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uechi kid

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Everything posted by uechi kid

  1. Now that would be a fully faired Tour Deluxe. With some extras.
  2. I agree with that 100%. Great people here.
  3. I just read some reviews on this tool and most said it didn't work well. Any other suggestions.
  4. Yesterday I took a look at my old engine analyzer and was wondering the same thing. I guess it's time to up grade some equipment.
  5. Had the same thing happen. The above posts are right on the money. I'd take it to the dealer and make him do it. It's under warrenty.
  6. WOW! I didn't buy my venture for it's blinding speed. I bought it because it was comfortable and has all the bells and whistles. If I was just looking for speed I'd have been satisfied with my Suzuki M95. Not to mention the M handles great. But I love the G2 Venture. Oh, and most of all so does the wife.
  7. Here is a thread at the Kawasaki forum about the V2K. http://www.kawasakimotorcycle.org/forum/kawasaki-cruisers/130415-still-happy-your-v2k.html
  8. I beleave that's carpe
  9. Before I bought the Venture I was going to pick up a good used V2K and make a bagger out of it. But I came across the Venture at a price I couldn't pass up so as they say "the rest is history". You can go to this site and get more information. http://www.kawasakimotorcycle.org/forum/kawasaki-cruisers/
  10. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H-OD6CFoDI&feature=related]YouTube- I'm My Own Grandpaw - Ray Stevens (Sims 2 Version)[/ame]
  11. WOW!! I'm sitting here scratching my head. I consistently get 42-44 mpg. Last weekend took a ride through the central valley, Yosemite to Mammoth lakes ridding two up with our luggage and got the above mileage. I have gone 180 miles before the light came on.
  12. Half helmets use a boom mic. http://www.jmcorp.com/SeeProducts.asp?PF=08 http://www.jmcorp.com/media/hdset_elite_a.jpg
  13. Oh Yeah!!! LMAO. That couldn't be more true.
  14. Hey guys I get it. An ounce of prevention is Worth a pound of cure. I'm trying to get some information about first aid after the people I ride with don't take care of them selves ahead of time. I just want everyone to get home safe.
  15. Thank you for all the great responses. I have always thought that good old H2O was the best to stay hydrated. Like the adage says, an once of prevention is worth a pound of cure. But what about re-hydration? Same thing? And you guys in the military are in top physical condition at an optimal age. I'm worried about 40, 50, 60 and sometimes 70 year olds that aren't in good shape in that heat trying to recover and get back on a bike to get home safely.
  16. The only reason I did the AIS block off was because I read it would stop the popping, not back fire. Before I sync the carbs I will pull out the plugs and put the AIS back to stock. I'm trying to learn as much as I can in as little time as possible. I'm never going to have 30 years of experience as a mechanic. That's why this place is so important to someone like me.
  17. LOL
  18. Let me say that I'm normally thick skinned. Something just struck me wrong. Sorry. So now I'm going to buy a carb sync tool and get busy. Thanks for all of the suggestions. Rich
  19. Last weekend our local Star group (Star 186) rode to Mammoth lakes for three days. The temperature while in Mammoth was great 82. But getting there and getting home was HOT 108. WE had a couple of people start to over heat even though they were drinking lots of water. And most of them were wearing cooling vests. The question is (and I know there are a lot of opinions but looking for medical facts), what is best for re-hydration? I had a road construction worker tell me that he drinks pedialyte instead of Gatorade. He said it keeps him hydrated better. Is there something else that works better. I want to start carrying something for this kind of situation.
  20. Are the Mira Cool vests made with water crystals like most of the bandannas are? Those water crystals stay hydrated for days.
  21. Thanks for the link. I was just re-certified for CPR and First Aid a couple of months ago.
  22. Actually, I was a little offended. If I wanted to get flamed I could just go over to wakeboarder.com and take some abuse by the 20 somethings. Like I've said before, I'm starting to do my own maintenance again because there are no dealers close by. The popping happens when getting off the freeway, going down hill. Pretty much any time I use the engine to slow the bike down. I never get popping at idle. If looking for an exhaust leak and a carb sync are the first things to do, then that's what I'll do. I will add some Seafoam this next tank seeing as how I have some here.
  23. Well I used the search feature and didn't find the answer. I know this subject has been covered. Like I said, I couldn't find much. Oh and hey, thanks for your sarcasm.
  24. I'm looking for a compact but comprehensive first aid kit for the Venture. I have one that's just to large 12"X 10"X 3". When my wife and I travel together that kit take up to much room. So what does everyone else have?
  25. I was doing some maintenance before going on a three day trip with our local Star group so while I was at it I blocked off the AIS with rubber plugs. I was hoping that the popping would be gone. It's the same as it was before. I guess I need to check for an exhaust leak. Will synchronizing the carbs help? Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
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