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uechi kid

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Everything posted by uechi kid

  1. We just returned home from an eleven day trip to Glacier NP & Yellowstone NP. We had to ride through several thunder storms, not the first time, but this time I noticed that when the rain hits the windshield it just stays there. Even at 50 MPH it doesn't get blown off. It's like the windshield is in a pocket of air. I'm guessing that the shape of the fairing has something to do with the wind not touching the windshield, so is there a fix for this issue? I know there are products like Rain-X that help water bead off but is the wind doesn't get to the water on the windshield it can't blow it off.
  2. Heading that way next week. Glacier first then down to Cody.
  3. If you want factory new, here's a place. http://www.partzilla.com/parts/search/Yamaha/Motorcycle/2005/ROYAL+STAR+VENTURE+-+XVZ13TFT/FRONT+BRAKE+CALIPER/parts.html
  4. I'm guessing she bought you a malt extract kit and you're going to brew on the kitchen stove. If so, remember, after you add the hops a foam crust will develop on the boiling wort. You need to watch it closely. It can boil over very fast. My suggestion is to keep the wort just at a boil until the wort settles down. Boil overs are not fun to clean up and you lose some of your hops. The last thing you want to do with a Double IPA is lose any hops. Here is a great forum with great people, (like this forum) with a wealth of information. Good luck today. http://www.homebrewtalk.com/forum.php
  5. Just addressing the value aspect. KBB shows a retail value of $4555 and a trade in value of $$3130. These values don't take milage into consideration. there is a chart that shows how much to add or subtract for mileage. Sounds like a fair deal but it wouldn't hurt to try to negotiate. I really like our Venture. I would consider buying another one if something happened to this one. I have added a few extras along the way to make riding long distances more comfortable. Mic mutes were a must, it allows you to mute the intercom when no one is talking . Rear suspension "dog bones" for better handling. A fuse block for electronic accessories. Highway pegs to stretch my legs. I also did a front brake up grade this winter that made our Venture stop much better than the factory setup.
  6. I use the Harley Ride Planner. It's the only one that has worked well for me, I use a Mac and have the Garmin 660. It has a similar feel to Google Maps. Here's the link. http://rideplanner.harley-davidson.com/rideplanner/ridePlanner.jsp?showUserRoads=0&showGreatRoads=0&showDealers=0&showHotels=0&showEvents=0&showPlaces=0
  7. I always have a package of valve cores and a valve core tool in the saddle bag because I have read several times about this happening.
  8. That's too bad. There is still a chance that the House and Senate can over ride the Veto.
  9. OK W.V., time to contact your Governor and let him know you're Governor in favor of SB 347. If he doesn't hear from you the Bloomberg Bucks might win a veto. https://www.nraila.org/articles/20150319/west-virginia-four-pro-gun-bills-awaiting-governor-tomblins-signature
  10. From what I understand about this bill, it doesn't do away with the CCW permits it just allows you to carry concealed if you don't have a permit. The permit program will still be there. The advantage to getting a permit will be the pressiprosity with other states. I have an Arizona CCW and know that they haven't done away with them. They just don't require you to have one to carry concealed.
  11. We use the Zumo 660 with mic mute, no Buddy Rich adapter. It's worked very well for us with no problems. I also us this Harley site to create custom maps to upload to the 660. Ride Planner | Harley-Davidson USA
  12. I learned that many years ago when I replaced the clutch on a Chevy Blazer 4X4. That transmission and transfer case are really heavy and awkward to handle. The last thing I wanted to do is put the tranny a second time but I didn't replace the pressure plate the first time I had it apart. Well, that was the problem and I had to pull the tranny again. Dont feel bad. As was mentioned above, it will go much faster the second time.
  13. Allstate, fully covered, $495 per year. I just recently sent in a mileage verification. This was the first time I've had to do it for the bike. It's been required on our cars for years.
  14. His and hers Smith & Wesson Shields. 9mm.
  15. The web site won't let me take a look unless I register. I guess they don't want my money.
  16. You might check the Kawasaki forum for the opinions of some people that have been riding the V2K for a while. Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
  17. Waiting on some parts to upgrade my 2nd gen front brakes. I might also have Rick Butler redo my front seat.
  18. You can get the rear floor board covers from Partzilla for $9.92 each. It doesn't look like the come in a set. Yamaha Motorcycle Parts 2008 ROYAL STAR VENTURE (VERY DARK RED METALLIC 2 - BLACK METALLIC X) - XVZ13TFX STAND FOOTREST Diagram
  19. Name of Restaurant Road Trips Bar & Grill Street Address 24989 California 16 City Capay State or Province CA Website (Optional) http://www.roadtripbg.com Quality of Food Great Quality of Service Great Biker Friendly? (Parking, Trusted Location, Etc.) Yes Kind of Food? (Mexican, Chinese, etc.) American Diner Alcohol Served? Yes Additional Comments We have been to Road Trips numerous times and have alway been happy with the food and service. Besides having great food the thing that stands out about this restaurant is how clean it is. No dust on the ceiling fans or the ventilation ducts, and they go out of their way to keep the bathrooms clean. If you are in the area, you need to try Road Trips Bar & Grill.
  20. Maybe I'm wrong but I thought I read that when replacing the stator and R/R with a high output set the connections should be soldered.
  21. I had the exact same experience after going with the Rotella but my clutch continued to slip after ging back to Mobil 1. Did the Skydoc clutch job and am now only using Mobil 1. Strong clutch now! We tow a trailer with no issues.
  22. I use the J&M elites with no issues other than the upper cord needed to be replaced once.
  23. Yeah, 180 isn't likely until my next trip to Kauai. So if I'm think new calipers go with the least expensive of the two? I've been searching using the models and years in your email.
  24. Thanks. I did contact skydoc that's how I found out he no longer offers them. I got another email from him as I was posting my original questions that provide most of the answers. I have been looking at online retailers that sell new OEM parts. It appears that these are still available. The R6 calipers are about $50 cheaper than the R1. Is there any difference between the two?
  25. So I'm finally getting around to doing the R1 brake upgrade. I was going to buy the kit that skydoc sell but he no longer offers it. I've been searcher for information on which years the R1 calipers are compatible with the 2nd Gen RSV and are the R6 calipers the same or at least compatible? Thanks
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