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uechi kid

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Everything posted by uechi kid

  1. Thanks everyone. I knew I could get the straight scoop here. You guys are great.
  2. I read it at a marine forum. They said that the dielectric grease is use to prevent moisture from getting in and since it's non-conductive can reduce the connections ability to transfer electricity.
  3. I just received my Mic Mutes the other day and I'm getting ready to install them. I've read that if you're going to split the fairing you might as well go through all the electric connections and make sure they are clean. I have also read that you should use dielectric grease to keep them from corroding. I have also read that you shouldn't get the grease on the connector pins just on the rubber boots. Any advice here would be appreciated. Thanks, Rich
  4. Does this cup holder have a quick release feature? I want to be able to remove it easily when my wife's not riding with me.
  5. Yeah well, the thing about this bill is that it won't allow you to install after market exhaust for any reason. Even if the new exhausts Db levels are under the legal limit. No exceptions. It's a bad law. Besides, there are already laws on the books that deal with noise levels of exhaust for all vehicles. They just need to start enforcing those laws. Here is a link to the AMA's page on this matter. And by the way. The AMA is against loud exhaust also. http://capwiz.com/amacycle/issues/alert/?alertid=16039911&queueid=
  6. If you are going to have six bikes communicate with each other you should go with a CB setup. I would recommend the J&M radios. The whole set up, radios, antennas and headsets aren't cheep but it's the best way for a group to communicate. And the have an intercom for ride/passenger communication.
  7. So are you guys adding this to each tank? If so what a pain in the A$$.
  8. Here in Cali, if you are a customer (you bought gas) they are required to let you have air and water for free. They don't always, but they are suppose to.
  9. Can you use an after market antenna? They are fairly inexpensive. Firestik make a real good one for under $30.
  10. It's still funny. :rotf:
  11. Here in California we have a mandatory helmet law. If I were to have my helmet stolen I'd be screwed. I wouldn't even be able to ride to the nearest bike shop. Not to mention the replacement cost (helmet and head set $600 +). If I'm walking away from my bike to where I can't see it, I lock the helmet. I'm the only one in the group of people that I ride with that locks up their helmet.
  12. Yes, I'm very interested in how simple it really is. I've seen a couple of interesting mod for this but nothing really jumped out at me. I look forward to your write up.
  13. I think about that every time I'm near a truck. Scary stuff. Glad to hear it missed you.
  14. Who really cares. Are you going to go out and buy a new Venture if they changed things up? I'm not. I like the one I have. You can't touch any other bike with the same feature (excluding the cassette) for the same price. These bikes are tried and true. They run great, have plenty of power and are very comfortable. Again, who really cares if you're not in the market for a new bike.
  15. Ya know, you mentioned Harley and Honda with the technological upgrades. You can't touch either one of those with the same equipment (excluding the cassette) for any where near $20,000. Every time someone tells me another bike is better for less, I start listing all the features on this bike and how much they cost (now) and they shut up. Yes Yamaha is behind the times in not making some changes. But who really cares. These bikes are tried and true. I love this bike.
  16. Found it.
  17. I can't find a link for a USA page. Anyone have the URL?
  18. Thanks Goose. That was very helpful. That's why I love this place. Great people that are willing to share and help each other.
  19. Ah ha. So that's what those are for. When you adjust the gauge to just a wiggle I'm assuming it doesn't change the needles position (value).
  20. I just synced my carbs with the new dial gauges I just bought. The dials bounce a lot when the engine is running. So what I looked for is where the dial peaked and set them to the peak. I hope that's correct.
  21. Uummm, integrated brakes on the Venture?
  22. I can't wear my hearing aids when I ride. I wear a FF helmet and I get feedback if I have them on. I do however pick up that nasty whine when the intercom is on. Drives me crazy. Mic Mutes are in my near future. Glad to hear you work the one out.
  23. Yeah, it's the simple things.
  24. How can I break my fellow rider out.
  25. Do you have a link or know what issue it's in?
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