off road bike and then there is the one you just park because it is so darn purddy. No way are you going to find them all in one or even two bikes so don't expect to.
  12. Getting back to surveys and polls. We hired one well known outfit to find out public opinion on a subject. They asked us what we would like the poll to show. They said they could tweak it any way we want to get the results we want. I saw a poll put out by our management one time. You had a choice, their performance was good, very good or excellent....pick one.
  13. Yeh, just got to love those wasps. Got one inside my helmet on the side of my head. I was going down the highway smashing the heck out of the left side of my helmet trying to crush it. Got some strange looks from the car drivers passing me.
  14. Susanville is nice, and not too far away. Great riding weather in September.
  15. Great riding around Sedona. A little farther for us northern folk but very interesting area. We have gone to Vegas a few times. We enjoyed good food and the scenery. On our last trip we stayed for a week, could not get a decent meal, prices had gone sky high and service was non existent. We decided we would not return there. I enjoyed Cody and The Dalles. We returned from The Dalles via the coast road ( Hwy 1). Very enjoyable. In Canada I would vote for a return to Nelson.
  16. In Canada I would vote for Nelson BC again. Popular place so bookings would have to be early. Just a reminder that for us it would be a 30% surcharge to head south while you southern folk would gain 30% coming north. That being said I vote for anyplace interesting and not more than a couple days ride each way. I like the idea of a traveling meet. I know it is too far for most folk but Nanaimo on Vancouver Island offers some nice tours. Mt Washington, Port Alberni, Long Beach, Victoria, Parksville. Port Renfrew. There would also be the ferrys to contend with. I would suggest any southerners come up through Port Angeles.
  17. Here in Canada tomorrow is Remembrance Day. It is our version of Veterans Day. We have already had our Veterans Dinner last week and I am now off to give a speech at the school on what Remembrance Day is about.
  18. Every year we have a Veterans Day dinner at the Legion.
  19. Yep, getting older and the Venture is becoming a handful in the parking lot. I love the bike but I know I am going to have to downsize sometime soon. I looked at a V strom years ago and liked it. Might be time to take another look.
  20. We have a lot of deer here. I find that when there is light and shadow where I am riding giving a strobe effect using yellow glasses help. They cut the glare but you can still see in the shadow. Still waiting for someone to come up with a little gizmo that makes a sound like a hungry cougar.
  21. We have a huge population of deer here. I have never hit a deer in 40 years of riding. Must be because I don't have those things on the bike. I don't believe they work. Now a recording of a hungry cougar, that would work.
  22. Good for you!!!! Now when we go for a ride we won't have to stop every 30 minutes so you can light up. Stick with it. I went cold turkey too....but I was only 16 at the time.
  23. As per my finances at the time I was running the cheapest oil I could find.
  24. 1. Winterize the bike and rat rod and store them until spring 2. Get out the chains and drag a couple of 60 ft firs out of the woods so I can buck, split and stack for next winters firewood. 3. Try to dodge the wife's " Honey Do" list.
  25. We recently bought a 20' Chinook RV. It is our first. It is a '78 but in excellent condition and everything works. We bought it from the original owner this year with 90,000 miles on it. We wanted a smaller one because we wanted to get off the beaten path and you really don't want to be driving a huge road/gas hog through the mountains in BC. It is fully self contained and everything works. It is on a Dodge 300 chassis with dualys and a 360 2 bbl. We took it from Salt Spring BC to Edmonton AB and found the gas mileage on the flatlands was good but it really sucked in the mountains. I wanted a fiberglass model because I had heard lots of stories about hidden leaks in aluminum models. Around here anything in the 30' to 45' range is going cheap. Buy whatever suits your needs and don't be in a hurry to buy, there is always a better deal out there which you will hear about just after you buy. Buy what suits the traveling conditions, flatlands or mountains, long distance or short. most places have pump out stations, water and electricity. Having owned sailboats for many years it was easy for us to adjust to a smaller rv. To go from a house to an rv is a much bigger adjustment.
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