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Everything posted by Sailor

  1. A lot of great suggestions and while we enjoy locations south of the border Hurricane Janet and I are going to be on a tight budget for a while and considering the dollar we would favour someplace north of the border
  2. My wife's nickname is "She Who Must Be Obeyed" but that is kind of cumbersome so we just call her "Hurricane Janet"
  3. I was thinking of Mr Wonderful on the Dragons Den. I seem to have acquired the nick name KB which has followed me for years. Kind of boring. At the airport it was "Sarge" I gave myself "Sailor" as it was my vocation and avocation, besides, you have to have a sense of humour when some leather clad biker says " HI Sailor"
  4. Electric cars use batteries, lots and lots of expensive batteries which have to be changed every 5-7 years. Most plastics are petroleum based. If they run out of oil there are a lot more things to worry about than just cars, bikes, boats and airplanes. I think the internal combustion engine will keep getting smaller and relatively more powerful and there will be alternate fuels available. Unless it happens in the next ten years I am not worried.
  5. Shouldn't that be "Mr. Wonderful?
  6. I wish someone would make a law making it illegal for idiots to make laws.
  7. A year or two ago there was a scandal about TD misrepresenting car loans and ripping people off. I cannot remember the details now but I will never deal with TD on anything.
  8. I had the same problem with my 02. I found that if I had the radio or tape deck on and turned off the bike the battery would go dead in about 4-5 days. If I turned everything off first then turned off the bike the battery would keep its charge.
  9. We have a good ride here too. Got pics on the Saltspring Island toy run website and some vids on you tube. We do ours in august and that suit sure do get hot. We work with the food bank and Santa's Helpers to distribute the goods at Christmas. We got far too many stuffed animals so we tell people gift cards or cash is better. We found the most requested items were blankets, pillows, pajamas and winter clothing. For a small island we get a good turnout with about 120 bikes, mostly from off island.
  10. Orange juice is good but make sure it is the natural stuff. The reconstituted and condensed stuff is full of sugar.
  11. The first record I ever bought was by Pete Fountain. The second was Bill Haley and the Comets. I am still into blues, jazz and rock and roll.
  12. Tommy Makem and the Clancy Brothers. I like the sailing songs but also pretty much everything they do. Finnegans Wake Whiskey You're the Devil Redhaired Mary
  13. Pulled up in front of the coffee shop. My mind was elsewhere. Came to a stop. Slowly fell over. Had forgotten to put my foot down. Of course everyone in the café had a good laugh.
  14. We travel quite a bit to far away places and usually rent a car once we are there. I use google world to get the route and skim the road from the airport to our hotel then to various places we might want to go to. If there is a complicated intersection on the way ( eg. Manchester to Exeter-- 7 multilane high speed roundabouts..) and print it out so I can refer to the print and get in the proper lane in advance. Makes things way easier.
  15. When is the best possible time? If something doesn't break now and then we would have fewer posts and everything would go smoothly....boring.
  16. Stock up on chew toys and hide all your shoes.
  17. I had the same thing. Low potassium. Doc said eat a banana every day. Banana Daiquiris are good but I don't think that is what he meant. A banana a day keeps the cramps away.
  18. Christmas? You mean it is Christmas already? OMG! Time to scramble. Think man, think. What did I get her last year? Did she like it?
  19. You saying your wife makes foolish choices? Far be it from me to disagree.
  20. Larry1963. I like the way you think. I am turning 72 in a couple months and have to face the fact that the bike is getting a bit heavy for me but I am going to keep riding as long as I can. I have enjoyed meeting some of the people here and really enjoyed the rides I have been on with them. I keep telling my wife that we have to enjoy what we can while we can. When I am finally on my death bed I want to be able to say " I am glad I did" not "I wish I had".
  21. As us older members have to move on ( downsize) we will be passing our bikes on to new people who will likely join up here. Cards to pass out would be good. I have told many people about this site but I don't know how many remembered the address 5 minutes later.
  22. Throw a load of firewood, topsoil or gravel in the back, run them down a rutted dirt road, and you will have what I put them through.
  23. I don't join many clubs or sites. This is the only site I am on. I don't like facebook and refuse to use it. I don't even have a cell phone and don't want one. What I do want is to see this site kept the way it is. In all clubs the membership will fluctuate. Probably some of the dropouts are due to attrition. I like that people are free to post whatever comes up here, except politics or religion, those should remain private. I keep recommending this site to others and tell them it does not matter what you ride they will be welcome and meet a great bunch of people. There is a lot of information here and not just on bikes and all of it is welcome.
  24. When people ask me what it is like on a motorcycle I compare it to a sailboat. With a car you get inside, start it and go to your destination with little attention to what is outside. Sort of like a power boat. With a motorcycle you are more like a sailboat. You are out in the elements, you have to read and ride the waves and wind ( road). You have to be aware of, and allow for, weather conditions. You have to be awake and alert because if anything is going to happen it will happen fast. With a car or power boat the destination is the object. With a motorcycle or sailboat the journey is the object.
  25. A few years ago I was in England. I went to gas up the car and assumed the price listed was per gallon. Nope, it was per liter....Worked out to about $ 12.00 per gallon.
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