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Politically correct means you are constantly tip toeing across eggshells. If you can do it without breaking any you can be a politician. If you break any then the grenade under it goes off and you must grovel to the nearest female, whether you know her or not. If your spouse catches you grovelling to an unknown female she will wait for you to finish then the real punishment begins. Paddy likes to have a night out with the boys now and then. No matter how quiet he is his wife always catches him sneaking in and the riot starts. His friend, Finn, tells him he never has that problem. The secret is to come home, slam the door, stomp up the stairs, get into bed, smack the wife on the ass and tell her you are horny. It is guaranteed she will pretend to be asleep.
I saw a guy towing a multi use trailer with his bike. It was a an 8 foot fiberglass rowboat. He had a small outboard on it and could throw a tarp over it and sleep in it.
In my oh so humble opinion political correctness should be called by its proper name.......cowardliness. People are afraid to speak or act because there is a vague possibility it may offend some overly sensitive type somewhere who is looking for something to make a fuss over. A lot of these people who are afraid to speak or act become politicians. I am all for getting rid of offensive language and as people become more aware it dies out by itself but I will be darned if I will let someone that I am using a dirt removal and distribution unit when I am actually shoveling the you know what. I have a book on English slang in the 1800's. At that time if you told a woman she had a nice pair of tits she would be complimented, if you told her she had a nice pair of trotters you would get slapped. Tits were horses and you can guess what trotters were. The English language is constantly evolving and it does not need any help from politically correct trotters.
I am currently reading a book on Cambodia. It is "The road of lost innocence". It is by a Cambodian woman who details how 5 year old children are sold into slavery, 10 year old girls are sold into prostitution and it is going on today. Our native Americans had slaves before before the white man arrived. Slavery has existed for centuries in nearly every country. It is slowly being eliminated.
To top it off it was the middle of August and the cops would not let me in to clean it up as it was a "crime scene". They told me it would be a couple weeks. A couple days later they told me to go ahead as it was now an "accident scene". Less paperwork guess.
I had a cabin I used to rent out. One renter turned out to be bi polar and the voices told him to cut off his hand with a power saw, which he did in the kitchen. Fortunately he lived and they re attached the hand. Another renter had the water heater burst and did not tell me. Water flooded the whole cabin for a week before I found out. One prospective renter showed up with facial tattoos, a woman and four kids. He wanted the linoleum replaced in the kitchen, carpet replaced in the living room, the whole place re painted and then offered me half the rent I was asking for. I told him it was not ready to rent and I would call him when it was ready. Fortunately I lost his phone number so rented it to someone else. Two guys showed up wanting to rent it at 0900 totally blitzed. I told them I would let them know.
I would get a "Third and Final Notice" to pick up a parcel. I asked how come I got the third notice without ever getting the first or second. she said people ignore the first two so they just send out the third one.
First clue...single woman with 6 kids....run!! A friend of mine bought a duplex. He made a deal with the welfare people that they would send the rent cheques directly to him. The tenants left piles of garbage in the yard which attracted rats. They would call him to replace a light bulb. That was a one hour drive each way. He finally got the paperwork to evict them. eviction took a year. They took hammers to the walls and totally destroyed the interior. This was a woman and her daughter. After totally rebuilding the place and hauling daway6 truckloads of garbage he sold it.
Jimmy99 has it right. Keep a notepad and pen in plain view and make notes on everything. Calm and cool does it. I had a problem with an idiot boss who started harassing me. I kept a notepad and pen in my pocket and pulled them out and made notes every time he started on me. It only took a couple days before he went away.
Definitely report it to the school authorities and advise them if they do not take immediate action you will also report it to the police, then threaten to go public. The school authorities will take action, as soon as they quit s****ing themselves.
It is 103F in the shade on our deck. 90F in the house.
As a troglodyte Luddite all I can say is HUH?
My wife is " She Who Must be Obeyed".
I think it is in the Philippines that the ruler has declared open season on drug dealers. You are free to shoot them with no repercussions. The jails are now full of drug dealers who have turned themselves in rather than remain on the street. Drug use has dropped dramatically.
"If moma ain't happy ain't nobody happy". Buy flowers and come up with a name she might like. I don't recommend "shorty". " spike" as in spike heels might be a bit risky.
You cannot fix stupid because stupid people are too stupid to know how stupid they are. That is the short version of a survey I read that basically said stupid people do not realize they are stupid. It also said stupid people get promoted because a stupid boss does not recognize stupidity. It is frustrating but you just have to live with the fact that they are never going to change.
When something costs $ 2.50 I will give them a five and 50 cents then watch the total confusion as they try to work out the change.
Gosh! don't you guys know that cyclists are going to save the planet. That obviously gives them the right to completely ignore all traffic laws as they are above all that nonsense. I have watched cyclists blow through red lights and stop signs, ride the wrong way down one way streets, ride 3-4 abreast, ride down sidewalks using pedestrians as slalom markers, etc. They refuse to wear helmets as required by law. They never get ticketed or stopped. If you want to be impervious to the law, ride a bike. Once or twice a year a cyclist is injured. That is a miracle considering the way they ride. Around here a motorcyclist is killed nearly every month. The injured cyclist gets huge play in the media and the car driver is blamed regardless of what actually happened. The motorcyclist gets a small mention and is usually blamed regardless of what actually happened.
We had a power outage here one year. It affected the whole island. Everything closed except the Legion. We had lanterns, candles and the only cashiers who knew how to make change without assistance from the register.
Scripps-Booth also built mini cars using motorcycle engines.
I have an '02 midnight special. At first I found it a bit tall for me. Part of the problem was the wide seat at the front. I simply bought heavy duty boots with a good thick sole with a good tread on them. This helped and over time I now have no problem.
Gee Rick, you must be getting old. Next it will be a motorhome. Wait a minute, I have a motorhome. My son has grey hair and I am now a great grandfather. OMG! any day now I will start to feel old, but not just yet.
There is more to life than work. Congrats! I found the only problem with retiring is that I am now twice as busy as when I was working.
Sometimes it is just so simple. Found loose battery connection. I guess me shifting my weight everytime I moves the side stand made it seem like that was involved. Thanks for the help everyone.
Thanks. Going to start checking. If I can't find anything will have to take it to the dealer which means a ferry trip and most of a day waiting.