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uechi kid

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Everything posted by uechi kid

  1. This is what I bought (see below). I'd say if you don't feel that there is anything wrong with your clutch, don't change it. If you'd like a clutch that engages sooner and has a more positive feel, it's probably worth the $160 and about three hours of your time. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3763&title=second-genheavy-duty-clutch-spring-upgrade-kit-21&cat=22 http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3854&title=first-and-second-gen7-new-genuine-yamaha-clutch-friction-discs-21&cat=22
  2. I first noticed it slipping around 38k. Then last spring we went to Sedona (towing a trailer) and It really started slipping on hills. I have 44k now. One the best, easiest and restively inexpensive things I'v done to this bike. Thanks again to skydoc17 and freebird.
  3. I want to thank skydoc 17 for putting together a great up grade kit for the 2nd gen. I ordered my parts and received them in about three days (in spite of the bad weather back east). Thanks Earl. The job was simple and only took about 3 hours thanks to Freebird's tech tips. The new clutch feels real strong. Note: you really need an inch pounds torque wrench to torque the clutch spring bolts evenly.
  4. I'm in the middle of my first trip with a zumo 660. So far I'm very please with it's performance. I have been using an HD web site to to make custom maps and load them on the zumo. With one exception the maps have all been right on the money. Right now I'm not interested in using my cell while riding but it's nice to know it's possible with the Buddy Rich mod. I'm glad I spent the extra money on the 660.
  5. I can certainly see how that might be the logical assessment, I even thought that at first. But when I thought back and reviewed my procedure I reconsidered. When I removed the wheel I started on the right side and then did the left side. When I got the wheel off I left the tools on the left side until I returned from the dealer with my tire. Then I reversed the process starting on the left side and finishing on the right side. Unlikely that I forgot to torque them but, it is possible. I'm definitely not a professional mechanic but I was being careful and was referring to the torque specs as I went.
  6. Sorry, forgot to mention our results. Semiretired, thanks for asking. The lower bolt fell out and was lost. The upper bolt had backed out all the was but didn't fall out because of the reflector. Installed the upper bolt in the lower hole, went to ACE hardware, removed the one bolt I had left. Found a bolt with the same threads and length (but not an exact match). Bought a washer and some blue Loctite and reinstalled the bolts with a dab of Loctite. I also checked the other side to make sure the were tight and they are. It's Saturday night and we're still in Sedona and looking forward to seeing more of the area. I'm very thankful that we are alright and it was something I could fix on the road' and that we have dual front brakes. I've been thinking about doing the front brake up grade, I guess if my caliper might be damaged this might be a good time.
  7. How would one check the accuracy of a torque wrench? If that's a possibility I will replace it, but I think lock tight is going to be a part of every important bolt I tighten in the future.
  8. While on a trip from Nor*Cal to Sedona I had a caliper on the front fall off. Some how the bolts worked loose. Before the trip I replaced the front tire and I know for a fact that I torqued the bolts to spec. Anyone else have this happen? Also, is there any issue with using a dab of lock tight on the threads?
  9. After several months of trying to get a hold of Jason Ellis, I finally was able to speak with Danny Shockley, who is apparently the real owner. He agreed to send $200 for my time and materials to fix the things that were wrong with the trailer when I received it. I got his check, deposited it. When I know it's cleared, I'm going to delete my posts.
  10. I typically don't like taking liberties with the Star Spangled Banner, but I like this version.
  11. I seriously considered it but I had already put several days of work into fixing the axle issue which I did. In order to return it I would have to go through my credit card company, who said I have a valid claim against this company but the process could take several months. Then I would have to get Jason to make arrangements to pick the trailer up. There has been zero communication from him in the last month. Returning it seems like more work than keeping it and fixing the problems my self.
  12. So here's the update I bough the Escalade model about the time posting this thread. I spoke with the owner (Jason Ellis) told him and emailed him exactly what I wanted, I was specific as to color and no chrome trim. He said we would have our trailer in about a month. He said it would only be a week before the body went to the painter, it took 2 & 1/2 weeks before the painter got the trailer. Then, they painted it the wrong color, another week to figure out what they were going to do. It took two more weeks for the body with the correct color to get back to the trailer shop and then one more week before they shipped it and a week for it to get here. Don't go away, I'm not done. The day it gets here I unpack it and low and behold chrome trim. Then I begin to assemble it (attaching the axles to the frame and body to the frame). When I go to put the wheels on there are no lug nuts or center caps for the wheels. So down to the parts store to buy four lug nuts. I should mention that they also forgot to send the spare tire mounting hardware that as I type I still don't have. When we set the body on the frame, all the holes line up but with the front bolts in place and finger tight there is a gap in the back between the body and the frame of about an inch. No way to get the bolts through the frame. Then I notice (with all the frame and body holes lined up) that the left wheel touches the wheel well. I can't get the owner to answer my calls but a guy from the shop by the name of Thomas is now dealing with me but he has no authority to make any decisions, he has to clear everything with the owner. He, Thomas, wanted to send me a completely new trailer fully assembled but the owner said no. I spent several day working on a solution to the axle issue and gap in the rear. Wiring??? What a joke!!! When The owner was still talking to me he told me they use "standard 5 wire trailer color configuration". Not even close!!! It was all jacked up. And the paint, well the color's right but lets just say it looks like the guy painted it in his garage with no filtered ventilation. There are specks in the paint all over the place. If you took your car to a body shop and got this paint job, you'd be taking it back. I'll be calling the BBB as well and making a video to post on You Tube so there will be more information about this company out there to warn people about their poor products and really bad customer service.
  13. I guess I should ask the obvious, did you check and clean all of the connectors inside of the fairing. Mine was acting up, and after cleaning all of the connections and adding dielectric grease, it worked great.
  14. I'm looking for the color code for the pinstripes on an 08 RSV, the Black Cherry model. I can't seem to find it any where.
  15. I just heard back from you agent. She now says that the trailer will be listed as optional equipment and is covered. I think I need to change agents. This one doesn't seem to know much about how her own company's products work. Thanks for all the replies.
  16. WOW!!! That very inexpensive. Who do you have your insurance with?
  17. I'm not sure if this is the same company that I'm dealing with. Americasbesttrailers is in South Carolina and the owner is Jason Ellis. Nice trailer Jack. I guess you never found your other one.
  18. My agent is looking into it with an underwriter. It bugs me that my agent has never run across this before. If it's not covered I'm changing companies, for the bikes at least. I'll let you know on Monday.
  19. Annie, You might also look at cycletrader.com
  20. I just talked to my insurance agent (Allstate) and she told me that the bike wouldn't be covered when we tow a trail. Has anyone else had this issue?
  21. I was looking at your harness the other day. I will most likely order on. Thanks
  22. Thanks everyone. I think I'm going to order the Escalade. I'll let you know how thing turn out.
  23. They have great feed back on ebay but I have read some threads on the Gold wing sites that they don't make a good product and have bad customer service.
  24. We're thinking about buying a trailer from americasbesttrailers and was wondering if anyone has any experience with this company. We are looking at a fiberglass model, the Escalade. http://1motorcycletrailers.com/escaladefiberglassmotorcycletrailers.html Thanks
  25. I have been reading and listening to this debate for years and have come to the conclusion that, since there is no performance advantage to running a car tire on a motorcycle, and cost of the tire seems to be the only reason to Dark Side. I'm going to stay with a motorcycle tire on the motorcycle and car tire on the cars. I am also not going to waste any more energy on this subject. Too each his own.
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