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uechi kid

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Everything posted by uechi kid

  1. I made a templet for mounting brackets for HD mufflers. Now I just need to make the brackets.
  2. If you are talking about the big chrome clamps that are sold on eBay, I have a set that's been sitting on my work bench for the last six months. Thanks for the offer. As soon as I get the mufflers I will check to make sure the ones I have will work. If not l'll contact you.
  3. Thanks. I bit the bullet and ordered them.
  4. I know on one site they show these fit the Roadking.
  5. I've been thinking about swapping out my Barron mufflers for the V&H Monster Ovals. I see that there are several different models. Are these the ones that are compatible with the RSV (I am aware I need to make mounting brackets)? Vance & Hines - 16755 - Monster Oval Slip-Ons. Thanks
  6. I envy those of you that have such plentiful hunting. Here in CA it's not only near impossible to get a deer but the haters are doing everything they can to make hunting a thing of the past. Good luck to all of you and stay safe out there. Oh yeah, some pics would be cool.
  7. Late to the party (as usual). We have had Dish for about ten years with very few issues. I have look at other services but haven't found any that match cost and customer service. They do however seem to be a bit behind in the technology area.
  8. Hey Condor, if you have the part numbers for the speed bleeders handy it might make it less confusing for those interested to get the right ones. I couldn't find them in my records.
  9. Here is the information Skydoc sent me regarding this up grade. He used to sell an upgrade package that included SS lines. You don't need to change you master cylinder to greatly improve the front brakes. The Calipers you are looking for are from the 1999 to 2002 Yamaha R1, The 2000 to 2006 R6. These calipers are SIDE MOUNTED Calipers. You do not want the 4 piston TOP MOUNTED R1/R6 Calipers, nor do you want the TOP MOUNTED Radial 6 Piston Calipers from the late model R1 or the VMAX. There are NO brackets to be purchased. If you have the right Calipers, they are a direct bolt on fit.
  10. My Doctor and I struggled to get my blood pressure down as well. We tried several medication combinations. The combo that has worked the best is Lisinopril and Atenolol. They brought my blood pressure down pretty well but I was still above normal. Then I got a CPAP machine for sleep apnea and after using it for a few months my blood pressure dropped into the normal range and has been there for about eight years. Hang in there and keep working at it.
  11. Since this was originally posted I have had to make a repair to one of my saddlebags that had a really bad crack in it. I went to Tap Plastics and bought a piece of 1/16th inch ABS sheet, cut a template for where the repair needed to be made, cut the flat piece of ABS to match the template, heated the cut piece with a heat gun until pliable then pressed and held it where the repair would be. After the repair piece cooled I sanded the repair location in the saddlebag and the repair piece, cleaned both surfaces. I then applied a generous amount of ABS glue (that I bought at Lowes) to both surfaces then placed the repair piece over the crack and clamped it in place. I left it for 24 hours. Now, that repair is stronger than it was before the crack showed up. Unlike other types of glue, ABS adhesive welds two pieces of ABS together.
  12. WOW! Another eastern international rally. Tough for those of us on the west coast to make it out there.
  13. Thanks, that's just what I'm looking for. Did you add the O-rings if so do you remember what size they are. I ask because the pictures at Diamond R don't appear to have O-rings. Thanks again. Rich
  14. That would be much appreciated.
  15. I'm ready to buy the Diamond R passenger highway pegs but would like to see some better pics than are on their web site. They only show them in the extended position. I'd like to see them all the way back and possibly on a bike that doesn't have a chrome side cover. All that chrome makes it hard to really see them. Thanks.
  16. Carbon_one sells a wiring harness that minimizes the amount of wiring you will have to do. Well worth the small amount of money it costs.
  17. I also have a SpeedoDRD. Has been installed for about three years. About a year ago it stopped working properly so I recalibrated it but it still didn't work right. I called the company and they sent me a new one right away with an envelope and prepaid postage to return the bad one. Great customer service. Still works great.
  18. Go Figure. My color is...Very Dark Red Metallic, VDRM. So after you have remover the eyebrows you get better air flow over the windshield?
  19. @Condor Thanks for the suggestion Jack. Will you please elaborate about your personal experience removing the eyebrows. I don't have a problem removing them but if I'm going to have to deal with a color difference between the paint under the eyebrows and the rest of the fairing, I want to know that this is going to work. Thanks.
  20. Yeah, I've read that you should be looking over the windshield by about an inch but I like looking through the windshield. It gives me more protection from the elements, it's just that this one doesn't shed water.
  21. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that removing those chrome strips will change the aerodynamics of the fairing but I never would have thought of it. I'm guessing using a blow dryer to heat up the double sided tape will help get them to come off easier. Once they are off will there be a color difference from where they were and the rest of the fairing?
  22. Is there any distortion on the outside edges. I used to ride with a guy that bought an aftermarket windshield for his GW that had a 1" bend on the outside edge that caused distortion when looking through that part of the windshield. He said it was very distracting. I also thought he said it was from Clearview.
  23. I haven't experienced any issues with fogging up on the inside of the shield, but, I do most of my riding in California.
  24. They offer a discount if you mention you are a member of this forum. I just talked to them yesterday. I'm considering getting one also.
  25. So the Clearview windshield takes care of the issue of the wind not blowing water off the windshield?
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